What is FAST.com measuring? FAST.com speed test gives you an estimate of your current Internet speed. You will generally be able to get this speed from leading Internet services, which use globally distributed servers.

Why does FAST.com focus primarily on download speed? Download speed is most relevant for people who are consuming content on the Internet, and we want FAST.com to be a very simple and fast speed test.

What Is My Download Speed Right Now

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How are the results calculated? To calculate your Internet speed, FAST.com performs a series of downloads from and uploads to Netflix servers and calculates the maximum speed your Internet connection can provide. More details are in our blog post.

What can I do if I'm not getting the speed I pay for? If results from FAST.com and other internet speed tests (like dslreports.com or speedtest.net) often show less speed than you have paid for, you can ask your ISP about the results.

As with most services, your goal is to pay for what your unique usage needs require. An older couple who only need the internet to look things up from time to time and keep up with the grandkids probably doesn't need as much as an avid gamer or streamer, for instance. So let's break things down a bit and see how much home internet speed you really need.

The Federal Communications Commission defines anything faster than 25 megabits per second as "advanced service." For most, however, this is probably closer to the bare minimum. In March, a bipartisan group of senators called on the FCC to raise the bar for broadband by setting minimum speeds at 100Mbps.

Network congestion, poor router placement, interference from nearby networks and other factors can all slow things down. To find out whether your internet speed is truly to blame, check out our guide on how to test your connection.

If you work from home, stream lots of high-resolution videos or regularly play games online, you'll likely need more internet speed than someone who casually goes on social media platforms and gets their TV from a cable provider.

Another important factor to consider in your search for the ideal internet speed is how many users and devices are on your network in a given day. Your household may only consist of one or two people, but it could be hosting 10 to 15 devices (laptops, cellphones, gaming consoles, smart TVs, smart home gadgets, you name it). If you're using these devices consistently, then you'll want to ensure your internet speed has the bandwidth to cover them all.

As you're considering speeds, it's also important to understand the difference between upload and download speeds. The difference is simple -- upload speeds tell you how fast you can send data out to the internet, while download speeds tell you how fast you can pull data from the internet.

In most cases, you'll be using download bandwidth more often than upload, but it's important to consider both. This is especially true if you're working from home, as upload speeds are important when you're trying to make a video call or email a large attachment.

With plans like these, the ratio is typically 1Mbps of upload bandwidth for every 10Mbps of download bandwidth. For instance, you'll see lots of internet plans with download speeds of 25Mbps and upload speeds of 3Mbps, following that FCC standard mentioned earlier. That'd probably be enough to comfortably stream video in regular HD, but with only a few megabits per second of upload speed, your video calls might be choppier than you'd like.

Something else to look out for during your search for your home's ideal internet speed is data caps. Internet data caps are ISP-enforced data usage limits -- it's important to take them into consideration as you shop, especially if you use your internet for high-usage activities like streaming Netflix or scrolling through social media. Video-heavy use cases like that eat through lots of data, and if you hit the data cap, you'll need to pay extra for an additional allowance.

Low-speed internet plans -- a 10Mbps DSL connection, for example -- are typically intended for light internet usage, so the data caps that sometimes come with them can be painfully tight. Meanwhile, some providers offer plans with no data caps at all.

Now that you have a general idea of everything that goes into internet plans and the aspects you need to consider when choosing one, you are ready for your search to begin. And if you have more questions about your internet package, be sure to check out the rest of our broadband coverage. Among other helpful guides, we can help you tell how fast your internet speed really is, how to make sure your Wi-Fi is ideal for working from home and how to improve streaming quality.

