Artisan is the command line interface included with Laravel. Artisan exists at the root of your application as the artisan script and provides a number of helpful commands that can assist you while you build your application. To view a list of all available Artisan commands, you may use the list command:

When defining a closure based command, you may use the purpose method to add a description to the command. This description will be displayed when you run the php artisan list or php artisan help commands:

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There is a whole list of pre-built Laravel artisan commands you can use to your advantage, but many developers like to create their own commands according to their project needs. To check out the pre-built PHP Laravel artisan commands, just type the following command, and you will get the complete list of Laravel artisan commands list on screen.

You will get the complete list of built-in PHP Laravel artisan commands. All of these commands help developers do their work with more efficiency, thereby saving them their precious time. Using these Laravel artisan commands, you can create auth, controller, model, mail, migration and many other functions.

After this, if you run the php artisan in Laravel, it will show you an error saying the command still not exists. It is because the command is still not registered in the list and is not being read up by the terminal. To register the command, you must update the Kernel.php file located inside the app/Console directory.

When defining a Closure based command, you may use the describe method to add a description to the command. This description will be displayed when you run the php artisan list or php artisan help commands:

I dont seem to understand why we need to run a Laravel app with php artisan serve vs just running it with Apache or nginx. I know that under development, we use artisan to fire up the site and after deployment to a server, you use the webserver to load up the site.

Then I hit the page that will run that section of code and when it gets to that line it will break into a Psy Shell repl (in the commandline window where I started php artisan serve). Then I can inspect variables, etc. at that point of execution. It's very useful for debugging. As far as I know, you can't do this running Apache/Nginx. It has to be with artisan serve (or running automated tests).

Purpose: The purpose of using Php artisan serve (PHP builtin server) is just for testing and easy starting your project it should not be used in real website deployment.

copy that / :8000 and run it into the browser , guess what it returns );the page that u first got when you installed laravel for the first time or i guess it will return the page in the routes folder which was set as /home directory or file(default home page).

starts the serve,forexample its like when your going to drive a car and you start the engine before driving whereby you can start the engine and drive at the same time ,its not neccessary to do so but depends.So to me that's php artisan serve CLI.

Note: The php setting is optional if the setting artisan.php.location is set in your settings.json file and points to a valid php executable. If this setting is set, the extension will prefer the setting over the one within the path.

Once you have installed the extension, it will become active once you open a workspace that has at least one artisan file within the workspace.You can then open the command pallet, and start running the commands.Just type Artisan: to get a list of commands. If you have more than one artisan file within the workspace, then this will ask which artisan file you want to use to execute the selected command.

If I create a new laravel project, everything is lightening fast. There is nothing in this project that would even cause this kind of slow down, and php 7.4 should not and for 99.9% of you, does not slow php artisan commands down. Its only php artisan, everything else is lightening fast. I do notice that when I cd into this project it takes a moment, then attempting to do php artisan anything where anything is any command you can think of - takes up to 5 minutes.

I'm pretty limited in how I can make this work the right way. The artisan file doesn't do a whole lot, but even so, I should be able to require it as a component so I can version control it and have it auto-install per each project setup.

I dont use migrations everywhere and the cli tool allow, for example, to create templates, fields and assiging them in seconds, or installing pw and a specific profile from the terminal without writing any code, its time saver, like artisan. Keep in mind that the tools is born 8 years ago and abandoned since 4y.

For that, we will dive into actual code of the framework, inside /vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate folder, and will check what options and undocumented features we have for each command.

Laravel 6 was released on September 3, 2019, shift blueprint code generation, introducing semantic versioning, compatibility with Laravel Vapor, improved authorization responses, improved job middleware, lazy collections, and sub-query improvements. The frontend scaffolding was removed from the main package and moved into the laravel/ui package.[17] 17dc91bb1f

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