Do deer carry diseases that can harm humans or pets?

While deer are known to carry a number of diseases, the majority of these are not passed on to humans. In this section, we will focus on several diseases that are commonly asked about by the public. Click on the links below to learn more about each of these diseases, and what the risks are to people and pets who come in contact with White-tailed Deer.

  1. Lyme Disease - Transmissible to humans and pets through ticks

  2. Chronic Wasting Disease - Not believed to be transmissible to humans or pets

  3. Leptospirosis - Transmissible to dogs

  4. Mange/Scabies - Transmissible primarily to pets (typically from foxes and coyotes)

  5. Covid-19 - Transmissibility unknown; risk thought to be low

  6. Escherichia coli - transmissible through droppings