Copyright:   2013 Hain et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Protection of the species and the habitat has continued to evolve. The majority of anthropogenic right whale deaths are due to collisions with ships [15]. Therefore, management priority has focused on the portion of the SEUS critical habitat with the combination of greatest right whale density and most frequent vessel traffic, as well as the location of three major ports with associated channel entrances:

There are few data on swim speeds of right whales. Swim speeds have been inferred from the linear distance between locations of nine satellite-tracked whales in 1989, 1990, and 1991 [27], [28]. The whales were initially tagged in the Bay of Fundy (New Brunswick, Canada) in the fall and displayed differences in speeds, movements, and areas occupied or visited. For the SEUS, swim speeds were similarly inferred from four satellite-tracked whales during the winters of 1996 and 1997 [29]. Lastly, also in the SEUS, using a VHF-radio tag on the adult, a mother-calf pair was tracked for 140 h in January 1999 [30]. Swim speed was inferred based on the position of the tracking vessel and the received signal strength from the radio transmitter (whales were often in visual range during daylight hours). For southern right whales off South Africa, swim speeds based on theodolite tracking from shore were obtained in October/November 1993 [31]. Subsequently, swim speeds and directional movements were described based on satellite tags deployed on 21 southern right whales off S. Africa in September 2001 [32].

In a section of the SEUS right whale critical habitat, a shore-based volunteer sighting network, working alongside experienced scientists, and supplemented by aerial surveys, has collected swim speed, movement, and behavioral data on North Atlantic right whales since 2001. In this southerly part of the Critical Habitat, where this study was based, commercial vessel traffic (and the corresponding jeopardy) is lower; although recreational vessel traffic, and the potential for harassment do exist. In this area, with some reduced potential for human impacts, and because of the nearshore occurrence, there is the opportunity for unobtrusive observation and monitoring. This paper describes observations for the southern portion of the SEUS Critical Habitat where direct observations were collected in an unobtrusive manner and where potential observer effects on whale behavior were absent. These behavioral characterizations provide new information on right whale biology, and provide input to predictive modeling and human-impact mitigation for this endangered species.

As described, swimming was rarely continuous in MCs, but rather, the measured net speeds included stationary periods. During periods when mother-calf pairs were stationary, two general classes of behaviors were observed: typical diving behavior, and surface-based mother-calf interactions. Periods of diving and submergence provided little information. On the other hand, periods of mother-calf interactions at the surface were common, lasting from less than an hour to several hours. These interactions between mother and calf often included behaviors that were recorded across individuals, days, seasons, and years (Figure 4). These surface behaviors ranged from quiet contact (a, b, and c), to apparent nursing (d), and boisterous play (e). Calves were more active than mothers.

Information that contributes to conservation biology accumulates gradually. For an endangered species such as the North Atlantic right whale, all advances are significant. This is particularly true for behavior, where observations and data collection can be challenging. This paper contributes information to right whale natural history in a portion of the southeastern U.S. right whale critical habitat. The understanding of right whale swim speed, behavior, and movement has application to survey and search effort, to mitigation of human impacts, risk models, and ultimately, to right whale conservation and continuing recovery.

This study has provided quantitative descriptions of swim speeds. These values are consistent with those reported for other methods and other geographic areas, and may be of use to managers and modelers. For example, if swim speed is known, then distance traveled during a given time period can be estimated. In addition (taking into account the possible meandering or back-tracking behavior), areas can be established for re-locating or re-sighting efforts, for a caution alert or safety radius, or for a potential risk warning. Other behavioral descriptions are more qualitative and, while providing useful insights, do not provide specific values. In all cases, variability is evident throughout. While we often search for predictions, patterns, and means, the message here is also about variability and the behavioral characteristics of individual whales. This will necessarily result in broader statements and appropriate uncertainty for both managers and modelers.

With everyone online more than ever and the number of connected devices in our homes growing quickly with everyone being at home more often, deciding what internet speed for you and your family is important. The demand for streaming, gaming and connected devices, and knowing what plan is right for you isn't an easy question to answer and many factors come into play. We all have been there when one second you can be enjoying blazing speeds on your laptop, phone or tablet, and other times, you wonder why your connection is so slow. Either way, MaxxSouth Broadband is here to help you find what speed is right for you. 2351a5e196

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