Open a new query window. Write some SQL. Save the script, the Save File Asdialog box opens - but always to the same default location in the Profilesdirectory. Is there any way to set my default file location? ...Like I usedto do with apps from the 1980s?

Under Tools|Options a default location can be specified for query results.I need the same thing for new queries (the text editor). Tried changinglocations in the Registry but SSMS just overwrote my changes. Anysuggestions?

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The settings are stored in an .vssettings XML file in My Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Settings folder. Make sure you close SSMSbefore making changes to this file: SSMS writes to it when you closethe application and will overwrite any changes you make. To change theMy Projects folder, you are looking for this line:

A simple work around is to create a shortcut to your desired save location. Place the shortcut in the SSMS\Projects directory. When saving, select "All Files (.)" at the bottom, then double click your shortcut.

I had no luck with any of this, my solution is to use a .bat file to create a new empty.sql file and then open it. Then in SSMS , I used 'external tools' to reun the batch. Click it and a new timed stamped .sql file is opened. I use one for each 'project'

But, its, registry based, solution still has a gap... When one saves a newly created query (in my SSMS 2008 setup I open it on startup), he has to click "Projects" on the left, as save dialog opens in the standard ...\Documents\SQL Server Management Studio\Projects.

A low tech but quick solution is to simply create a shortcut in the default folder to the one where you want to save your scripts/results/etc.... It's one extra click but involves no messing with settings or the registry.

However, the only problem I still have is with the Save... if I create a new Query and save, it still ends up by default under /Documents/SQL Server Management Studio but if you click on the 'SQL Management Studio' link on the left you will go directly into your directory.

This is a Quality of Life question. I have low vision. Accordingly I use High Contrast fonts. When I do this all the keyword highlighting in SSMS gets reset to the same color. For years, I have dutifully gone into SSMS -> Tools -> Options, and in the "Options" dialog, under Environment\Fonts And Colors, gone through and configured all my keyword colors.

It's tedious though, and I hop amongst a lot of servers. Most of them I turn on high contrast, but don't set up the query analyzer with color settings. I would love to know where SSMS stores the options when I set them. Is it a config file? or a registry key?

I'm looking for some way I can generate a "Golden Standard" copy of my settings, and then import it into a new machine when I set it up.Or in the case of today, when I find my fonts have reset back to the default "Same Color with no keyword highlighting" after toggling "Hight Contrast" off, and then back on again, because I had to do a presentation.

The SSMSToolspack is amazing and a must have addition whether you do it on occasion or all the time. Just the warnings built in for update and deletes without a where clause have saved me more than once, the history is a feature I never had to use and forgot about.

Microsoft SQL Server has become one of the most popular relational database management systems for small and large businesses alike. IT pros need to be able to say exactly where important SQL database file locations are stored without delays or errors for multiple reasons, such as to facilitate backups and recovery processes, transfer files to another location, or find the folder if a server instance was installed in a non-standard location.

With Netwrix Auditor for SQL Server, you can get a comprehensive report on SQL Server database file locations that includes a summary of all key settings in just a few clicks. You can also report and alert on configuration changes, such as modifications to important functions, schemas, functions, database options, and object owners. Even better, Netwrix Auditor also provides deep visibility into permissions to your SQL instances, databases and other SQL objects, as well as reporting and alerting on changes to those permissions. With this powerful tool, you can spot and revert improper or malicious changes to configurations and permissions before they lead to downtime or a data breach.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is a feature rich environment tomanage and / or develop on SQL Servers. There are two related featuresthat save you from having to reenterconnection information every time you connectto a SQL Server. The first is SSMS automatically stores SQL Server connections you'vesuccessfully made and are accessible from the Server name dropdown in the Connectto Server box. The other way is a very handy feature called Registered Servers whereyou have the ability to create organized groups and lists of SQL Servers.

The connection info is stored locally in a file. The location and file formatof where it's stored is different based on what version of SSMS you'reusing. This table shows the file name and location for each version.

