Sunday Morning Cancellation

A decision to cancel will be made no later than 8:30am for the Worship Service. Cancellations will be announced through e-mail, text message, Facebook, on radio station AM703 KWOA and on our home page.

Weekday Cancellation

If Worthington School District cancels or is dismissed early due to weather, there will be NO Wednesday night church activities at Westminster Presbyterian Church. Even if there is a dramatic change in weather and/or road conditions for the better as the day progresses, we will adhere to this policy.

In the case of bad weather (and no school closure or cancellation), church leadership (under the direction of the senior pastor) will decide by 3pm if scheduled evening activities should be cancelled.

Cancellations will be announced through Facebook, on radio station AM703 KWOA, and on our answering machine. Also check this site for weather related announcements.