Health is a complex equation, dealing not only with the provision of medical care, but with a broad series of factors impacting the lives of individuals and neighborhoods. These factors include zip code, income, education, race/ethnicity, family history, and many other issues. At Live HealthSmart Alabama, we are leading a transformational movement to make good health simple for all Alabamians and we invite you to join us.

Hemant Taneja is an investor, founder, and author. He is CEO and managing director of the venture capital firm General Catalyst, partnering with founders from seed through growth stage and beyond to build companies that withstand the test of time. Hemant is an early investor in market-leading companies like Stripe, Livongo (acquired by Teladoc in an $18.5B merger, thelargest in digital health history to-date), Samsara (NYSE: IOT), Snap (NYSE: SNAP), Olive, Applied Intuition, Grammarly, Gusto, and Ro. Hemant is an advocate for Responsible Innovation, aligning innovation with the long-term interests of society by engineering for growth and good with greater intention, fewer unintended consequences, and increased inclusivity. In his 2022 book Intended Consequences: How to Build Market-Leading Companies with Responsible Innovation, Hemant lays out an actionable framework for founders and executives on how to create innovative companies built for growth and for societal good that withstand the test of time.

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**The Health in Times of Transition (HITT) project which started in 2009 is a multi-country study seeking to examine the circumstances in which people of the post-soviet countries live, their health and related behaviours such as alcohol and tobacco consumption, and their utilisation of health care services. The study involved people living in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

Humanistic and existential approaches share a belief that people have the capacityfor self-awareness and choice. However, the two schools come to this belief throughdifferent theories. The humanistic perspective views human nature as basically good,with an inherent potential to maintain healthy, meaningful relationships and to makechoices that are in the interest of oneself and others. The humanistic therapistfocuses on helping people free themselves from disabling assumptions and attitudesso they can live fuller lives. The therapist emphasizes growth andself-actualization rather than curing diseases or alleviating disorders. Thisperspective targets present conscious processes rather than unconscious processesand past causes, but like the existential approach, it holds that people have aninherent capacity for responsible self-direction. For the humanistic therapist, notbeing one's true self is the source of problems. The therapeutic relationship servesas a vehicle or context in which the process of psychological growth is fostered.The humanistic therapist tries to create a therapeutic relationship that is warm andaccepting and that trusts that the client's inner drive is to actualize in a healthydirection.

Humanistic psychology, often referred to as the "third force" besides behaviorismand psychoanalysis, is concerned with human potential and the individual'sunique personal experience. Humanistic psychologists generally do not deny theimportance of many principles of behaviorism and psychoanalysis. They value theawareness of antecedents to behavior as well as the importance of childhoodexperiences and unconscious psychological processes. Humanistic psychologistswould argue, however, that humans are more than the collection of behaviors orobjects of unconscious forces. Therefore, humanistic psychology often isdescribed as holistic in the sense that it tends to be inclusive and acceptingof various theoretical traditions and therapeutic practices. The emphasis formany humanistic therapists is the primacy of establishing a therapeuticrelationship that is collaborative, accepting, authentic, and honors the uniqueworld in which the client lives. The humanistic approach is also holistic inthat it assumes an interrelatedness between the client's psychological,biological, social, and spiritual dimensions. Humanistic psychology assumes thatpeople have an innate capacity toward self-understanding and psychologicalhealth.

Narrative approaches to psychological healing have been used across variouscultures for thousands of years (Katz,1993), but they have often been overlooked by mainstream mentalhealth professionals. Contemporary approaches to narrative therapy recognizethe importance of understanding how human experience becomes meaningful. Aperson's life is influenced by the narratives he constructs, which are inturn influenced by the narratives of those around him. Thus, therapy isviewed as a collaborative attempt to increase clients' awareness of the waysin which events in their lives become significant. In effect, the therapistsays, "Let's be curious about your story together."

Growth patterns in early life are associated with later health. The effect of nutrition during in utero development on later body composition is unclear. We evaluated whether prenatal early invitation to food and/or multiple micronutrient supplementation (MMS) in pregnancy has an effect on offspring body composition at 54 months of age. In Maternal and Infant Nutrition Interventions in Matlab trial (ISRCTN16581394) in Bangladesh, 4436 pregnant women were randomised into six equally sized groups: double-masked supplementation with capsules of either 30 mg Fe and 400 g folic acid, or 60 mg Fe and 400 g folic acid, or MMS (15 micronutrients), was combined with a randomised early invitation (around 9 weeks) or a usual invitation (around 20 weeks) to start food supplementation (608 kcal 6 days per week). At 54 months, the body composition of the offspring was assessed by leg-to-leg bioelectrical impedance analysis. Of the 3267 live singletons with birth anthropometry, 2290 children were measured at 54 months, representing 70% of the live births. There was no interaction between the food and micronutrient supplementation on body composition outcomes. There were no significant differences in a range of anthropometric and body composition measurements, including weight, height, mid-upper arm circumference, head circumference, skinfold thickness, and fat mass and fat-free mass between the different prenatal food and micronutrient groups using an intention-to-treat analysis. This analysis shows that early invitation to food supplementation and MMS provided to rural Bangladeshi women during pregnancy did not affect offspring body composition at 54 months of age.

As of 2022, there are 574 federally recognized AI/AN tribes, and a number of tribes recognized at the individual state level. There are also many tribes that are not state or federally recognized. Federally recognized tribes are provided health and educational assistance through a government agency called Indian Health Service (IHS), an operating division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The IHS provides a comprehensive health service delivery system for approximately 2.6 million American Indians and Alaska Natives who belong to 574 federally recognized tribes in 37 states. Typically, this urban clientele has less accessibility to hospitals, health clinics or contract health services provided by the IHS and tribal health programs. Studies on urban American Indian and Alaska Native populations have documented a frequency of poor health and limited health care options.

Since 1972, IHS has embarked upon a series of initiatives to fund health-related activities in off-reservation settings, which make health care services accessible to urban American Indians and Alaska Natives. Currently, the IHS funds 41 urban Indian health organizations, which operate sites located throughout the United States. Approximately 70 percent of American Indians and Alaska Natives live in urban areas, and are eligible to utilize this program. The programs administer medical services, dental services, community services, alcohol and drug use prevention, education and treatment, HIV and sexually transmitted disease education and prevention services, mental health services, nutrition education and counseling services, pharmacy services, health education, optometry services, social services, and home health care.

Some of the leading diseases and causes of death among AI/AN are heart disease, cancer, unintentional injuries (accidents), diabetes, and stroke. American Indians/Alaska Natives also have a high prevalence and risk factors for mental health and suicide, unintentional injuries, obesity, substance use, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), teenage pregnancy, diabetes, liver disease, and hepatitis.

Please note: Access to a child's health record will be removed when the child turns 14 years of age. At this point, the patient will need to create a new account via an office invitation and can then invite others to have access to their health records with the assistance from their provider's office. be457b7860

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