Praise gifs

These began life as video gifs in Google Forms, see below but if you want them as gifs please right click and save as

If you are using 'go to section based on answer' in your Google Form you can include these as images on the next section after students have given you a correct answer too!

Step by step instructions further down and video too

And sometimes we need a try again gif

These began life as video gifs in Google Forms

I love a Google Form, and a robust multiple choice quiz too! I like to give next steps for students to work through and I add this via a web link. What I wanted was to harness the YouTube video features of Google Forms correct answer feedback and offer some praise too. I searched YouTube and found some but I needed more variety, I often have 10 questions and I could only find 5 I really liked! So I made my own and thought I would share! If you make any I can link them on my YouTube too. The playlist is all of ours. Let me know!

Click the 3 lines and triangle 1/14 to access the playlist ▶️

How it works is below ⏬

Praise GIFs how to
How to gifs section based on answer