Interactive Figures and Tables

This page hosts data shared through Google Drive that is linked to other publications

Interactive AMP-PD Plot 

This interactive bubble plot allows viewers to explore the composition of LRRK2 variants in AMP-PD. The size of the bubble represents the relative frequency of the variant, the y-axis is the corresponding revel score, and the x-axis is the corresponding amino acid number. Hovering over the bubbles allows you to see the frequency each variant well as the revel score for the variant.  You can also zoom in and out to explore variants at specific locations along LRRK2.

Interactive Gnom-AD Plot 

This interactive bubble plot allows viewers to explore the ancestry composition of LRRK2 variants in Gnom-AD. The size of the bubble represents the frequency of the variant, the y-axis is the corresponding revel score, and the x-axis is the corresponding amino acid number. Hovering over the bubbles allows you to see the frequency, revel score, and race corresponding to the variant.  You can also zoom in and out to explore variants at specific locations along LRRK2.