For the past few months I have been working on and off to create a system where Twitch chat can play FTL with text commands. I have finally gotten it to a fully playable stable state and I am ready to share.

Select Chat on the left side of Teams and choose the meeting in the chat list


Note that in the chat list, meeting chats are preceded by the meeting icon and have the same title as the meeting.

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The following types of meeting attendees with the necessary permissions can continue the conversation they began during the meeting (unless the organizer limited the chat to only during the meeting).

All external meeting attendees (i.e., meeting participants who are from another non-federated tenant or anonymous users who are not managed by an organization) will not have chat access in both of the above cases.

For meetings that are held in a channel, all channel members can view and add to the chat conversation, whether they attend the meeting or not. The conversation will be available on the Posts tab of the channel, beneath the meeting title.

If you're adding a distribution list (DL) with more than 150 members or a nested DL (a list within a list) that contains more than two nested levels to a meeting invite, they'll only be able to access the meeting chat during the meeting. If you want everyone to be able to access the chat before and after the meeting, expand the DL before you send the invite.

Thanks!, like how would anyone know that is the chat widget? Maybe I should push every other random non-white pixels on the screen to see what they do. That is even lower than the fine print copyright notice on the page, and has no label.

At present our Incident Management (IM) team who is provisioned to us via IBM use skype to conduct any group chats relating to major incidents that are affecting 100+ users. I am trying to move the IM team across to MS Teams and away from skype but one of the sticking points is the conversation history in Teams. The exact question I have been asked is -

After further conversation with one of the incident managers I ran a webex and showed them how Teams works in relation to setting up groups and setting up chat groups with specific people for specific incidents that occur. The manager was pretty much sold on the benefit of Teams but there is just that snagging point of where conversation history is stored.

Its great that we can have chat groups but considering that our IM team deal with 200+ incidents a year the amount of chat groups being created in Teams will get quite heavy. Its not a simple matter of going back to a particular chat group setup for a particular incident only to discuss another incident - we need to keep chat for each incident separate in which case we need to be able to have the chat and then it saves automatically to a location and should be easily accessible. Once an Incident has been resolved we can then close off the chat so that Teams does not become bogged down with many chat groups whilst still having access to the conversation history of each and every chat.

Is anyone else facing this dilemma? Is there anyone from MS that can advise on this?

@Jeetus would it work to have the Incident Management Team use a Team, instead of chat? Start a new thread for each incident or group by channel - then the content and conversation history is more readily viewable.

Even looking at the team channel chat, there is no easy way to save it in a text file. This is stupidity and cannot be excused by any regulatory compliance nonsense. If I can look at the chat, I can photograph it but I cannot say "save as text" or even press Ctrl-A to select and copy as a text or rich text or anything and paste to my text editor -- it cannot possibly be any regulatory issue, just a dire desire from Microsoft to never give users to get easy access to their data.

@things_are_not_getting, the original ask was how to organise incidents better within Teams, so I responded based on my experience. We've used Jabber, a couple of different incident management tools and are working on using Teams better. Our own ServiceDesk Team has used Jabber, then switched to group chats within Jabber, until the day there was a problem with Jabber and they lost their history. After that they switched to Teams and while they use Chat with smaller groups they also have a Team with a Channel and within that Channel they start a different conversation for each ask/incident. With Chat we have a retention policy removing all chats older than XX days. Posts to a Team are not subject to the same rule, so by choosing a chat versus a post to the Team people can pick if the post will be retained or expire. Exporting Chat History is a different topic and yes, Microsoft could make that better.

I don't know where chat is saved but you can search for past chat messages in the search box at the top of the Teams window (with the transient text, "Look for messages, files, and more. Or type / for a list of commands."). You just type in a username or person's name or any word and it seems all matching messages appear, though they appear individually and not as conversation sessions which would be more convenient.

Did people benefit from and find useful the conversation history in Outlook? Yes we absolutely did (here's me every few days - "What did so-and-so mention in our quick chat last week/month/year about XYZ? Hmmm I forget, but let me check my convo folder in Outlook..."). Conversation history functionality in a new messaging platform like Teams is a must not an option. I can only guess the problem is a shortage of people with CS degrees, a lack of money and computing resources, and no user desire for this feature.

@Tan - I've just tried to find a way to view Teams chat for a potentially malicious staff member, but this requires us to have Microsoft 365 E3 or E5, which we can't justify as a charity. So yeah - no useful options that I've found. Users are completely incognito in this sense unless you spring for Enterprise level licensing.

Equally, if the chat link is everywhere than the majority of chats would either a) go to the wrong place and have to be sent back to frontline for triage before escalating to the right team or b) they have to be triaged and escalated to the right team.

There will be no help pages to assist when it comes to a specific question about a transaction as in my case where it had to be escalated to a specialist. The reason I was looking at the help pages was to try and find out how to chat to them about this, not to look about an answer to my query.

I found a way that worked with me by going to the meeting settings option under meeting tab

And from there select the keyboard shortcuts, enable the global shortcut for open or close chat panel, and then just use the ctrl+E

I just figured out a workaround that works me for (but that doesn't mean it will work for everyone). If I open the meeting through the Webex app, I have limited functions (no chat, etc). But if I first open the meeting in the web browser (Chrome, in my case) THEN request to switch from the web browser to the app, all the host functionalities return and I can see chat.

That is strange definitely, I have not experienced the same problem yet so far. When you are in the meeting, when you go to View > Panels > Manage Panels, do you see chat option there? I wonder if it got moved to the inactive panel.

Needs fixed by next week or I'm cancelling Webex and going to Zoom. I had it until I updated to the the new Webex app. I just coordinated a meeting where Chat was critical to our interaction with the client, and I was lucky that my presenter could see it, but I couldn't. Can't do another customer meeting without chat, so...

Exact same behaviour here. I find it embarassing that this has not been fixed to date. It is a known issue and, sorry to say so, Webex is just plain awful to use on some systems (note that MS Teams and Zoom run cleanly on Linux). I am now using my phone to have the chat and the app on the desktop to avoid dramatic cpu use (which I get from using the browser version of webex). Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS fully updated-upgraded.

I have a private old Imac with which Webex Meetings until March 2021 was working great. Now Webex Meetings doesn't work anymore.

Now I try to use, but I cannot see the chat function. In meetings, it was next to participants (deelnemers), but in Webex app it is not showing. I also looked into Webex teams, but didn't see the option "Full Meetings Experience". I am stuck.

I agree that it makes sense to have the chat button at the bottom to encourage people to check the help articles first. But not showing it at all is behaviour I associate with dodgy companies that try to do all they can to avoid talking to you when you have a problem.

Before you can create a live chat, connect a chat channel to the conversations inbox. The chat channel is where you can customize your team's availability and the appearance of the widget. In addition, if you're adding the live chat to a website that is not hosted with HubSpot, you need to add the tracking code your external pages before you create a live chat. The live chat will not appear if the tracking code is not installed.

On the Target tab, you can decide where the live chat widget will appear on your website pages. You can display the live chat widget when a visitor is on a specific page URL, or based on known information about your visitors. You can also combine the targeting options to create a tailored, personalized experience for visitors to your site. Learn more about the different targeting options and targeting rules you can use with your chatflows.

On the Display tab, customize the live chat's display settings, including the chat heading, the chat widget behavior, and the chat widget triggers. To edit the live chat's accent color and placement on the page, learn how to further customize the chat widget's appearance in your inbox settings. e24fc04721

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