Corah Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective as of December 15, 2022

This Privacy Notice has been created in order to demonstrate Ali Tas, a person residing in Austria (“we”, “our”, “us”, "Ali Tas"), commitment to your privacy when using the Corah mobile software application (“Corah”, "gaming application"). The following statement discloses information about how we collect your data and what practices we follow.

As with any Privacy Policy, we reserve the right to change this policy and update it as and when required. It is your responsibility to check the Privacy Notice regularly, so you are up to date with any changes or amendments to it.

Personal Information

All personal information that is provided by our players to Corah is safe, private and secure. We understand the importance of maintaining the confidentiality of our respected players and will do our utmost to ensure that all data remains confidential.

We do not share your personal details with any third parties except the Apple Store and Google Play where users will already have disclosed their personal details to these sources in order to successfully download the mobile application and use it.

We do not have access to your payment details when you make in-app purchases as these are conducted by the Apple Store or Google Play depending on the time of provider you have used to download the mobile application from. All your credit card data is strictly not accessed by us for confirmation.

As a respected user and player of Corah, you may choose not to share these details, though you may need to make a purchase to make use of the features offered by the game in order to enhance your playing experience. You reserve the right to make a decision on this without the interference of us.

Information Collection and Usage

We will only access your personal information in the form of your nickname as provided by you as well as your email address in order to register to play on the gaming application.

Please note that your email may also be occasionally used to contact you by our customer support service in response to any queries you have or to update you on any issues with the mobile application as a result of our servers being down or during updates. Your email will not be shared with any third parties and you reserve the right to refuse to receive emails by us by contacting us on to inform us that you do not wish to receive any marketing content, which we will process in order to ensure that no further emails from us will reach your inbox.

Non-Personal Information

Some of the data that we may collect that does not identify you directly or personally is:

· Data regarding your game progress and your gaming account.

· Your mobile device identifiers such as your device ID, IMEI etc.

· Data collected by cookies to enhance your user experience.

· Geo-location data after confirming your consent to do so.

· Data from platforms such as the Apple Store and Google Play if you choose to make any in-app purchases.

Reasons for Collecting your Data

We collect your data for a variety of reasons, but mostly to ensure you have an amazing gaming experience with us. The following reasons explain why we collect your data:

· To be able to efficiently operate our service.

· To provide our users with a high-quality service.

· To send you service-related communications.

· To respond to your queries, questions and complaints via email.

· To customise your experience.

· To maintain and improve the services that we offer.

· To improve our advertising and ensure that it is tailored to your specific interests and requirements.

Who can we share your data with?

Other than Corah, there are some situations where we are legally obliged to share your data. We may share your data to public authorities such as the police and other law enforcement departments as a response to official lawful requests made by them.

Data Protection

We aim to utilize high standards of security with regards to your data and gaming experience with us. We will regularly conduct both physical and technical safety measures to prevent the loss, alteration or misuse of your data.

User Rights

As a respected user, you are entitled to opt out of marketing or service-related content as long as you contact us via to inform us of your marketing preferences. If you have any questions or issues regarding your personal details, please contact us and we will ensure to respond within a timely manner to address any concerns. Should you wish to close your gaming account indefinitely, you may also contact us to do this. Please note that we will aim to respond to any requests to close accounts as soon as possible.

Age Limits

We do not allow users under the age of 13 to access our games. If you are under the age of 13, we respectfully ask that you refrain from using our service. Should you have any concerns regarding anyone under the age of 13 accessing our games then please contact us so that we can immediately delete their account and any data stored. As we do not accept players under the age of 13, we are not liable for the usage of our game by those that do not match our strict age criteria.

Contact Regarding your Privacy

If for any reason you are concerned about your personal data or you have any questions regarding our game and services, please contact us at: