The Deadly Mistake Women Make That Will Drive Your Man Away From You

If you’ve ever felt like you were giving everything to a man or a relationship, only to be taken for granted…

If you’ve ever felt like no matter what you did, you were never “enough” for a man that you were seeing…

If you’ve ever spent months or years with a man and you felt like everything was going great but he started getting distant, withdrawn, or maybe even disappeared on you…

Or if you’ve ever really liked or even fallen in love with a guy and you knew that he was the right one for you but he seemed unsure, not ready, or confused

Then you've fallen victim to getting on something that I call, “The Heartbreak Treadmill.”

After working with thousands of women over the last 7 years, I’ve found that The Heartbreak Treadmill is the biggest mistake women fall into that makes men pull away, grow cold, and disappear altogether…