What are the Pros of a Juice Cleanse?

A juice cleanse diet is a kind of diet that includes consuming juices from vegetables and fruits. Fruit and vegetable juices contain a high amount of nutrients and play a significant role in balanced diets. In addition, some think consuming these juices for a while can help cleanse the body and provide various health advantages.

Salient benefits of a juice cleanse

Researchers claim that juice cleaners claim that they are capable of removing toxins from a person’s body and helping you with weight loss. Toxins are generally harmful substances that include pollutants and synthetic chemicals.

Weight loss

Studies have revealed that weight loss from juice-based diets is physiologically harmful to practitioners. Further, they have also concluded that a link exists between juice trends and eating disorders. For example, in the study held in 2017, researchers asked 20 healthy participants to consume six bottles of different juice types a day for three days. These juices contain various ingredients: greens, apples, cucumbers, lemon, cayenne pepper, and vanilla bean.

Later, the participants were observed to lose an average of 1.7 Kg. After a follow-up of 2 weeks, their weight remained at 0.91 Kg, lower on average. The participants didn’t report increased weight levels at the end of 3 days. However, 2017 calculations found that while juice cleanses could lead to initial weight loss due to calorie restriction; they will lead to overall weight gain if the person again resumes a full and healthy diet.

Gut bacteria changes

A good detox juice cleanse in Melbourne or elsewhere can affect the bacteria levels of a person’s digestive tract. In 2017, a study revealed that researchers found that juice cleanses increase the number of bacteroidetes, bacteria linked with weight loss and decrease the amounts of Firmicutes. These bacteria are linked with weight gain. Although these substances have the potential to harm health, the human body is proficient at eliminating these naturally. However, there is insufficient evidence to upscale the use of detoxification diets in removing toxins from the body, according to a study in 2014.


Typically, researchers of a juice cleanse claim that the programs can help you to remove toxins from a person’s system. An increase in liquid consumption can allow the kidney to function correctly, and some nutritional compounds can help remove non-organic waste products in the body. However, insufficient proof suggests that juice cleansers or other detoxification diets can remove toxins. Hence, the conclusion came to be consuming a properly balanced diet and drinking plenty of fluids to support the body’s natural detoxifying functions.

End note

The underlying evidence supporting the possible benefits of juicing tends to be anecdotal. However, if you are searching for detox juice in Melbourne, you can contact “Juice Junction.” They provide several cleanses such as immunity cleanses, gut health cleanses, skin glow cleanses, restore cleanses, active body cleanses, celery juice cleanses, and many more. For more information, you can visit juicejunction.com.au.
