This is a concise description of the entire API, explaining functions, data structures, registration templates & more. The core developers of minetest maintain it, changes going through a quality control process.

Minetest uses Lua scripts to provide modding support. This book aims to teach you how to create your own mods, starting from the basics. Each chapter focuses on a particular part of the API, and will soon get you making your own mods.

Where To Download Minetest Mods

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I am new to this game, I really like the idea of making a survival with mods, since that would do something similar but different from minecraft, I like the things to bring minetest, but there are no mobs, and I do not know what mods to add, which ones do they recommend?

I am new to minetest and came to it from a modding perspective as I can't stand modding minecraft as it seems so tedious. the node based workflow of minetest intrigues me and seems much simpler than fabric on minecraft,

After many requests MMC and MCMC have been updated to add a "install a mod" feature! MMC is Minetest Management Console and MCMC is Multicraft Management Console. Update your copy to get it. You now just need the URL for the mods github repo to install it and no longer worry about doing it in the shell. If you have any questions just ask!

And if that functionality is only achieved by mods, perhaps there's a modlist that shows you how to get an equivalent experience? My impression has always been that you can go far beyond the default Minecraft experience though, but I've not invested much time to see if that's true.

Minetest can host a server where you and your friends can share games and save work. But here we are going to play a local game in creative mode with no damages. You can create a world if there are no worlds. By clicking on New.

On Ubuntu, Minetest configurations are stored under users home folder - ~/.minetest. The mods are stored inside the mod folder i.e ~/.minetest/mods/ each mod will have its own folder under mods. Usually installing mod means copying the mod code to this folder. With expanded mods folder with two mods mod_1 and mod_2 this is how your ~/.minetest folder will look

Before you start writing your first mod, please do know all the mods are written in Lua Scripting language. It's easy to learn and code. You can try this 15 mins tutorial if you are short on time. With that let's start our first mod which is just an introduction of a new block type into the game.

We will create a new mod called 'thej', so start with creating a folder called 'thej' under mods folder, i.e ~/.minetest/mods/thej and then create a mod.conf file to define our mod. mod.conf is a simple key value configuration file. Add name, description and depends. Our module is dependent only on 'default' mod. The contents of mod.conf will look like this

on_left_click = minetest.item_eat(6) would be the correct usage, if (1) on_left_click was a property of the item definition and (2) you only wanted to heal by 6 HP. You want to also increase the speed though.

One of the most important parts of this validation system was good tooling. Icreated a simple web front-end that allowed you to find mods and see any problemsthat were preventing them from appearing in the app.

Another flaw is that the app was designed just for mods, and not for othercontent like games and texture packs. Towards the end, I started to work onextending the app to support games and texture packs - but I was never happywith the result, and so it never made it into a release.

Crosshair support for Android has been merged. Unlike desktop, Android defaults\nto punching/placing/digging where you tap. With this new feature, users can\nenable the crosshair to have an experience closer to desktop.

Crosshair support for Android has been merged. Unlike desktop, Android defaultsto punching/placing/digging where you tap. With this new feature, users canenable the crosshair to have an experience closer to desktop.

With a local build (RUN_IN_PLACE=1) path_share and path_user both point tothe build directory. For system-wide builds on Linux the share path is usually at/usr/share/minetest while the user path resides in .minetest in the home directory.Paths on other operating systems will differ.

Minetest is a free and open-source game creation system with focus on voxel graphics. It is written primarily in C++ and makes use of the Irrlicht Engine. Minetest provides an API for users to write their own games and mods written in Lua. It is cross-platform, being available for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, some BSD descendants, some GNU variants and Android.[7]

Minetest Game is a voxel sandbox video game.[10] Gameplay in this game for the Minetest engine[11] is in the first-person perspective by default, but players have the option for third-person perspective. The game world is composed of voxels: 3D objects, many of them simple cubes, commonly called "nodes". Different voxels represent various materials, such as dirt, stone, ores, tree trunks, water, and lava. The core gameplay revolves around picking up and placing these objects, one node at a time. Nodes are arranged in a 3D grid, while players can move smoothly around the world. Players can "mine" (or "dig") blocks and then "place" (or "build") them elsewhere, enabling them to modify the game world. Players can also craft a wide variety of hand-held tools to aid them with the world modification. Pick axes allow to dig rocky nodes, shovels speed up the digging of dirt and sand, water buckets allow to pick up water nodes, etc. A player controls a 3D character known as Sam, which is a recursive acronym for "Sam ain't Minecraft".[12]

The full source code of Minetest, and all of its artistic assets such as textures and sounds, are distributed under a variety of free licenses, making it easier[citation needed] to create modified versions and derivatives. The base version of Minetest provides an interface for games and mods written in Lua. Games define the basic rules of the game world, and are a core feature of Minetest. Most games feature sandbox gameplay focused on construction, mining, and creativity. Mods are used to further customize various aspects of gameplay, and are an inherent part of Minetest. Mods are server-side and work out of the box when playing on Internet servers, with no manual installation required.

There are over 1000 free and open-source mods available at Minetest forums. Since version 5.0.0, Minetest features a built-in content picker, allowing users to browse a curated list of add-ons and install mods and texture packs with a single click. Content is also available at Minetest's site ContentDB.

