When developing, I generally keep my inputs cached. Sometimes this is no issue, I ctrl+click each input tool and use the context menu to Cache & Run Workflow and then go on my merry way developing or modifying the subsequent tools.

On other workflows (not recognizing a pattern of which ones), after selecting a few inputs (~3-4) successfully, on selection of a subsequent input tool, the previously selected input tools deselect themselves. I do not select Text Input tools, and do not have many instances of Input Tools pointed to excel files - I am generally connecting to Oracle tables that I use day in & day out. I am very careful to select only the text input tool itself and nothing around it like the container or any other non-input tool.

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I'm afraid that this won't be much help, except to say that I frequently have the same issue! I usually trip the deselection when using the scrollbar/scrollwheel to move around to click the next input.

I get around this by trying to keep all my inputs close enough together that I can click them all without moving the canvas. I sometimes even sequester all the input tools in one container and use wireless connections to downstream tools...that way I can just select them all at once.

I have a huge number of input tools that are getting pointed at one db schema but will likely need to change to a different schema when put into prod. Im trying to think of an easy way to make that change across all of the inputs by just changing one location.

You can wrap the input in a batch macro and simply feed the connection string in as a control parameter. You could then put this in an app which would allow the user to select the schema at runtime, or you create is a constant and have it determined automatically at runtime.

Awesome thanks, I think for the scale of this specific use case (and the after deployment support) the dynamic input will be best. For other, larger applications will have to compare with a custom macro.

I'm creating an app that will be running on Alteryx Server. The process starts with the user completing an input template (Excel file with multiple tabs). I have a File Browse tool set up to allow the user to select their input file. From there, it is connected to 6 different action/input tool pairs. Three pull in sheets and three pull in named ranges.

The action tools "Replace a specific string" - each one replaces the entire file path EXCEPT for the sheet or range name. In this example, the entire path other than the range "Contract_Summary" is updated with the user's file.

Running as an app from Designer (desktop), it worked as expected and I proceeded to build the rest of the workflow. Today, when I uploaded it to the Server to continue testing the app with other users, when I browse to my input template file, it then requires that I select a sheet or range. It never required that when not running on the server and the app doesn't work if any of the options provided are selected.

I've found a solution to this. Not ideal, since the user still needs to make a selection after browsing to the file, but they only need to do this once (rather than 6 times). The user will be directed to select List of Sheet Names.

A single action tool now updates a placeholder value in a text input. From there, a formula tool replaces "|" with the sheet or range needed. This is connected to a dynamic input tool replacing the entire file path. Additional sheets/ranges can be retrieved by updating the replace formula. During initial testing running on the server, this solution worked in bringing in multiple sheets and ranges.

I am attempting to run multiple dynamic input tools as a work around for PL/SQLs limit of 1000 IN list values in a SQL statement. My output has around 9000 list values that I am trying to pass through my query(I created a record ID and filter 1000 rows at a time into the Dynamic Input Tools), however filtering and using multiple dynamic input tools seems to freeze my workflow.

I am attempting to use the dynamic input tool to grab a single tab from each sheet and append them. I am using an Excel template with the same structure as the sharepoint sheets. The template is stored locally. The problem that I am running into is that the tool is attempting to append the file locations (sharepoint urls) onto the workflow directory, which is also local. I do not understand why this is happening, since I am using the 'Read a List of Data Sources' option to substitute in my url variable with the 'Change Entire File Path' option. In the attached image I have highlighted the sharepoint path (with some blacked out). As you can see it is being appended to the local path.

Test that you can download one of these files via the normal input tool by copy and pasting the link from the output of the Formula tool into an input tool. This will tell you whether the error is before your dynamic input or not.

The directory+dynamic input doesn't work for me, and the wildcard input doesn't solve the problem since I have an output for files with the same format and another one for files with different format (for this output, the columns are not named and I have my headers as rows in the output file).

If I open another tab in the same workbook, and copy the text input tool or regular input tool into it, it works fine.

I've save/closed/reopened the workflow. Installed the latest version of Alteryx, restarted the computer etc. Same thing.

The problem is that Alteryx doesn't run the input tools within the 'flow' of the workflow - so when a lengthy workflow is executed, you'll see the input data tools start grabbing data way down the workflow path, even though the flow of data isn't close to getting there yet. Essentially the input data tools aren't synced with the workflow. I can see the purpose here for general performance, but there doesn't seem to be a delay mechanism if needed.

You could place the Input tool within a macro as a shell. The macro could pass a dummy record so that it can be positioned wherever you'd like in the workflow and executed accordingly. Macro inputs and outputs don't always have to be related.

So in this case, the custom sql ends up working, because it delays the input tool from running until the data flow gets to that point. Why this works like this I do not know, but my workflow definitely works as expected after this adjustment.

I could be wrong, but I believe the tools execute in index order unless the flow predicates mandate otherwise (like a blocking tool). In other words, all things being equal, the tool added last will run last. If you cut the input tool and paste it back, it should get a new index (highest as well) and thus not execute until its data is required by a lower index tool. If you want to guarantee execution order for any tool which has no input connector, like the input tool, then you can put that tool in a batch macro. The tool can output straight to a macro output and a parameter tool which does nothing is added to give the input tie in. Just put a Sample tool with last 1 records before the call to the macro and it won't execute until the last record is received from whatever you feed it. You want only one record so the batch only executes once.

Thanks for the tip on the macro - that's definitely an option but I think the preference here is deleting and recreating the input tool with a latter index so the workflow doesn't get more complicated with macros. But will definitely keep that in mind for the future - thanks again

I have been using google input tools (a Chrome extension) for my major input tool for my language. I used it for my designs before and was working fine. Recently, around 18/1/2023, what I typed started not being input into the text boxes in my design anymore.

In Windows we have Microsoft Indic Tool and Google Input Tool for typing. In Ubuntu we can use Google input tool in browsers only. Does Ubuntu have any Ubuntu Indic or Input Tool for typing?

There is an m17n-project which helps in adding support for new input methods if not available in the mainstream. You can look for your native language support on ibus-m17n and if the method you want is available there, then you just have to install ibus-m17n package by running this command:

I am attempting to publish a web tool that will allow for the end-user (non-GIS professionals in my organization) to provide a pair of .csv files as input for analysis. This tool will have to be run many times with different input files as they become available and thus I need the tool to allow the user to upload/select their own input data. However, I am struggling to understand how to do this. The model tool I am trying to publish works successfully in ArcGIS Pro and has input parameters for selecting the relevant .csv files. When I publish the web tool, though, I can only run the tool using the inputs that I used to run the model tool prior to publishing.

Thanks, Calvin! This is exactly what I needed. I knew I must be missing something simple - I had no idea that the menu to edit the input parameters for the tool in the content panel existed. Appreciate the assistance!

I am trying a similar workflow and want to make sure I am understanding correctly. From ArcPro, I run a given tool as I need it to run in the Enterprise Portal. After running the tool, I can view the history and "share as web tool". To allow for a user to input data to run the tool from the portal, I need to change the configuration to allow upload? Is that all that is needed? I have tried but keep getting an error that the data needed is not available.

I'm having some trouble with Magix Music Maker 2014 premium. I'm trying to connect my midi keyboard to the program, but when I go to settings and look at my options for an input device, it won't show anything! It recognizes the sound card as an audio playback device, but no input. So you may be thinking that my card just isn't compatible. But before I had to reinstall Music Maker, it worked flawlessly. (I had to reinstall because I upgraded my OS) But now I can't even find the device! I'm completely lost and could definitely use some help right about now, so all/any help would be greatly appreciated! 2351a5e196

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