var_dump($smarty) outputs all its public variables and $smarty->template_exists("index.tpl") returns 1, which would both indicate that Smarty is properly setup and working, however, both $smarty->display("index.tpl") and $output = $smarty->fetch("index.tpl"); echo $output; outputs blank page. And the index.tpl file certainly contains HTML.

ok, you might include that in a js file instead of inline, but there's a lot of cases where you just need those couple of lines of js. smarty doesn't like the curly braces and you have to wrap them in an ugly tag that looks like this:

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See how stupid smarty is. Before I used to think it helps me, but it does nothing more than php. It offers a strange syntax that is less expressive than php itself.

I recommend reading -smarty-right-for-me/ for any future project.

yeah, it's exactly what I am thinking. but I couldn't figure it out how to do. on cs-cart, I have learned many things with php hooks and functions on \app\functions\*.php little, and little smarty functions. however I don't think rendering is there.

did I miss anything eComLabs? the smarty code should executed before posting or we should execute it here, isn't? if we execute here, then again, how can we use the eval_string, smarty functions in PHP?

No, even pure smarty format text, still it doesn't work. I did some research and find out that there is really something is missing. for example, after POST sent on admin panel, we are sending only smarty code and it's not rendered code. but then did something like below code, but then find out this is not exact solution.

I have even tried to copy smarty function to my func.php file and use it there as you see, but still it doesn't work. I read many articles on internet and tried above code, but still after receiving smarty code, still not works.

if receiving code and render it as above like my style, then will be another problems, because in that case, all cs-cart's variables that used in smarty template won't work. for example $product.product_id won't work, because you have to manually tell to smarty which product are you talking....

but what I was asking was not just to change one link, but use whole smarty html. by your example, only if we use certain cs-cart links, then it's ok. but by your example, smarty template can't be rendered.

on product edit page, if we input smarty code on the field, because the product edit page itself is using smarty already, we can't render it right way on the page and as well it will be wrong. I have tried to edit the update.tpl file to see how it works and result is somehow not success.

If you know, please, please, please, can you tell me how can I do render the smarty code from db field on update.tpl? or better solution on php with the hooks? or what is your solution?

Because of a drupal-contrib policy, a smarty installation is not currently included in default release tarballs. You can obtain a tarball already including Smarty in the libs directory here (4.6.x) or here (4.7.x).

Dallas is a real smarty pants; he can read Hamlet in half an hour! He can't wait to show off in his new Advanced Placement class. But there's more Play-doh than Plato and more colouring than Van Gogh. What kind of advanced class is this? Will Dallas figure out Kindergarten High or will he flunk? Who's the real smarty pants?

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