Lucius Malfoy (b. c. 1954) was a British pure-blood[2] wizard, the son of Abraxas Malfoy, husband of Narcissa Black, father of Draco Malfoy and paternal grandfather of Scorpius Malfoy. As well as a member of the Malfoy family. Lucius was educated at Hogwarts, where he was made a prefect in Slytherin House. As an adult, Lucius was an aristocratic wizard and patriarch of the Malfoy family, believing strongly in notions of blood purity and the superiority of pure-blood wizards. He joined the Death Eaters, who shared his views on blood purity, and participated in the First Wizarding War, becoming Voldemort's second-in-command. However, he was replaced by Bellatrix Lestrange in the Second Wizarding War.

Lucius Malfoy was born in 1953 or 1954 in Great Britain and raised in the lap of luxury at the ancestral home of Malfoy Manor in the county of Wiltshire in England; a magnificent mansion that had been in his family's possession for around a thousand years.[15] Historically rather well-known for their cast-iron belief in wizards' superiority over Muggles and espousal of pure-blood values, Lucius adopted the unfeigned contempt for the Muggle world of his elders from a young age and was encouraged to make friends 'of the right sort' when the time came for him to attend school, a sentiment Lucius would later follow to the point where he viewed those who openly associated themselves with Muggles to be a "disgrace to the name of wizard".[16]

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Lucius was educated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from around the year of 1965/1966 to 1972/1973, once there, he honoured his family's tradition of being Sorted into Slytherin House, a place where many other like-minded young idealists were often found.[18] It was during this time that he first met his future wife, a proud member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black; one of the most prominent pure-blooded wizarding families in Great Britain, and, like the Malfoys, one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

Lucius's arrival at school coincided with a recent increase in Dark magical activity throughout Great Britain; while few knew what lay behind the mounting attacks and sightings, the truth was finally revealed in the form of a Dark wizard of immense power. But whereas Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters were swiftly becoming a source of widespread fear by a most of his own kind, Lucius, on the other hand, found himself rather agreeing with their views regarding the treatment that the non-magical community deserved.

In doing so, Lucius also officially assumed both the patriarchy of the Malfoy family, ownership of their house-elf, Dobby, and gained the possession of a prized family heirloom that had been passed down for many generations.[24] This, he began to carrying around with him, both as a status symbol and as a replacement for his original wand. Heir apparent to a long line of wily beneficiaries of political patronage in the magical community, Lucius also wasted little time in carrying on the family tradition of frequenting the headquarters of the Ministry of Magic in London, where he successfully used his family name and fortune to curry favour with a number of high-ranking Ministry officials, and became a very well-connected man.[1]

When, however, by then fellow Death Eater and spy for the Dark Lord, Severus Snape, revealed that he had eavesdropped on a job interview between Albus Dumbledore and a prospective Divination Professor by the name of Sybill Trelawney at the Hog's Head Inn and learned of a foretelling of their Master's downfall,[34] Lord Voldemort concluded that Harry Potter were the child who had been prophesied to bring about his destruction and subsequently marked the Potters for death shortly afterwards. Securely hidden by the powerful Fidelius Charm, however, it was only when one of their own friends and Secret Keeper, Peter Pettigrew, joined them out of fear and disclosed their whereabouts that this new enemy could be dealt with.

As the time of Draco's magical education grew ever closer, Lucius informed his wife that it was his wish for their son to attend Durmstrang Institute, where Karkaroff now was Headmaster. The school did not allow Muggle-borns to attend, and it was also argued that Durmstrang took a 'far more sensible line' about the Dark Arts than Hogwarts, which was still headed by Albus Dumbledore, whom Lucius held in no higher regard after the war than he had during it for the man's advocacy for Muggle rights and other values that went against their own. His wife, on the other hand, did not like the idea of Draco going to school so far away; thus they decided that he would go to Hogwarts after all.[37]

During the inspection, Lucius's wand went missing.[41] He refused to leave without it and initially blamed the theft on their house-elf Dobby, as the perpetrator knew Lucius kept his wand inside his walking stick, which wasn't common knowledge. Jacob's sibling investigated and discovered that Draco had taken his father's wand, as he was too young to have his own and wanted to perform magic after seeing Merula perform the Jelly-Legs Curse on Jacob's sibling. They successfully convinced Draco to tell them where the wand was, and returned it to Lucius.[42]

After discovering R's intention of clearing the British Ministry of Magic of corruption via mind control, Jacob's sibling met with the Circle of Khanna to discuss the moral ethics of such mechanisms. During this discussion, Tulip Karasu, who was leaning in favour of it being a situation where 'the ends justified the means', brought up Lucius Malfoy while noting how being rich and powerful gave a wizard a good chance of worming their way out of the Ministry's bad books, telling Corey when they objected to this statement that her mother and father had never believed Lucius's claims of acting under the Imperius Curse, feeling Lucius had only escaped justice because he was of his family's status in the wizarding community.[43]

