Although the idea of using an app or video to teach your baby to read, talk, or count is attractive, the best way to help small children learn is by interacting with them. Reading, talking, and singing to your child is the best primer for reading and building language. Manipulating real objects is the best way to build hand-eye coordination.

Baby sign language is a relatively new phenomenon, but there are already many products and services on the market aimed at parents who want to teach hearing infants to sign. Advocates of baby sign language claim that it enables a child to express his wants and needs before he has the language to do so (thereby reducing frustration for the whole family). There are also claims that Baby Sign gives infants an intellectual advantage. Like baby DVDs, the trend is popular but controversial, and has resulted in a great deal of research.

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A group of experts at the Universities of Ottawa and Waterloo in Ontario, Canada decided to review all of the studies on Baby Sign to determine if there is any research that supports its use. In an overview of nearly 1,200 studies on baby sign language, they found that only five studies showed that children who were taught Baby Sign had more advanced language development than children who did not. However, the impact of Baby Sign had disappeared by age two, when it was impossible to tell the difference between the language skills of children who had and had not been taught Baby Sign.

Objective:  Shaken baby syndrome (SBS) is the leading cause of traumatic infant death. We examined whether the message about not shaking an infant should be included in the newborn anticipatory guidance provided by pediatric residents. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of an educational intervention (Take 5 Safety Plan for Crying) delivered by pediatric residents at newborn hospital discharge on beliefs about infant crying and knowledge of SBS among caregivers of young infants being treated in an urban primary care center.

Methods:  Structured interviews were done in one convenience sample of caregivers before (historical control group) and in a second set of different caregivers after (intervention group) an educational intervention was implemented at hospital discharge. Logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted associations between the intervention and caregivers' beliefs/knowledge.

The Period of PURPLE Crying program materials15 use the association between crying and shaken baby syndrome to educate parents about the dangers of shaking and the importance of sharing this information with other caregivers. Because shaken baby syndrome can occur by week 2,1,5,6 information should be given to parents before or soon after birth.

Figure 1: Selection of participants for inclusion in the randomized controlled trial of the effect of educational materials on maternal knowledge and behaviour about shaken baby syndrome. Note: R = randomization.

Learning baby games and development activities will encourage your babies to feel confident and happy by empowering their social and emotional intelligence. You can use the most popular and effective alternatives below.

Start by choosing clothing or fabric and ask your kids to define its texture, color, and the feelings your baby have about this stuff. Then, you can tell the other descriptive information. But you shouldn't push them and give them enough time.

To play it, you should learn the lyrics of the game song "Patty-cake, patty-cake, baker's man, bake me a cake as fast as you can. Pat it and roll it and mark it with 'B.' And put it in the oven for baby and me." Then, you need to repeat these words by clapping your hands.

When you continue to repeat the lyrics and clap your hands by touching your baby during this time, your children will memorize the game song and start to try making your moves together with you. It will develop their language skills and feel of touch on short notice.

Colorful balls are always interesting and fascinating for babies. You can use it as one of the best educational toys to play with at home or outdoor. With some simple tricks, colorful balls can even become one of the best educational toys for 2-3 year olds!

This game is one of the most effective musical intelligence activities for kids. Also, if you try to imitate dancing animals together with your children by using these ridiculous instruments, you can transform it into one of the funniest baby animals games for kids.

We believe that it is the countless ordinary experiences like changing a diaper and playing patty-cake with mom, dad, and teachers help a baby learn the pleasure, comfort, and security of relationships. A child who begins life with a sense of security and basic trust in relationships results will have positive regard for herself and others. Therefore our infant program is for babies who are 6 weeks to 16 months and has:

There's no better way to learn than through play. That's why we offer dolls and blocks to develop imaginations and early engineering skills. Of course, those are in addition to our clutching toys, teethers, and sensory baby toys for 0-12 months which improve motor skills and coordination.

