Exactly the problem I've been having, and the simple answer is that you can't. The only way to increase the font size in the new Whatsapp is to increase - unnecessarily and pointlessly - the font size for everything on your PC. It's ridiculous that the older version supported changing font sizes, and the new one does not. After the new version was forced on me, I managed to redownload an older version, and despite the fact that it's glitchy and shows as "outdated", I'll keep using it as long as possible. The new version is useless to me - even with my reading glasses on, I struggle to read the text unless I increase the font size for the computer through the accessibility settings, which affects everything else negatively. I won't be using it once the update is finally forced on me, it's no longer fit for purpose for me.

Here's a small, but handy tweak from WhatsApp. From today, it's rolling out a new update to the way images and videos are displayed in message threads, showing more of the image in-line, as opposed to cropping them down to fit.

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It's not ground-breaking, of course, but it's a good update, which will make it easier to display images in your message threads, and could also facilitate new options for business users, as WhatsApp continues to expand its business use case.

Again, it's a simple tweak, but by reducing the considerations around how content is displayed, it makes it easier to focus on maximizing your messaging, and sharing visual content that generates best response, rather than focusing on the exact right image dimensions and trying to squeeze your image as you want to be seen.

I've tried lots of the solutions presented online and I'm not having any luck with this. I'm going to try a Wix site at this rate and move my sites over. Very disappointing and now clients are complaining.

So, in the WhatsUp inbuild Manage Storage, when I check the chat size with my girlfriend it show me 30 MB, but when try to export the single chat (the one with my girlfriend with TONS OF STICKERS :)) the .zip file created by whatsapp was 2 GB.

The display name on your WhatsApp Business profile is the name of your business. You can assign a display name to a phone number when you add it to your WhatsApp Business account in the Meta Business Manager.

Your display name will need to be approved by WhatsApp before an updated certificate becomes available. Once your new display name is approved, the name will be reflected automatically on your number.

When a display name is rejected on WhatsApp, the certificate status updates to "Name Not Approved." However, you can resubmit a new display name by following these steps and making the necessary changes. Once approved, the new display name will automatically reflect on your number.

2. Go to text messages and press this and you will get a list of apps that can send notifications to your Versa. Choose Whatsapp, it should be in the list, see: -id/85941i1EF6869578A4E5FE/image-size/medium?v... . This image is a screenshot of my Android device.

Mind you though that , by differences in behaviour of Whatsapp on Android or iOS, you'll have to be online on your mobile device all the time you want te receive messages on your Versa. Hope this helps, good luck.

I have the same problem and have tried everything suggested to fix it. The only way I can see preview on my Versa with whatsapp is to turn on the preview on my phone too. I do not want the preview to show on my phone and very frustrated that the charge 3 will show you preview without having it on your phone too! I will be returning my Versa because of this

When customizing your WhatsApp Chat widget, you can set it to display only on specific pages or exclude it from some pages. If this specific page is your homepage, we have a special option that will make it easier and faster for you.

Tick the Specific Pages option and click Add if you wish to display the widget on the homepage, or tick Excluded Pages if you wish to display the widget everywhere except homepage

When you are registering a WhatsApp Business account with any Business Solution Provider (BSP), you must choose a display name for your phone number. The display name is the name that your customers see on your WhatsApp profile.

Your display name must be exactly the same as it appears on your company website and your marketing materials. Grammar mistakes, adding emojis, or symbols, and including trademark designs to your display name are not acceptable. Only names of cities, countries, or regions are allowed to be added to the name. In the case of the ABC Pets Clinic, here are acceptable and unacceptable variations:

You may change your display name after it has been approved. The steps you need to take for this depend on whether your business is an official business account (OBA; accounts that have a green tick) or not. If your business is an OBA, you need to contact direct support and provide the following information to change your display name:

The display name is a mandatory field that you must fill in when creating a WhatsApp Business account. The name must adhere to certain policies of WhatsApp for it to be approved. For example, it must be consistent with your external branding and may not be deceptive or misleading. You are allowed to change your display name after it is approved up to 10 times every 30 days.

Got my Galaxy watch 6 recently and I have installed whatsApp in it. Ever since the installation, im not receiving any text message notification. Also not showing contact names while receiving voice calls over the app( It just shows number only). I have my notification allowed in app settings for whatsapp, dont know if this is some bug samsung need to fix, contacted whatsapp but no response. Anybody else having this issue?

You have completed the embedded signup, received WhatsApp approval (WhatsApp account and display name approval), and completed business verification. But you have not completed sender verification, which is an optional process.

Depending on your business account type, users will see different things. If a user has already saved the business number in their address book, the name from the address book will always be displayed. The phone number will still be visible in the contacts view. Please be prepared for users who may try to call this number and have a plan for how to handle these incoming calls.

If your WhatsApp account is an official business account, the display name will be visible in the chat list, chat screens, chat groups, and contacts view instead of the phone number. There will be a green checkmark beside the displayed name in the contacts view.

If your WhatsApp account is a business account, the display name will only be shown in the contacts view in smaller text; all other views will show the phone number. You can help customers learn more about your company by filling out your business info, including business website, address, and hours.

WhatsApp takes user experience seriously, and as such, has established certain guidelines for creating display names. These guidelines are in place to maintain consistency, prevent confusion, and uphold credibility across the platform. Your first task in choosing a perfect display name is to familiarize yourself with these guidelines and ensure your chosen name adheres to them.

As noted during beta testing, the screen-sharing feature would be available during a call by tapping a button on the call control view. The user trying to share their screen will then be prompted to allow permission to WhatsApp to record, display, and share the contents of their screen with the recipient.

The WhatsApp Business display name is your business name that customers see on your WhatsApp Business profile. When you add a new phone number to your WhatsApp Business Account in the Meta Business Manager, you need to assign a display name to it.

WhatsApp reviews your display name and check your account. The review and account checks aren't required to get started with the platform. You can immediately start sending messages to customers. You can learn more about the WhatsApp Business display name review here: Business Accounts - WhatsApp Business Platform (facebook.com)

Generally, WhatsApp rejects display names when they aren't present in your website branding or don't show a clear relation with your branding. WhatsApp rejects display names with:1. A person's full name (e.g. Shivam Aggarwal)2. A Generic Term (like Cricket)3. A Generic Geographic (like India)4. A Slogan or long description.

The prevailing wisdom (e.g. this answer) is that to rectify this issue just go to the contacts app, click on the three dots, select "Contacts to Display", and deselect Whatsapp. However, when I do this, I select "Customised view", but Whatsapp does not appear in the list of accounts which I can show or hide.

Since official WhatsApp display names are difficult to obtain, they give businesses more credibility. Official WhatsApp display names give contacts ease of mind as they know they are speaking with a verified business account, especially when sharing sensitive information.

Meta is very specific regarding the types of names it approves for Official WhatsApp Business Accounts. Display names must represent businesses accurately and cannot be used to mislead their contacts. To get a display name approved, businesses must follow these rules.

How you can change your display name on your WhatsApp can be confusing. The process may differ slightly on different applications such as iPhone and Android. Choosing your name is really important as WhatsApp displays your telephone number as your unique identifier so it can be difficult for other group members to identify you if you are in any WhatsApp groups.

The Display Name should have a relationship with your business and should not violate WhatsApp Commerce & Business policies. Check here for complete details. The display name should abide by all these rules otherwise the display name gets rejected. ff782bc1db

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