Cure For Cold Sores

To cure for cold sores you must first understand what causes them. There is a viral infection that causes cold sores to develop on the lips, nose, and mouth. This particular virus is known as the herpes simplex virus. This particular strain of the virus is responsible for approximately eighty percent of all cases of cold sore outbreaks. The herpes simplex virus is contagious and can be spread from person to person.

If you have ever had a cold sore outbreak on your lip then you know they are caused by the herpes simplex virus. When the virus enters the body it lives dormant in the nerves and other tissues of the body, but it can flare up at anytime. A breakout typically occurs when there is an injury to the skin such as a cut or broken cap, a bruise, or small injuries to the skin. Some people experience symptoms other than a breakout such as itching and/or redness in the mouth.

To cure for cold sores you must get rid of the herpes simplex virus. To do this you need to find an antiviral medication that will not cause birth defects. There are three medications currently on the market that have been proven to work and they are prescribed by physicians. These are amoxicillin, penicillin and vaximustion. Make sure that the antiviral you are getting is 100% safe and proven to work before you take it.

Once you cure for cold sores you must maintain a strict diet and limit yourself from touching the infected area. You will also want to drink plenty of fluids and begin taking vitamin C supplements. Vitamin C helps to prevent blistering and improves the immune system so that your body will not become prone to the herpes infection. Another way to heal the blisters is to eat an ice pack on your lips several times each day. A band aid is good to put on top of the ice pack to keep it in place and to make cleaning up the infection easier.

If your cold sores do not clear up on their own or if the sores are very painful you may need to see your doctor. Your doctor may prescribe a prescription for an oral anti-viral medication. This is highly recommended over creams and lotions which only treat the symptoms of the outbreak. The antiviral will kill the virus once it reaches the lymphatic system, stopping the virus from replicating.

Cold sores can be cured with the right medication and proper eating habits, but it takes time. Creams and lotions that contain docosanol, astringents and other ingredients may provide some relief while your body works to fight the virus. It may be necessary to cure for both HSV-1 and HSV-2. It is always best to be tested to determine what virus is responsible for your outbreak.