Ms. Rachel has become a household name for nearly every parent with a baby or toddler. Her YouTube channel, Songs for Littles- Toddler Learning Videos, has over 2.6 million subscribers and her videos have hundreds of millions of views. The woman behind the Ms. Rachel is Rachel Griffin Accurso, a preschool teacher and mother living in New York City. Her husband is a Broadway composer who helps to produce her YouTube channel. As she explained in a recent interview on the Today Show, she started the YouTube channel because her son did not speak his first word until nearly 3 years old and she could not find a television show that targeted language development to help him.

DISCLAIMER: The information and advice in this newsletter is for educational purposes only and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical, mental health, legal, or other professions. Call your medical, mental health professional, or 911 for all emergencies. Dr. Cara Goodwin is not liable for any advice or information provided in this newsletter.

Ms. Rachel isn\u2019t alone in creating \u201Ceducational\u201D shows for babies on YouTube. Little Baby Bum has 40.6 million subscribers and claims to \u201Csupport cognitive development\u201D in its show description. A similar channel called Super Simple Songs has 37 million subscribers and is described as being \u201Ccreated by a team of educators.\u201D Hey Sensory Bear has 1.48 million subscribers and seems geared towards very young babies, as it features black-and-white and contrasting colors which are known to hold the attention of newborns.

There has yet to be any published research on Ms. Rachel\u2019s show or any of the more recent trends in baby shows described above. Research is very slow and can take years to catch up with popular trends. However, we do have a very large body of research on \u201Cbaby media,\u201D that is, media designed for infants and toddlers.

Most notably, there was a popular DVD series in the 1990\u2019s and early 2000\u2019s referred to as Baby Einstein, which claimed to be educational and advance the development of infants and toddlers. Interestingly, the Baby Einstein series is oddly similar to Ms. Rachel\u2019s YouTube channel. Just like Ms. Rachel, it was founded by a woman who was a mother and teacher and was hoping to boost her own child\u2019s development. Both shows involve music, a slow pace, labeling of objects, sign language, and puppets. Both have claims of teaching infants and toddlers through their videos, with many endorsements and testimonials from parents on their websites seeming to back up these claims. Finally, just like Ms. Rachel, Baby Einstein was widely popular among parents at the time. The Kaiser Family Foundation even reported in 2003 that 32% of families with babies in the United States owned a Baby Einstein DVD.

In 2007, a research study was published that raised serious doubts about Baby Einstein and other \u201Cbaby media.\u201D This study reported that, for every hour of \u201Cbaby media\u201D such as Baby Einstein, that an infant from 8 to 16 months watches, the child knows 6 to 8 fewer words. This effect was very significant with each hour of baby media being associated with a 17-point decrease on the language measure they used (for comparison reading to your child every day was associated with a 7-point increase). However, this study was only correlational and a more recent reanalysis of this data questioned the accuracy of these findings.

Several experimental studies also directly examined the impact of Baby Einstein and baby media. First, a study examined learning in 12- to 15-month-old infants after regularly watching Baby Einstein. This study focused on the Baby Einstein \u201CBaby Wordsworth\u201D DVD, which was designed to teach babies language by presenting objects and labeling them with a voice-over as well as showing the word in American Sign Language. This DVD also included live footage of parents and children interacting and short puppet skits. The 12- to 15-month-old children in this study watched the video 15 times over 6 weeks. The researchers found that the infants who watched the video did not show any language learning from watching the video (that is, no difference was found between the group that was randomly assigned to watch the video and the group that did not watch the video on any of the words presented in the video). A follow-up study combined this sample with a group of older children and examined whether 12- to 25-month-old children can learn from the Baby Wordsworth video. The older children also watched the video 15 times over 6 weeks. The researchers again found no evidence of learning from the video even for the older children. The researchers also found that the age at which a child first watched a Baby Einstein video was related to lower overall language scores (while the age at which they first watched a DVD more generally was unrelated to language development). However, these findings were correlational, meaning watching Baby Einstein videos was simply associated with lower language scores and we do not have evidence that watching these videos causes lower scores. ff782bc1db

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