Wes Wise

About Me

Hello! My name is Wes Wise. I am a third year PhD student in mathematics at University of Southern California. I hold a BSc in General Mathematics from Appalachian State University.


My current research interests include combinatorics, algebra, and cryptography. My Erdos number is 3. Here is my CV, and my research can be found here or at the Research tab above.


For Fall 2023, I am teaching Calculus for Business. All teaching resources can be found here or at the Teaching tab above.


On the other side of town, my partner Erin George is also a PhD student in (applied) mathematics at University of California, Los Angeles. Their research is primarily in bias and fairness in machine learning.

Outside of mathematics, I am an avid studio artist, weightlifter, board gamer, and swimmer. I also served on the bargaining team for UAW-872, the graduate student union here at USC.