
We Are Here To Stay: Susan Kuklin 

A conversation with nine courageous young adults who speak about being undocumented, seeking education, fleeing violence, and escaping poverty. Additionally, these individuals are uncertain about the acceptance, opportunities, and self-identification that they adhere to once they arrive in the United States. 

Who Are Refugees and Migrants? What Makes People Leave Their Homes? And Other Big Questions: Michael Rosen & Annemarie Young

What does it mean for people to have to leave their homes, and what happens when they seek entry to another country? This book explores the history of refugees and migration around the world and the effects on people of never-ending war and conflict. It compares the effects on society of diversity and interculturalism with historical attempts to create a racially 'pure' culture. It takes an international perspective and offers a range of views from people who have personal experience of migration. There is also a role-play activity asking readers to imagine themselves in the situation of having to decide whether to leave their homes and seek refuge in a new country.