Early this school year, Lucius bought the whole Slytherin Quidditch team Nimbus 2001 broomsticks. The Nimbus 2001 was an highly advanced broom and the top of the line, therefore his gift was very expensive. He did this as bribe in order to get Draco instated as the team's Seeker.[46] He was present at the match where Harry was being chased by a rogue Bludger.[47]

When Bellatrix wanted to kill Harry Potter during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Lucius restrained her. After the battle, Bellatrix told Narcissa that it was Lucius's fault that she couldn't give Voldemort the Prophecy. When Draco was made a Death Eater, she trained Draco herself In 1997, Bellatrix stayed with Lucius at his house, as she wanted to come closer to Voldemort, who was also staying there. Bellatrix and Lucius also fought together during the skirmish at Malfoy Manor, where they argued about who would call Voldemort when they caught Harry Potter. During the Battle of Hogwarts, Bellatrix was eventually killed by Molly Weasley, although Lucius's reaction to her death is unknown.

In 1995, Lucius returned to Voldemort, but Fudge denied Voldemort's rebirth and insisted that Malfoy had switched sides, and the wealthy Malfoy continued to work with the Ministry. They met after Harry Potter's disciplinary hearing and went upstairs to Fudge's office, where Harry suspected Lucius gave gold to Fudge. Malfoy's frequent visits to Fudge also may have given him opportunity to put Ministry workers (such as Broderick Bode and Sturgis Podmore) under the Imperius Curse to attempt to steal a prophecy concerning Harry and Voldemort.[28]

Lucius, who grew up in Grant, Minnesota, just outside of St. Paul, had a unique opportunity when he first started high school. His parents, Chuck and Tami, are the founders of Gentry Academy, where Lucius went to high school and played hockey.

I want a sequel to Thermae Romae where Lucius Modestus is transported to the Ottoman Empire, is initially extremely hostile to everybody and everything upon learning about Turkish conquest of the Eastern Roman Empire, but then chills out once he tries their baths.

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Two of his more personally significant games were very early in his freshman year. The first game of the season was against No. 2 Notre Dame on national TV. (This was before there were multitudes of TV games every week, back when national TV was a big deal.) It was this game where Lucius said he really "felt like I belonged, like I could play on this level." Two weeks later came Pitt, featuring Tony Dorsett, and one of Sanford's best friend from high school.

Today Lucius Sanford can be found back at the Georgia Tech Athletic Association where he holds two positions: Executive Director of the Letterman's Club and Associate Director of Development Athletics.

Class Notes - February 11, 1998'17 - '19 '20s '30s '40s'50s '60s '70s'80s '90s Graduate SchoolClass notes featuresLucius Wilmerding '27 survives armed carjackingMartha McCully '82 tells American women how to be beautifulService Points: Kathy Goetz Wolf '83, Demetri Coupounas '88 and Kim Riether Coupounas '89, D.S. Pensley '92, Eric Westendorf '94

Lucius Wilmerding '27 survives armed carjacking

His longtime friend, class secretary Curtin Winsor '27 reports on the event 

LAST NOVEMBER 6, just as Lucius Wilmerding '27 was about to drive his friend Noelle Veitch to a family dinner party for his granddaughter at the Nassau Club in Princeton, they were carjacked and became involved in a fatal bank robbery that was featured by most newspapers and several television news programs on the East Coast. Lucius's assailant was one of the three bank robbers; he had just crashed his getaway car while fleeing the scene of the robbery of $140,000 from the Princeton branch of the Sovereign Bank.

A repairman for the bank's automated teller machine who arrived on the scene as the robbery was taking place saw a teller in the bank's lobby with her hands tied. He called the police. Officers responding to the call entered the bank and encountered a robber, who threatened the bound teller with a 22-magnum pistol. The officers, who had just returned from target practice at a firing range, shot the robber, killing him instantly. 

News articles reported that the remaining robber fled with another hostage and met up with an accomplice in the parking lot behind the bank. Racing from the scene, the two crashed their car into a stone wall about one mile north of Nassau Street and one block from where Lucius was escorting his friend to the car. The two robbers separated on foot, leaving their hostage in the wrecked car.

Brandishing a machine pistol, one of the robbers encountered Lucius at his friend's home. When the gunman burst into the rear seat of Lucius's car, Noelle Veitch astutely jumped out of the car's front seat, ran back into her home, and called the police. The gunman climbed into the front seat of the car and ordered Wilmerding to drive back up Witherspoon Street as fast as possible--at over 70 m.p.h. Lucius, angered by his assailant's rudeness, hit the brakes, whereupon the gunman stamped on the accelerator and threatened to kill him. 

