Winthrop Harbor Public Work's 

Water Division

Mayor Dr. Michael Bruno

Public Works Superintendent Tim Neargarder

Welcome to the Winthrop Harbor Public Work's Water Division

The Village of Winthrop Harbor owns, operates, and maintains a public water distribution system that serves approximately 2,329 customers and is comprised of three master water meters, two pressure-reducing valves, and approximately 35 miles of water main. 

Treated Lake Michigan water is purchased from Lake County Public Water District (LCPWD), which owns and operates its own water treatment, supply, and distribution system. The Village’s water distribution system is also hydraulically connected to the City of Zion and Illinois Beach State Park, which both also purchase water from LCPWD.

Winthrop Harbor Water Quality Reports 

To ensure safe drinking water in the United States, federal regulations have guided intervention and regulatory efforts to successfully reduce exposure to water contaminants.

Each year the Village of Winthrop Harbor provides water customers with an Annual Water Quality Report. Our 2023 Water Quality Report has met all the USEPA drinking water requirements and standards. This report provides details about the source and quality of the drinking water delivered to our community in 2022. 

New Water Bill Format Winthrop Harbor Water Department 

In an effort to better serve the community and stop the continual problem of the bill getting lost in the mail or accidentally getting discarded with other mail, we are going to a new billing service starting with the December 2023 bill. The new bill will provide all the information from your old bills and more in an easier format to read.  

It also will have all the information regarding the methods available for you to pay your bill. We will have this space for us to provide you with any changes regarding the bill and any upcoming events in the Village.  We hope you will find the new approach to billing to be an upgrade. Please do let us know if you have any questions. Contact the Water Billing Department at (847) 872-3846.

Lead Services Inventory and Replacement Act

In August 2021, Governor Pritzker signed into law the Lead Services Inventory and Replacement Act mandating the replacement of all lead service lines in the state. Having a lead water service should be a concern but not a panic.  

The Lead Service Line Notification Act now requires public water suppliers in Illinois, including the Village of Winthrop Harbor, to replace all lead service lines within the community from the watermain to the water meter in the home. A portion of the service line is on the residents' property and owned by residents. 

The Village is in the process of developing a lead service line replacement plan for the community. This effort will require resident cooperation so the Village can compile a complete inventory of all homes with confirmed lead service lines. This is why completing the lead service line questionnaire is so important.   READ MORE.......