You have to pass the -np/--no-parent option to wget (in addition to -r/--recursive, of course), otherwise it will follow the link in the directory index on my site to the parent directory. So the command would look like this:

Afterwards, stripping the query params from URLs like main.css?crc=12324567 and running a local server (e.g. via python3 -m http.server in the dir you just wget'ed) to run JS may be necessary. Please note that the --convert-links option kicks in only after the full crawl was completed.

Wget Download Remote Folder


It sounds like you're trying to get a mirror of your file. While wget has some interesting FTP and SFTP uses, a simple mirror should work. Just a few considerations to make sure you're able to download the file properly.

Ensure that if you have a /robots.txt file in your public_html, www, or configs directory it does not prevent crawling. If it does, you need to instruct wget to ignore it using the following option in your wget command by adding:

Additionally, wget must be instructed to convert links into downloaded files. If you've done everything above correctly, you should be fine here. The easiest way I've found to get all files, provided nothing is hidden behind a non-public directory, is using the mirror command.

Using -m instead of -r is preferred as it doesn't have a maximum recursion depth and it downloads all assets. Mirror is pretty good at determining the full depth of a site, however if you have many external links you could end up downloading more than just your site, which is why we use -p -E -k. All pre-requisite files to make the page, and a preserved directory structure should be the output. -k converts links to local files.Since you should have a link set up, you should get your config folder with a file /.vim.

I have been using Wget, and I have run across an issue.I have a site,that has several folders and subfolders within the site.I need to download all of the contents within each folder and subfolder.I have tried several methods using Wget, and when i check the completion, all I can see in the folders are an "index" file. I can click on the index file, and it will take me to the files, but i need the actual files.

I want to copy all of the files and folders from one host to another.The files on the old host sit at /var/www/html and I only have FTP access to that server, and I can't TAR all the files.Regular connection to the old host through FTP brings me to the /home/admin folder.

Besides wget, you may also use lftp in script mode. The following command will mirror the content of a given remote FTP directory into the given local directory, and it can be put into the cron job:

I don't know why no one has suggested wget -r. OP is hitting a server that has directory listing disabled, but anyone passing through here should know that wget can handle recursive fetching easily. It can even filter by file types.

If i use a public link to a specific file it works, but if i want to download a folder i just get this: This is the WebDAV interface. It can only be accessed by WebDAV clients such as the Nextcloud desktop sync client.

Wget installed. Most Linux distributions have Wget installed by default. To check, type wget in your terminal and press ENTER. If it is not installed, it will display: command not found. You can install it by running the following command: sudo apt-get install wget.

In order to download multiples files using Wget, you need to create a .txt file and insert the URLs of the files you wish to download. After inserting the URLs inside the file, use the wget command with the -i option followed by the name of the .txt file containing the URLs.

When you download files in the background, Wget creates a file named wget-log in the current directory and redirects all output to this file. If you wish to watch the status of the download, you can use the following command:

In the command above, you used wget to send a POST request to JSON Placeholder to create a new post. You set the method to post, the Header to Content-Type:application/json and sent the following request body to it :{"title": "Wget POST","body": "Wget POST example body","userId":1}.

In the command above you used wget to send a PUT request to JSON Placeholder to edit the first post in this REST API. You set the method to put, the Header to Content-Type:application/json and sent the following request body to it :{"title": "Wget PUT", "body": "Wget PUT example body", "userId": 1, "id":1} .

In the command above you used wget to send a DELETE request to JSON Placeholder to delete the first post in this REST API. You set the method to delete, and set the post you want to delete to 1 in the URL.

On the Windows platform, when I click this link (which looks like this ), it takes me to a Dropbox Transfer web page in my internet browser. There the address bar shows a totally different address. It looks like this " ". At the center of the window, I see a box-like in the image below. After I click the download symbol (downward facing arrow with a bar below it), the download starts with a ZIP file format. If I click the copy link button in the top right corner, I get the first link back. So this is just taking me in a vicious circle. I cannot peek into the folder for downloading individual files using the wget command.

You can try zipping the folder before uploading and then share the link of the zip file. When we download a folder, the dropbox server needs to do the zipping, I think there is no static link available to that zip file.

The *nix commands curl and wget are useful for accessing URLs without resorting to a browser. Both commands allow you to transfer data from a network server, with curl being the more robust of the two. You could use either of them to automate downloads from various servers.

The --connect-timeout option sets the maximum time in seconds that curl can use to make its connection to the remote server. This option is handy to prevent the connection from terminating too quickly, and to minimize the amount of time you want the command to attempt the connection.

The curl and wget commands can be very useful when added to scripts to automatically download RPM packages or other files. This post only touches some of the most common features of what these commands can do. Check the related man pages for a complete list of options available for both curl and wget.

Note that sometimes curl is more handy (i.e. I'm not sure if wget can do hostname lookups via SOCKS5; but this is not one of your concerns I suppose); also Firefox is able to work completely through such a SOCKS5 proxy.

The error you get is from tar which notices that the content of the folder calcardbackup-date is being modified while creating the archive (which of course has to result in an error). Is there any other program modifiying the content of that folder while my script is running?

The process for viewing webpages is a matter of downloading files that a browser then interprets. From that perspective, HTTP is just another file transfer function, like FTP. If that's true, what other tools support similar file transfers from web servers or other remote systems? The answer includes cURL and Wget.

For example, suppose a user wants to download a file named project.pdf from a fictitious website called The PDF is stored in a folder named 2023. The initial command looks like this:

However, the user could rename the file during the transfer and place it in a specific directory using the -o option. Here's what the command might look like if a user wanted to give the file a new name and save it to the goals directory in a home folder:

The -d option identifies the transfer as an HTTP POST transfer. Add the local path to the file being sent to the remote server, and then add the remote server's address. The following command sends projects.pdf to the specified directory on the HTTP server:

Maybe an orchestrated development process includes automated nightly builds at the headquarters office that must be transferred to remote offices. A curl command-based script could streamline this process. Another use case involves VM images that must be distributed to other sites. Or perhaps the remote servers need to transfer log files or other data to a central storage repository at the HQ site. CURL is an option for those scenarios, too.

Windows users download the Wget executable file (wget.exe). To run the application, however, place Wget in a folder of choice, and add that folder to the PATH environment variable. Another alternative is to put it in the C:\Windows\System32 directory, though this is not considered a best practice.

By default, Wget pulls files from the specific URL and places them in the current working directory. Users can specify a different destination location by using the -P option followed by the folder to store the downloaded file.

While the assumed protocol is HTTP or HTTPS, users can specify FTP to connect to FTP servers for file downloads. Recall that FTP requires some sort of authentication, so users need to provide a username and password recognized by the remote FTP server, as seen here:

For your particular use case, you can swap in your own instructions, including the wget for the example strCommand content, and the input from the Keyboard Maestro variable, you want to get set as the URL you want to grab the content of.

The combined result I think should give you a keyboard shortcut triggered (or Stream Deck, etc. as you wish) Keyboard Maestro macro that would trigger the copy of the URL to the clipboard and pass that off to an SSH-key enabled SSH connection tot he remote machine, and initiate the process there.

You may also wish to consider options such as running triggering the command and disconnecting (a la nohup), or having the process self contained with, for example, a monitored iCloud folder (Automator folder action, Keyboard Maestro Folder changed trigger, Hazel (the uber tool for such things)), and a download file that is used to specify the download and save to locations. That might give you a single consistent process regardless of trigger location or action. 17dc91bb1f

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