2017 Summer Calendars

Practice Schedule

After School: Practice Begins May 30—June 15

3:30—4:30—Swimmers, 12 and over who can swim a 200 without stopping.

4:30—5:15—Swimmers who can not swim a 200 and those swimmers who can swim one lap of the pool.

5:15—6:00—Swimmers who can not swim one lap of the pool.

Summer Practice Schedule—Begins June 19

8:30—9:00—8 and under swimmers who can not swim one lap

9:00—10:00—11 and older who can swim a 200 without stopping and has mastered all 4 strokes

10:00—11:00—Swimmers who have not mastered all 4 strokes and can not swim a 200 without stopping and younger swimmers ages 11 and younger

Please let the coaches know if your child will be attending Day care, summer school, or summer camp and not be able to make our practices.

If it is calling for thunderstorms or raining hard, stay home, practice is cancelled.

We will swim in the rain. Please understand if practice is cancelled at 3:30 because of rain, but then the storm moves on and it is nice for the 5:45 group. Call, if no one answers, practice is cancelled. We will send out an email ASAP to inform you of practice changes.

If the weather is cool....bring extra towels and a hoodie to wear home.

The coaches reserve the right to place swimmers into appropriate practice groups.