Perttu Ahola was the only developer working on the project for about six months, until Ciaran Gultnieks started making code contributions in May 2011.[15] The roster of contributors grew and changed over the years. As of July 2020, there are 9 active core developers and 15 active contributors. Project participants do not have set roles, but rather keep their activity within their respective areas of expertise. Perttu Ahola's role morphed over the years: whereas initially it was engine development, now it is mostly Web-hosting and administration, assigning core developer, moderator, and other roles to people, as well as being the final word in cases where other developers are unable to render a decision.[15] listed Minetest at #1 in its "Best open source games of 2015",[19] stating that it is maybe "the most complete alternative to Minecraft", and noted its expansibility, stating that it contains a user-friendly API for creating mods in Lua.[20] PC Magazine listed Minetest among "The best Sandbox Creation Games for Minecraft Fans".[21]

I really like what you're doing here, it certainly helps give the Nether more life. I'm looking forward to your full curseforge release. And of course I'll keep checking in on your project here. 

I do have a suggestion, and I mean no offense by it, but have you considered giving your mod a more unique name than "better nether" I only bring this up because, well, it's a little hard to find your mod. Like I had to go back through my history to get to this forum or something like that. And I think it would be a shame if your mod goes under the radar due to it being hard to find amongst all of the other "better" mods or all the youtube video's with "better nether" even though they aren't apart of the mods names. Like maybe even just toss your user name in it or something? "Paulev's Better Nether" I don't know, probably not important, just something I thought you might want to consider. 

Also quick question did you get the ghast nests structure idea from Grian? 

Because that would be dope to have those added. I really like his organic designs. 

(if anyone was curious about the cool ghost wisp soul sand partials where from in the eggplant video, they're added with the Better Foliage mod)

Sunconure11 I'm not really sure about what kind of support you're talking about. It's already basically supported, the biomes spawned by this mod can fit into the already existing biomes, and I think it does it quite well. Area's like the Ruthless Sands, can get biomes like the nether jungle and grasslands like to spawn there, but it also won't completely fill them either, so if you're worried about not having VAST area's of just empty plain soul sand, they'll still be around. One thing that NetherEx did is make like sub-blocks so all of their custom netherrack blocks are seen as just more netherrack, so things like the eye's can still spawn there, while it seems like they may spawn less there occasionally, but that could be completely anecdotal from what I've seen. Also biomes like the Arctic Abyss and the Fungi Forest don't really get effected too much by this mod(if the arctic,does at all), which I think works out great. I think the Fungi Forest can get like the hanging eyeballs to spawn in, but they seem like they usually spawn more sparsely for the most part. Again I think it works out very well, I think the mod def adds to NetherEx. The only support I could think of is being able it do minor adjustments to like where things spawn or something? Idk, like I said I haven't really noticed any problems.

And you're welcome, I'm glad to help, and put in a little bit of input. Thanks for putting in the effort to make something this nice paulevs. I actually typed this up like almost a week ago, but I didn't post it right away, and it got deleted, then I got too busy to retype it up till now. lol

I have also found a couple other bugs, nothing major tho. 

The ink bush seed can be place anywhere like a block, even on the ceiling. 

Another bug I found that's a bit unusual I have a mod that tells me what block I'm looking at(it's at the top left of fp screenshots) what mod or where it's from and like other information the block can have. but it doesn't show any information for a grown ink bush plant as if I'm looking in to the air, like it doesn't even show what's behind it or anything, and I've never seen that happen. Again, not game breaking.

I almost forgot, sometimes a reed will spawn, but then a flower takes it's space, leaving half the reed floating above the flower, sometimes it'll break instantly after loading cause it's not really attached to the ground, and sometimes it'll just stay there completely floating. And eyeballs can spawn like into the lava creating like holes in the lakes. 

What do you mean "it will make this mode analogue of OpenTerrainGenerator or TerrainControl"? Does your mod effect different terrain generators? what does it do to them? I use a couple of terrain generatiors, does it effect like certain ones or something?

And absolutely, I certainly don't mind the name. I was thinking it would be a shame if your mod somehow flew under general radar, especially if someone happens to do a showcase of it on something like youtube. But I don't think it should be much of a problem if any at all.

And that's awesome about the ghast nests, I mean I haven't seen your building's, but I like all of your designs for the blocks you've made. I'm sure you'll do great. I was almost thinking about making my own design and using another mod like, ruins, recurrent complex, or cave generator to spawn them in before seening you were wanting to make some. lol

Also I had one thing, then most important thing, I forgot to request for last time I posted a comment.

So the hanging eyeball plant things you have. Can you take like the water/lava dripping animation that happens from when you have a water, or lava block directly over a 1 block high ceiling? Can you take that, turn it blood red, and add it to the hanging eyeballs! It would be like it was RAINING BLOOD! where they grow in dense. lol, Like the small ones could drip the least while the large fully grown ones dripped the most. That would be so great. If there is one thing your mod needs, it's only that. lol, Ignore everything else I've ever said, if I can get eyeballs that drip blood off of them, please. lol

I really like your mushroom biome idea, and the medium-sized mushrooms design is super nice. Have you thought about adding in different texture designs for the medium mushrooms like multiple medium mushrooms? It would definitely be useful for getting other inks. I really like the color pallet you've been using for your reeds, stalagnates, and blue flowers, Idk, I just really like the blues, teals, purple items you've added to the nether it makes it look way better than just like red everything everywhere. lol, I think they would work really well with the mushrooms there. 2351a5e196

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