
WARC REGULAR MEETING – April 02, 2024 

The April 02, 2024 WARC Regular Meeting at the Municipality of Cumberland Building in Upper Nappan NS (and via Google Meet) was brought to order at 7:09 p.m. with President Kevin VEKEV as chair.

17 amateurs attended the meeting and another 12 club members were online for a total of 29 members taking part, including Jim VE1JBL, Mike VE1MWJ, Terry VE1AS, Lorne VE1BXK, Brad VE1ZX, Jim VE1AFH, Garrett VA1OR, Steve VE1OR, Chad VA1CS, Mike VE1ZB, Robert VE1CA, Mike VE1MY, Ron VE1BIC, Frank VE1FSM, Dave VE1DEH, Borden VA1CBC, Kevin VE1KEV, Peter VE1WIN, Neil VE1YZ, Tom VE1TWH, George VY2GF, Don VE9CUB, Eric VE1JW, Jon VE1JSG, Bill VA1BIL, Frank VE3AC, Charlie VE1CPI, Brian VE1BSD and Mike VE9MTV. Regrets from Helen VA1HAS, Al VE1ZS and Gordon VE9GC.

The Agenda for the meeting was approved. Moved/seconded by Ron VE1BIC/Jim VE1JBL. Motion carried.


Minutes from the Last Meeting:

The minutes from the March 05 2024 regular meeting were posted on the WARC website and circulated by email. It was moved/seconded by Ron VE1BIC/Terry VE1AS that the minutes be approved. Motion carried.


New Members/Silent Keys/Sick & Visiting

Mike VE1MY gave an update about Al VE1ZS from his daughter.


Old Business:

Jim VE1AFH reported that the WARC will award two, $200 bursaries in June 2024. The regular bursary will go to a student at ARHS, to be presented by Mike VE1MY, and the other will go to Connor, the grandson of Mike VE1ZB who also attends ARHS.. The regular bursary in 2025 will go to TRHS (Tantramar Regional High School in Sackville). Jim said no funds were forthcoming from the NSARA this year even though a letter had been sent. Jim also asked if anyone else wanted to look after the bursaries. There were no takers.

Mike VE1MWJ gave an update on the meeting planned for 3 pm on Thursday (April 04) with Steve Wood and Al Cole of Cumberland EMO. Topics to be covered will include the history of Amateur Radio and EMO, present policy and what our expectations are moving forward, the presentation of a “wish list” and a review of equipment including radios at firehalls are hospitals, and what resources can be put in place if needed. Mike will be attending along with Kevin VE1KEV. Jim VE1JBL and Steve VE1OR have put together a slide deck on where we are at and what we are looking for. He asked anyone at the meeting to let him know their concerns about the relationship with the County. Most of the radios have been programmed with tones. Jim VE1AFH said he had been unable to access the 2m radio at the CKDH studios in West Amherst. Mike VE1ZB noted that NS Premier Tim Houston had created a “Nova Scotia Guard” to assist the Province during emergencies. Mike VE1MWJ felt it was a good idea and it would help during floods and fires. He said there was a real need for quality and quantity of volunteers. Jim VE1AFH Amateur radio at the Advocate firehall could not be located. Jim said he would track it down.

George VY2GF (via Google Meet) gave an update on plans to date for S.M.A.R.T 2024 on May 04. The list of speakers has been filled, but they still need someone for the “YL” table. He will be sending an email to the presenters for a short biography and a brief overview of what they will be talking about. Jim VE1JBL said registrations had reached 129 of 150, and he was talking to the Subway in Springhill about the box lunches. Those attending will need to fill out a form via email about their choice of sandwich.


New Business:

Neil VE1YZ (via Google Meet) gave an update on the proposed WINLINK gateway at VE1EMX located at the County building. Neil went over the equipment and programs that would be necessary, but cautioned that while it was a simple setup, it is very software-intensive. There followed a lengthy discussion about the current packet setup here, and what type of packet traffic is currently on WINLINK.

Jim VE1JBL proposed another meeting with the EMO Auxiliary members (following the EMO meeting) to discuss what needs to be done to get the VE1EMX HF station at the County building cleaned up and working. Jim said it is important that the HF station be operational during an emergency. He said having WINLINK would be a good addition.


