Angry Birds Universe: The Art & Science Behind a Global Phenomenon, produced by Imagine Exhibitions in partnership with Rovio and JRA takes visitors on a wild educational adventure by creating an immersive environment where Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) topics are taught in playful, engaging environments! "Be the bird" in this globally recognized, fully immersive blockbuster exhibition!

I'm not sure but considering that quite a few .lua files are inside the angry bird app folder, I'd say they used LUA at some aspects.But from what I've heard, LUA isn't a primary language, just something to script with.That said, I'm not a obj-c programmer either, so take my word with a grain of salt.

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Additional unique Angry Birds-themed elements include nest-like wicker and hanging chairs, bird paradise graphic wall coverings, and tropical plants on the shelving units where hatchlings, the baby birds wander around. A glass-partitioned exhibition display is home to custom-decorated seasonal holiday cakes and pastries.

Unlike Piggy Island, Bird Island is a smaller, more natural island. Much of it is filled with dense plant life. Most of its namesake inhabitants live in a large village situated at its edge, where a beach is also nearby. There are also other birds who live in remote areas of the island (such as Edward, Eva and Timothy).

The island's biomes are prairies and rainforests, with some regions of jungles being mainly made of large trees with blue or red flowers, adding more color to it. Bird Island and Piggy Island are close to each other as both the birds and the pigs were able to sail for a short period of time to Piggy Island.

A very long time before the events of The Angry Birds Movie, the first birds settled here. Over time, they grew and the island became more populated. The island was then civilized, with things like a daycare, a court, and other areas. On the highest point of the island, the legendary Mighty Eagle lives in his cave.

A pig named Leonard discovered the island, disembarking from The Porkchop Express, a naval vessel. He also held many other pigs. Eventually, three residents of the island, Red, Chuck, and Bomb grew suspicious on them and met with Mighty Eagle. The last day of the expedition marked the beginning of the Great Egg War. On the last day of their visit, the pigs threw a huge dance party and introduced the slingshot. Meanwhile, the other pigs began stealing the birds' offspring, in order to eat them. Various ground vehicles were driven on the island with TNT scattered across the land, and the Mighty Eagle Statue was destroyed. The eggs were stolen, then brought to Piggy Island. Eventually, dozens of birds then ventured to Piggy Island then fought in a violent battle, and retrieving most of their eggs. However, the pigs had more plans to steal the eggs, causing the war to escalate.[1]

After the Pigs arrived on Birds Island, Red, Chuck, Bomb and Terence came to Palm District one day under Matilda's direction for a session of "Paint Your Pain", part of the anger management curriculum that they are required to take as part of their sentence for their criminal, angry behavior.

While Red was serving his sentence for getting too angry, the Pigs arrived at the island aboard their capital ship, The Porkchop Express, landing at the beach as a port of entry. Their arrival drew the attention of the entire flock, but Red is devastated to see the Express dropping her anchor right upon his house, smashing a good chunk out of it. The Pigs then established the first contact with the birds at the beach, before engaging in festivities celebrating their welcome and arrival deeper in the mainland.

During these festivities, when the Slingshot was demonstrated, Red was hurled onto the beach, where he discovered an opportunity to investigate the Express, calling his friends Chuck and Bomb to join him, and the three together discovered suspicious things aboard her. The Pigs also began setting up umbrella ziplines at the beach in preparation for their grand scheme to steal the Birds' eggs and made good on their plans not long after. Red and Bomb's attempts to stop the Pigs as they escaped with the eggs ended in vain, as the Pigs catapulted the Mighty Eagle statue right onto them, almost hitting them.

The day after the raid, the flock congregated on the beach where the pigs departed to reflect on the Pigs' evil deed and come up with a plan for a counterattack, then initiated it by launching a makeshift raft made out of TNT crates to reach Piggy Island.

After the battle, Red's house, which was once on the shorelines, was relocated deeper into the village. As the war between the birds and pigs continued, the village expanded and a slingshot transit network was established to provide rapid access to every area, with one of such transit slingshots installed at the beach to provide a quick exit back into further parts of the village. Red, Chuck, and Bomb would dutifully patrol this beach during this time, watching for any attacks from the Pigs. There, they later engaged the Pigs in a Prank War, putting the transit slingshot out of service and using it as a turret to counter the Pigs' long-distance prank attacks coming straight from their own shorelines.

I was given a Peterson Field Guide to Birds when I was seven years old and snapped, I love birds, it\u2019s just the way I'm wired. Since 1997, I've made it my goal to get paid to go birding. I'm an international professional speaker and storyteller, wrote the books Disapproving Rabbits, City Birds/Country Birds and 1001 Secrets Every Birder Should Know and I'm #32 in the Geek A Week Trading Card set. I also work part-time as a National Park Ranger. When I'm not digiscoping or banding birds, I'm an award-winning beekeeper.

But Angry Birds was sweeping that nation and as a die hard birder how could I not test it out? I waited until I didn't have hard deadlines and started playing it. The premise is that green pigs have stolen the birds' eggs and the birds launch an all out attack to annihilate the pigs. In turn, the pigs build elaborate forts and put on armor to guard against the furious birds hell bent on destruction. Kind of based in reality...wild boars would eat bird eggs if they found them...but I don't see any wild birds with the ability to explode and take down a fort of glass, rock and wood. You use a slingshot to launch the birds at the pigs and different birds have different abilities. Physics actually plays a part in the game as to how you launch the birds.

As I played the game, I tried to identify the birds. I wondered...what real birds are the Angry Birds based on? Here' my opinion, how does it compare with your thoughts on the id of the Angry Birds? Some are easy:

The Red Angry Bird is a Northern Cardinal--that's a total no brainer and makes sense. Having had more than one cardinal in my hand, that hard beak is no lie. They are truly angry birds and capable of nasty bites.

The Yellow Angry Bird is an American Goldfinch. In the game, it's special ability is to have sudden short bursts of speed. This would be something more suited to a Cooper's Hawk or Sharp-shinned Hawk but that's not as funny as tiny cute bird being angry and taking out big green pigs.

The Blue Angry Bird (that morphs into a flock of three birds when tapped) has been vexing me. It's tiny and all blue, so that makes me think Indigo Bunting...but that's the wrong shade of blue. Could it be a Mountain Bluebird? Or do we need to look at birds outside of North America and could it be an African Blue Flycatcher? It does have a slight crest and that is about the same color of blue. This bird's special ability is to break out into three birds when you tap the screen after launching it.

I think the Black Angry bird that explodes is based on a myna bird, most specifically, the Crested Myna. Look at the color scheme between the two. The Angry Birds version is more stylized but you can see the the little crest and the red and yellow. I think there might be some elements of the Common Hill Myna in there too. And that's a family of birds that always kind of looks angry anyway. Good thing the real life ones do not explode, it would make keeping them as pets incredibly dangerous.

The Green Angry Bird which acts like a boomerang in the game has got to be Emerald Toucanet, a bird that I've seen in Panama and Guatemala. Although, I didn't see actually do anything remotely boomerang like. But compared to the other birds in the game, it's smaller--like the toucanet and has a giant schnoz...or beak.

So those are my thoughts of the Angry about you? Do you agree with the id? Incidentally, I linked to a trailer earlier for the movie Rio. Word from the producers is that an Angry Birds version of the birds in the movie will be coming so you can fling Spix Macaws, Red-crested Cardinals, Canaries and perhaps a Keel-billed Toucan. What really cool is that the game touches on the issue of illegal trapping for the pet bird trade. More awareness of that cannot be a bad thing. ff782bc1db

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