Wilmerding, an eminent historian, responded by quoting Admiral Dewey at Manila Bay: "You may fire when ready, Gridley." This historical allusion fortunately was missed by the gunman, who pistol-whipped Lucius across the face and threw him out of the car near Forer's Drug Store, located close to the Princeton Medical Center.

Lucius received a black eye from the pistol-whipping and a concussion when his head struck the pavement. He was hospitalized for three days, with a minor skull fracture and abrasions on his arm. Curiously, his assailant also threw Lucius's cane out of the car. Now, Lucius says he feels "pretty much back to normal, bothered only by occasional bouts of double vision." In December he made a trip to England to meet with some wartime friends.

Lucius modestly defers credit for resisting the carjacking to his friend Noelle, who called the police after jumping from the car. After his ejection from the car, he was assisted by two young people named Doug and Susan, who called an ambulance to take him to the hospital.

The assailant was apprehended in New York City two weeks after the incident and remains in custody. He left $10,000 of his loot in Lucius's station wagon, after hastily abandoning it in downtown Princeton.

One of the Class of 1927's most original characters, Lucius as an undergraduate was a member of the varsity chess club, which suggests a clearheaded thinker. His subsequent career included 10 years of distinguished service with the Treasury Department, work for the city of New York, and service as a naval staff officer in England during World War II. He later taught at the Army/Navy staff college.

A prolific writer and a nationally recognized authority on the origins of the Constitution, Lucius, following the war, became a fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study. His book The Spending Power, originally published by Anchor Press in 1971, was recently reissued.

Two hip replacements some years ago enabled him to continue his active lifestyle. His wife of 66 years, Jane Mather, died in 1995. She was the adopted daughter of New York Times columnist Walter Lippman, with whom Lucius coauthored several articles.

Following the carjacking, Lucius's press coverage and celebrity status were such that his son, Lucius '52, reportedly had to station a guard by his hospital door to protect him from the media onslaught. I've known him for nearly 75 years, and the courage and quick wit he showed on that night last November are completely in character.

--Curtin Winsor '27Martha McCully '82 tells American women how to be beautiful

Laser hair removal, botulism injections, cellulite suctions--all in a day's work 

SOME SAY that beauty is truth; others contend that it's knowing the right plastic surgeon. There are those who think beauty is a joy forever, and those who believe it grows familiar and fades. But no one, anywhere, feels that beauty has anything to do with cellulite. Here's a sampler of thoughts on the topic, gleaned from centuries of literature: beauty is its own excuse for being; it makes the heart break; it's a silent deceit; it's unbearable; it's skin deep; it's in the eye of the beholder; it drives us to despair; it's a gift of God; it's a fatal gift. A quick glance through Allure, the beauty and fashion magazine, provides a much more concrete idea of beauty: it's shiny hair and unwrinkled skin and sculpted eyebrows and smooth nails and a hard body. 

Not quite, says Martha McCully '82, Allure's beauty director. "It's the relationship between our appearance and ourselves, the positive emotional feeling that is associated with appearance," she says.

 Positive emotional feeling? About one's appearance? But isn't the success of Allure and other beauty magazines dependent on negative feelings about appearance? Aren't we all neurotic cesspools of said emotion? Isn't that negativity a large part of what being an American woman in the '90s is all about? Well, yes, McCully says, but that's not the way it should be, and that's not what Allure is about. "The negative energy women spend on berating themselves because they're not perfect is a crime," she says. "Women dwell on these things and prevent themselves from having a life."

 McCully, who's commented on beauty-related issues in television appearances on programs including Oprah, Good Morning America, and The Today Show, feels that most beauty magazines tell women that there's a "right" way to look, and "you just can't live up to them." But Allure's approach is different, she says. "What we do is put out a lot of options and resources and help women explore what is right for them, not what is right for us. Whether it's something as stupid as a lipstick shade or as serious as reconstructive surgery, I feel that if women can feel better about themselves, then we've accomplished something." 

 Giving women the options--letting them know what's new, what's good, and what's a sham in the beauty business--requires a lot of behind-the-scenes work. No beauty product makes it to the pages of Allure without first gracing the applicable part of McCully's body. She's had the hair on her legs removed by a laser (yes, it hurt, and no, it didn't work any of the three times she tried it), a strain of botulism was injected into her forehead (it paralyzes the muscles, which reduces wrinkles), her cellulite was suctioned by a vacuum-like device applied to the skin (it's a procedure from France, okay?), she's been subjected to a cellulite massage ("it hurts so much you're basically screaming"), she's been covered with mud and then wrapped in plastic and then brushed with a doormat-like object, and her body has been slathered with salts and with oatmeal. 

"I enjoy it all," says McCully. "I always have high hopes."

 Now, how many of you can say that about your jobs? Bring on the botulism. Line forms to the right.

