What is covered in a DUI evaluation?

You will meet with a certified licensed professional for a face-to-face clinical interview during a DUI evaluation. The assessment is designed to establish whether or not a person has a problem with drugs or alcohol. This is why DUI evaluations are usually lengthy and in-depth. Evaluators commonly take into account the following indicators:

  • Truthfulness

  • Alcohol use

  • Drug use

  • Substance abuse or dependency

  • Driver risk

  • Stress coping abilities

Your natural state, withdrawal potential (if any), emotional and behavioral status, treatment acceptance or resistance, relapse possibility, and recovery environment may also be reported in DUI assessments.

Benefits of DUI Evaluation

Even though it appears that an evaluation may land you in a situation with more significant problems by being open and honest, this is not the case. It's not only the beginning of what may be a recovery therapy procedure, but it could also help you legally. Preemptively completing a DUI Evaluation Decatur may demonstrate your willingness to comply. The evaluator may recommend counseling, classes, or courses to assist you and your case in the future.

The judge will decide on your case when the drug and alcohol assessment has been completed and analyzed. Their conclusions and the evaluators' findings will determine if any of the following actions will be necessary for your betterment and as an alternative to jail time:

  • 12-step/AA/NA meetings or group therapy sessions

  • Substance abuse education classes

  • Counseling sessions

  • Rehabilitation program (inpatient or outpatient)

  • Random drug and alcohol urine testing

  • Participating in a DUI Alcohol or Drug Use Risk Reduction Program (RRP)

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