Cloud Cows

Cloud Cows

Cattle collected:

Beans in storage: 25 (pending)

Cloud Cows was created by minifun990 on Chickensmoothie. They also are the current owner of the species



Cross between Highland Cattle and Budgie

Not much is known about Odysseus. He escaped a meat farm when he was younger and since then he's been traveling. He doesn't know how old he is, where his parents are, his name, anything really. What he knows is how to survive. How to find safe shelter and plentiful food to thrive of.

Until one day Odysseus found a giant structure made out of wood with loads of hay and fresh water. Large pastures to run around on and tons of different animals living together in harmony.

At this moment a strange looking Cat ran towards him and greeted him with loud purring. "Greetings, friend. Welcome to the Westburrow Stables! A safe place for every animal to live in together in harmony. My name is Ghost and from this day on you shall be known as Odysseus."