 In addition to testing the products and meeting with the cosmetic companies to keep abreast of what's new, McCully produces Allure's beauty stories and oversees the stories on trends as well as the columns on fitness and eating.

 McCully has been on Allure's staff since the publication was founded, in 1990 (the first issue was March 1991). Prior to that, she was the marketing services director for GQ, which, like Allure, is a Cond&eacute Nast publication. She began working for GQ right after graduating from Princeton, where she studied chemistry for two years before switching her major to art history. 

Her career today still reflects the variety of her interests. In addition to her job at Allure, she's writing a book about the homocysteine theory of heart disease with her father, Kilmer McCully, the doctor who developed the theory, which maintains that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease, but a symptom of it. Other projects include renovating a house in the Hamptons and being on the board of the New York City theater group Naked Angels. "I've always felt like one job is not enough," she says, describing what sounds like a frenetically busy schedule, in which "there are never enough hours in the day." 

Conclusion? Allure's beauty director can't possibly be getting enough beauty sleep. But she's certainly getting on with her life, which is exactly the message she's trying to convey to Allure's readers. 

--Andrea Gollin '88Service Points

Family services agency

Helping families, especially those in crisis, is the primary goal of Family Resource Coalition of America, headquartered in Chicago. KATHY GOETZ WOLF '83, the coalition's associate executive director for communications and marketing, recently wrote the text for Pursuing the Dream, a book of photographs by Stephen Shames that documents more than 27 families across the country who are aided by various social-service programs. The book is copublished by the coalition and the Aperture Foundation with the hope that its images will heighten the public's awareness of the need to help poor and broken families. Wolf, who majored in anthropology, came to the coalition in 1991 after stints in advertising and publishing. Concurrent with the book's publication is a traveling show of Shames's photographs.

Family Resource Coalition, 200 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60604; 312-338-0900.Deficit reduction climb

Last June 25, DEMETRI COUPOUNAS '88 and KIM RIETHER COUPOUNAS '89 climbed North America's highest peak, the 20,320-foot Denali (Mt. McKinley). The Coupounases, who called their expedition the Zero Deficit Climb, hoped to raise awareness about the national debt, which at the time stood at $20,320 per citizen, or one dollar for every foot of the mountain's height. Demetri is policy director of the Concord Coalition, a nonpartisan organization founded by Senators Warren Rudman and the late Paul Tsongas that works to eliminate the country's deficit. Kim is an instructor for Outward Bound, an adventure-education program. In scaling Denali, they became the second couple to climb to the highest point in all 50 states. 

Concord Coalition, 1019 19th St. NW, Washington, DC 20036; 202-467-6222; houses in Alaska

DANIELLE "D. S." PENSLEY '92, who lives in a log house near Fairbanks, Alaska, is in the initial stages of a three-year project called Above the Ice Fog to build 10 affordable housing units for qualified residents of Fairbanks. "I see housing as the core of what we are," says Pensley, who has always been interested in domicile issues and wrote her thesis for the Woodrow Wilson School on a socialist housing development in East Berlin. Her current project, which is ambitious because of the need to buy land, build infrastructure, and erect houses that reflect Alaskan architecture, is supported in part by Echoing Green, an environmental foundation in New York City. The Drucker Foundation, a philanthropy also in New York, provides a fellowship to Pensley that enables her to attend conferences with other leaders from the nonprofit sector. 

After Princeton, Pensley worked as a VISTA volunteer in Seattle, where she was involved in housing issues. From Seattle, she moved to Alaska, about which she says, "Here I am in the backwaters, a million miles from nowhere. But Alaska gives anyone a chance to do anything."

Above the Ice Fog, P.O. Box 258, Ester, Alaska 99725; 907-451-7230;

Improving a school

As assistant principal in charge of finance and development at St. Joseph of the Holy Family School, in New York City, ERIC WESTENDORF '94 works with the advisory board he created to raise money for the school. As a teacher of a course for eighth graders called Facing History and Ourselves, he prods his students to look at the history of the Holocaust. "The big question when I introduced the course was relevance," he says. "The students would ask, 'Why are we learning about German history? Why aren't we learning about African history?' But after I created a museum that included photographs of concentration camps, the problem came alive for them. My hope is that they continue to ask the questions and relate it to their lives in America today.

"I see my work as community building," adds Westendorf, who majored in the Woodrow Wilson School and wrote his thesis on community organizing. Placed at St. Joseph's as part of a Princeton Project 55 fellowship, he is in his second and final year at the school, whose students are largely African American and non-Catholic. Besides setting up the advisory board that raised money to replace the school's roof, Westendorf reformed St. Joseph's accounting system, reawakened alumni to its mission and needs, raised $60,000 for computers, and overhauled the after-school program. 

St. Joseph of the Holy Family, 168 Morningside Ave., New York, NY 10027; 212-662-1736.


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