Note: If you're simply trying to delete all the server names from the listyou can just delete the file in the folder that matches your corresponding SSMSversion. It will be recreated with an empty list when SSMS starts.

SSMS 18 x supports all supported SQL Server versions of SQL Server so that'swhat is used in this tip. The following examples were created using SSMS 18.11.1which is the latest version as of this writing.

When you successfully connect to a SQL Server with SSMS 18.x the connection infois stored in the file %APPDATA%\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\18.0\UserSettings.xml.If we open the file, we'll see SERVER1 and SERVER1 between the tags. Note, this is only applicable to SSMS 18.x and up. Connection info in earlierSSMS version isn't stored in text files.

This file could be used to migrate the server list to another machine if youwanted to. However, if you are connecting to more than a couple of SQL Servers,it would be much more practical to use Registered Servers and export out a listthat can be imported elsewhere. We'll look at how to do that in the next section.

What are Registered Servers? If you're unfamiliar with this very usefulpiece of functionality in SSMS, it's simply an organized list of SQL Serverconnection information stored in SSMS. It lets you organize SQL Servers by groupand run a query against every member of a group. Unlike the automatic saving ofconnection info when you successfully connect, you need to enter your info underRegistered Servers.

If you only had two Registered Server like here in our example it would be easyenough to just re-enter them. But what if you have an extensive list of every SQLServer you work with, and it's organized just the way you want it? It wouldbe inconvenient, time consuming and just plain annoying to have to re-enter themall in the event of a failure or just to move it to another machine.

Note: "Do not include user names and passwords in the export file"is enabled by default and refers to SQL Authentication logins and passwords. Uncheckingthe box will save the login and password with the password encrypted. However, anyonewho could import the file would have access with the saved credentials.

When you use the SELECT statement to retrieve data from a table, you select all the rows of that table, which is unnecessary because the application may only need to process a set of rows at the time.

Note that SQL Server uses three-valued predicate logic where a logical expression can evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. The WHERE clause will not return any row that causes the predicate to evaluate to FALSE or UNKNOWN.

There are a number of ways to do it , depending upon the degree of automation you need. If the file is always in the same place with the same name, you could add it as a linked server and import the desired sheet(s) using a SELECT UNION. The catch here is you need to know the number of sheets and names in advance.

The same limitations are present about the versions of Excel files it can import (based on installed Office redistributables), however the Excel file can now be located on (or be accessed by) your workstation, rather than have it where the SQL server can access it directly.

I had noticed that SSMS 19.1 seemed to startup noticeably faster than older releases, but maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part. Rather than speculate, I decided to do some testing, comparing the cold startup performance of SSMS 19.1 to SSMS 18.12.1 on six different bare metal desktop machines in my lab (that all had different CPUs). I wanted to confirm whether there were any SSMS 19.1 performance improvements.

My real world observations of SSMS 18.X cold startup performance over an extended period led me to believe that it was a CPU-bound process. The amount and speed of RAM and the storage performance for the drive where SSMS was installed seemed to have very little effect on the elapsed time for cold startup.

This includes three different generations of AMD machines and two generations of Intel machines. Even the slowest client machine in the test (the AMD Ryzen 3 3300X) has significantly faster single-threaded CPU performance than most server processors.

The AMD machines were all running Windows 10 Professional 22H2, fully patched, along with the lastest native drivers and firmware. The Intel machines were running Windows 11 Professional 22H2, fully patched, along with the lastest native drivers and firmware. In addition, the Windows machines had their P-cores and E-cores enabled. All of the machines had XMP/DOCP enabled to get better RAM performance.

I also ran the quick and dirty CPU-Z CPU benchmark test on each machine, just to get a rough comparision of the ST and MT CPU performance of each processor. Spoiler alert: SSMS cold startup time seems to track pretty closely to CPU-Z Single Thread benchmark scores. 152ee80cbc

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