Turn Blog into a Lead Generation Machine

No matter what type or size your business is, you can use the blog as a way to increase your followers. It keeps your audience well informed about all the recent news and events of your brand. If you do it in the right way then you can make the right impact on your potential customers and convert your blog into a Lead Generation Machine. Now you must have started wondering how to turn your website into a lead generation machine. Here we will discuss all the possible ways.

What is the Need to Turn Your Blog into a Lead Generation Machine?

Generally, a blog is a way of reaching out to your audience. You can increase the overall user engagement of your website if you craft the posts in a way that they prove to be informative for your users. The visitors of your website should get a good amount of relevant content from your blog along with the information about the product or service that you are offering. And if you manage to do so then you can easily make your blog the ultimate lead generation machine for your business.

Every blog provides content for its visitors but only a few of them succeed in converting those visitors into their customers. Here we have compiled a list of all the possible and useful ways to strengthen the lead generation marketing strategy of your website.

Use Call to Action in Blog Posts:

Want to push the person reading your blog to take some action? Placing a Call to action is your solution. In each of your blog posts, you should give a not so visible hint to the reader then what is the next step he/she needs to make. This CTA should also include information about how the reader can reach out to you. While writing a post you can also try inserting a link somewhere in the middle. That link should be relevant to what they are looking for.

Another suitable option is to add a Slide-in CTA. It must have happened that you are on a blog page and just scrolling down then suddenly a box appears out of nowhere in the bottom right corner. This box includes a Call to Action. This is a more effective way to let your readers know what they need to do next.

Use a Hello Bar:

Some of the websites have a bar at the very top. This bar spans the webpage. It contains a Call to Action as well. This bar is called Hello Bar and it helps you to take the website traffic to the landing page that will appear when the user will click on this. This way your job is done and that too without being overly invasive. If you do not push the visitor more than required to click on the box then this can work very well. This way the reader will end up reading your complete blog and might explore some other blogs as well. Using a Hello Bar can prove to be very useful in driving targeted traffic. This will also help you to build your email list.

Create Quality Content:

No matter what you do, your blog cannot do well until you produce the content that the raiders are actually looking for. There is absolutely no substitute for well informing and quality content. If you really want your blog to succeed then you should provide your readers with exclusive content. And always make sure that what you are writing in your blog posts is packed with all the facts.

And along with this, you should also post your blogs on a regular interval. This way you can easily increase the user engagement.

Offer Freebies to the Readers:

Who does not love freebies? No matter what you are offering, a product or a service, you can always build a user base and keep it growing. For this, all you have to do is offer some perks to your readers. For example: if you are running an online store then you can allow your blog readers to get your product or services at a discounted price.

Or you can use other strategies like offering limited freebies to the visitors who have already subscribed to your email newsletter. You can also try sending the deals via text messages.

Redirect to a Lead Capture Page:

Another good option is using Welcome Redirect. Now you must have started wondering how that works. This can be used for a blog post that you have just created. And you think that this particular post can grab users’ attention and prove to be very useful for them.

In WordPress, there is a plugin that you can use for this. This will help you to direct your website visitors to a specific page. This page is created for capturing the leads. And this redirection will take place even before they reach your blog.

Make the Most Out of Margin Banners:

One common thing that you must have noticed on all the blogs is the Margin banners. In most of them you see a Call to Action on the right sidebar. This CTA pushes the user to download the newsletter or sign up for the email list.

On some websites, there is a Call to Action on the margin banner that tries to get the blog readers to opt for their services or buy the products offered by them.

Place CTAs while Answering Comments:

Almost every blog has a comment section. And if you have posted some relevant and informative content then you will surely receive a huge number of comments. These comments can be about anything like providing feedback or asking questions or giving suggestions etc. You should always reply to these comments. And you can make the most out of the comments section just by placing your Call to Action in the replies that you are posting.

This way you increase the chances of lead generation as you are interacting with people who have actually read your blog and are interested in something that you have to offer. These people do really care about the content you are posting and they want to engage with your brand. The purpose of that engagement can be anything including asking questions, giving appreciation, or providing suggestions.

Wrapping Up!

Generating genuine leads is one of the topmost priorities of any business that is in the process of creating an identity in the digital space. Here we have compiled a list of all the possible ways of creating leads from your blog website.

If your mind is getting flooded with queries related to any of these techniques to make your website a lead generation machine or you want to know more about it then this is the case when the need of some expert help arises. At this point, you must have started wondering from where you can get the right help. There is no need to worry. You can contact us for all of your queries. Our team of WordPress experts will assist you in every possible way. You can give us a call on 1-866-332-O276. We work 24x7.


Is traffic generation important for your website to grow?

Yes, it is also one of the most important factors.

Name the WordPress plugin that helps you to use Welcome Redirect?

You can use the plugin ‘WordPress Welcome Redirect’ for this purpose.

Can a Slide-in CTA prove to be useful?

Yes, it can also help you to generate genuine leads.

Can we use margin banners to compel the users to sign up for the newsletter?

Yes, margin banners can be used for that also.

Is it ok to place CTAs in the comment section of a blog post?

Yes doing this can benefit your business if you do it sparingly.

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