From What Ive heard and read, if we subset them using the same condition, say date = "10jan2014"d, the result will be exactly the same using the statement above or the following data set option in the two datasets (where=(date="10jan2014"d)). Because the where is executed before anything comes to the PDV.

You can use a WHERE expression in both a DATA step and SAS procedures, as well as in a windowing environment, SCL programs, and as a data set option. A WHERE expression tests the condition before an observation is read into the PDV. If the condition is true, the observation is read into the PDV and processed. If the condition is false, the observation is not read into the PDV, and processing continues with the next observation. This can yield substantial savings when observations contain many variables or very long character variables (up to 32K bytes).

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The difference between the where statement and the where data set option is how they take effect: the former affects all input datasets that do not have a where dataset option, and the latter affects only the dataset that it is an option on (and overrides the where statement).

See the documentation for the where data set option and the where statement for more information, as well as the Where Expression Processing concept. In particular, the latter does not differentiate between the two kinds of where expression in terms of performance; it only specifies the difference in terms of how they take effect.

The primary reason to not use a file-type backup approach is that the data would very likely be corrupted. The Lucene data structures in the should-never-be-touched data paths are in constant change so long as indexing is going on. If one file were backed up while another were changing, then there would be a mismatch, and corruption would ensue. Your file-based backup would be worthless.

I'm a bit concerned that you're defining your path.repo as /var/log/back or /var/log/back-long. Are these shared file systems that just happen to be mounted in /var/log? If not, then you will not be able to create a snapshot repository. A snapshot repository must be a shared filesystem, like NFS, to which each master and data node has read and write access.

Yes, location should match one of the entries in path.repo. path.repo is where you tell Elasticsearch that it is acceptable to use that given mount point as a location for a repository. It is a hard, config-file based whitelist.

My approach would be to input the data, but don't use the headers. So it would import your files with a generic F1, F2, F3, etc. Just make sure to click the First Row Contains Data button on the input tool. From there, you can apply a couple different tools to determine the first row of data, append that row number back to your original data set, filter all records out before that row, and then use a Dynamic Rename to grab the headers.

Hey @jenner85 - If you need to always skip the first two lines of the file, you can do that through the Input Tool. Just select that you want to start your data import on either line 2 or 3 depending on how your files look.

Data residency refers to the geographic location where data is stored at rest. Many customers, particularly in the public sector and regulated industries, have distinct requirements around protecting personal or sensitive information. In addition, in certain countries, customers are expected to comply with laws and regulations that explicitly govern data storage location.

In many regions, Microsoft 365 offers a spectrum of choices for storing your data at rest including in local data center regions (through Product Terms and Advanced Data Residency add-on) or expanded to multiple geographic regions (Multi-Geo capabilities).

Private funding such as that given by the Harrison Family Foundation helps build the infrastructure that allows researchers to gather preliminary data for testing ideas. This can lead to federal funding and generate further discoveries.

You can choose one data region for some of your users, or different data regions for specific departments or teams. Put their user accounts in an organizational unit (to set by department) or put them in a configuration group (to set for users across or within departments).

Note: To set a data region policy for specific organizational units and groups, you need Enterprise data regions, which is included in an Enterprise Plus subscription. For instructions on upgrading your service, see Switch to Enterprise Plus.

Note: To view move progress, you need Enterprise data regions, which is included in an Enterprise Plus subscription. For instructions on upgrading your service, see Switch to Enterprise Plus.

In the Summary card, you can view the overall progress of the data move at a domain-wide level and also by region. You can view the progress of data moves for individual services by region in the United States and Europe cards. For more information on move progress reporting, go to View data regions move progress.

I am trying to pull data into a Smartsheet from another VERY large Smartsheet. The data I am looking up is to the right of the data I want to populate via a VLOOKUP, which is why I believe my formula isn't working.

When I try and either drag down the formula and/or make it a Column Formula, its duplicating the result data. So I am seeing the same Sales Order Numbers repeat, even though the PO data they are referencing has unique Sales Orders associated with it.

How can I alter this formula so that in December of each year, it only considers December of the previous year? As it stands, it's pulling in Dec '22 data. I only want Dec '23. =IF([Payment Date]@row = "", "", IF(MONTH([Payment Date]@row) = IF(MONTH(TODAY()) = 1, 12, MONTH(TODAY()) - 1), 1))

I guess you could try two ways - create a large filesystem on another disk (or elsewhere), integrate it into Nextcloud using the external storage app and move the content there, which is how I manage my 42TB storage array whilst keeping it available via other means (CIFs, SFTP, etc):

While @JasonBayton is correct that the data is stored in /var/snap/nextcloud/common/nextcloud/data , what he did not say is that the normal user can only see as far as /var/snap/nextcloud/common. To see further than that you need to sudo bash.

No, the data is still stored in the data source side. Like if it's a SharePoint online list, then the data is stored in Office 365. If it's on-premise SharePoint server, then the data in stored in the local SharePoint server. PowerApps only connects to the data source, it does not store the data.

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