Treasurer's Report:

Jim VE1JBL presented the Treasurer’s Report. It was moved/seconded by Jim VE1JBL/Mike VE1MWJ that the report be accepted. Motion Carried.



Nothing to report.


Field Day:

Nothing to report.



Nothing to report.


Public Service:

Nothing to report.


Web page:

Nothing to report.



Nothing to report.



Nothing to report.



Frank VE1FSM said the Monday Night Net was going well, with 39 check-ins the previous night, and the “Cheesecake Caper” starting on April 15, which has been generating some interest. Joe VY2JC has also offered lobster and scallops for the next Net. Jim VE1JBL asked if the operators of the additional repeaters had given permission. Frank explained that it would involve the repeaters used on the Wakeup Net. Transmissions would be kept short with just a callsign and name. Frank has been directing potential participants to the WARC Facebook page. Net Controllers would also be eligible as it would be a random draw. Mike VE1MY felt we could easily get 100 check-ins.

Kevin VE1KEV opened a discussion about “Exercise Handshake” with Mike VE1ZB saying there was still a need for more Net Controllers. He said the whole idea of the exercise was to get people used to linking up. He said it “seems to be a task” to keep asking the same people. Kevin noted that you didn’t need to be a club member to be a Net Controller. Mike VE1MWJ said it was vitally important that we as a club make every effort to look after things here in Cumberland County and get out to the firehalls and hospitals and check into Exercise Handshake and make sure the equipment is working properly on the user end. He said we should meet the fire chiefs. It is in our EMO presentation that we would like to review with the Fire Command our Amateur Radio capabilities and what we are looking for from the fire departments, so that the Fire Command people and the “powers that be” in the County understand what we are looking for and what we can provide to them. If we can develop a relationship between ourselves and our local fire department, we don’t need to go through the County and then back down. Mike VE1ZB said when he was at Wentworth Fire Station to pick up the radio the person there didn’t even know if the radio had ever been used and didn’t even know what it was for. Kevin VE1KEV suggested that a few Club members could do a tour. Mike VE1MWJ said it might be better if just one or two Amateurs talked to the fire chief in their own community and built a relationship. Steve VE1OR said that was one of the steps included in the slide deck for the EMO meeting. Mike noted that there has recently been a transition happening with the fire departments across Cumberland County, with some of them uneasy with the new set of standards being imposed on them. Steve said the fire chiefs need to know ahead of time what is happening, and if anyone shows up haphazardly, they don’t deal well with that. Terry VE1AS noted that the fire departments are now dealing with several million dollars worth of equipment. Mike said the problem is that some fire departments were an “entity unto themselves” and operated under different standards, and they are now outside their comfort zone.



Lorne VE1BXK reported he had submitted an application to the Province to address the re-orientation of the sets of filters for the two VHF repeaters at Salem, in order to address the ongoing C4FM interference issue. Lorne said it will require new RF cables and connectors. He said LM400 is cheaper than RG214 and is now allowed in the sites. He will need to run some new tests at all the power levels. Lorne said there is “no rhyme or reason” with what is going on. A filter he had installed last fall made no difference, so he figures the issue is broadband in nature. It could be spurious emission from the transmitter itself, and replacing the repeater with his spare could pinpoint the issue.  He may also use the spectrum analyzer. Also, a new link radio needs to be installed at Salem, and a yagi antenna at the VE1PAR solar site needs to be replaced.


Hints & Kinks:

Nothing to report.


Technical & Operating Information:

Steve VE1OR reported that a VARA VHF gateway was now being tested and the WINLINK software is working really well. He is planning to be on 20m in New Brunswick at a couple of P.O.T.A parks during the April 08 eclipse. George VY2GF plans to be at a lighthouse in Northport near Alberton PEI.



The April Brunch is planned for the Parkview Restaurant in Oxford on the 13th. In May it would be on the 11th at the Harbourview Restaurant in Parrsboro.

The 50-50 ($23.00) was won by Mike VE1ZB.


Next Meeting

The Next club meeting is planned for Tuesday May 7th 2024 at 7:00 at the County Building and via Google Meet.

Adjournment: 8:27 pm.                   Ron Bickle VE1BIC Secretary