Causes of Hair Loss

causes of hair loss

Hair loss affects millions of people around the world. The main victims are men, but a growing number of women are also beginning to suffer. There are different causes of hair loss that cause this phenomenon.

Hair loss and heredity

Hair loss is a normal phenomenon. Each person loses 30 to 100 a day. The quantity depends on the season; it is more important in spring and autumn. However, several elements must alert when hair loss becomes too great and extends over a period exceeding six months making you a victim of heavy hair fall.

One of the most common causes of hair loss is heredity. It is then called androgenetic alopecia. It is due to the influence of testosterone and 5α-reductase on the hair follicles which become very sensitive and no longer respect the growth cycle of two to five years. This cycle becomes shorter, leading to premature death of the hair.

Postpartum Alopecia

Hair loss can also occur after delivery . It is then called postpartum alopecia. 50% of women are affected by this problem. During pregnancy, the hair is both healthy and very thick. But after giving birth, they become thinner and fall heavily. This situation is caused by hormonal disorders.

In fact, the estrogen hormones that were produced in large quantities during pregnancy suddenly decrease, reducing the life of the hairby devitalizing them. The stress caused by the arrival of a baby, lack of sleep and energy expenditure are also responsible. This alopecia lasts about 6 to 8 months. Sometimes the phenomenon lasts longer, hence the importance of quickly consulting a dermatologist so that the alopecia does not worsen.

Hair loss because of nutritional deficiencies

Hair loss can also be due to nutritional deficiencies. Many trace elements, vitamins and proteins are essential to bring radiance and tone to the hair.

When the hair lacks iron, for example, they become dull, dis-color, dry out and become brittle, because the blood is not properly oxygenated. This is the case which gets you face to face with a poor diet hair loss problem. That can happen either if you have a diet too restrictive, anorexia or an unbalanced diet.

Scarring Alopecia and Alopecia

The so-called cicatricial alopecia occurs during hair treatments too aggressive or inappropriate. Too frequent straightening, a failed permanent, shampoos with soda or too close use of the curling iron or smooth are involved. Alopecia of treatment, for its part, is due to braids or elastics too tight.


Alopecia areata, which usually develops in people under 20 , is an infection that causes hair loss on one or more well-defined circular areas. It would be caused by abnormal activity of the immune system attacking the hair follicles. However, these are not completely destroyed, allowing healing in a large majority of cases. But relapses are usually expected.

Alopecia due to hormonal disorders

Following stressful or traumatic events, the hair can start to fall . Hormones are then singled out. Remember that they fluctuate throughout the life of an individual. The stress will push the adrenal glands to produce more androgenic hormones (males) than normal, which will disturb the follicular mechanism.

The reactions will be more virulent in those who already suffer from androgenetic alopecia (inherited ascendants), because the hair will fall in mass for a period of up to 4 months. The same mechanism is observed at menopause or as part of a thyroid dysfunction, generating androgenic alopecia.

Medicated alopecia

Drug alopecia is attributable to taking certain medications. This is because the substances responsible for hair loss enter the blood and reach the dermal papilla they destroy. Several parameters are to be taken into account, among which the doses of medications ingested, the sensitivity of the individual concerned in relation to the harmfulness of the substances and its prevalence to alopecia.

It has been found that anticoagulants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, beta-blockers or alpha interferons cause telogen effluvium, reversible and time-limited hair loss. But this list is not exhaustive. Hormone replacement therapy is involved in androgenetic alopecia.

An exact diagnosis for a suitable treatment

When there is the slightest doubt about a sudden extreme hair loss, it is recommended to always consult your doctor or a specialist who will be able to accurately diagnose the causes and treatments suitable for alopecia. Drug treatment is sometimes inseparable from psychological support or a specific diet. Self-medication is to be excluded, as well as the purchase of miracle products whose effects have not been recommended by health professionals.