
Currently Taught Courses

CHEM 1303 General Chemistry I 

CHEM 1304 General Chemistry II

Previously Taught Courses

CHEM 5383 Physical Chemistry I 

CHEM 5384 Physical Chemistry II 

CHEM 6114 Chemical Kinetics 

CHEM 5396 Advanced Physical Chemistry   

Last taught Fall 2013


Recommended texts: (i) P. Atkins and J. de Paula: Physical Chemistry, 9th ed., (W. H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2010); and (ii) I. R. Epstein and J. A. Pojman: An Introduction to Nonlinear Chemical Dynamics (Oxford University Press, New York, 1998). 

Course Grade 

Three homework assignments and a term paper on a topic related to the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction or the Chlorite-Iodide-Malonic Acid reaction.

Course Description: This course covers transport and chemical kinetics, with special emphasis on temporal and spatial pattern formation in nonlinear chemical systems. The class will acquaint students with the basic theoretical ideas and experimental tools of chemical pattern formation.

Background: Patterns are ubiquitous in nature, ranging from the spiral structure of galaxies to banded rocks to the stripes of the zebra to the one-cellular algae Acetabularia. Though temporal and spatial patterns in chemistry were sporadically reported in the literature during the first half of the last century, the field of chemical pattern formation only took off in 1968. At a conference in Prague that year, the work of Belousov and Zhabotinskii on oscillating chemical reactions, done in Moscow in the fifties and early sixties, became widely known to western scientists. It was realized at that time that their work could be understood in the framework of dissipative structures, whose theory was being developed by the Brussels school. Also, Turing's seminal 1952 article "The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis" was "rediscovered". In this work, Turing proposed a theory of chemical spatial pattern formation and its application to biological patterns. The field of oscillating reactions received a further boost in 1972, when Noyes and coworkers at the University of Oregon elucidated the chemical mechanism of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction. In the mid-seventies, the Bordeaux group pioneered the use of the CSTR (continuous-flow stirred tank reactor) for the study of chemical oscillations and chaos. This tool has become an invaluable device in the field of oscillatory reactions. Then in the early eighties, Epstein, De Kepper, and coworkers at Brandeis University discovered systematic ways to design new oscillating chemical reactions. In 1987, the Austin group developed the CFUR (continuous-flow unstirred reactor) as the spatial analogue to the CSTR. Chemical patterns persist in a CFUR as long as the feed of the reactor is maintained. Turing patterns, stationary spatial chemical patterns, were first observed in a CFUR in 1990 by the Bordeaux group. 

Web Sites, Literature, Etc.


"Never Say Never":  The history of the BZ reaction produced by Moscow State Television in 1982 (dubbed in English).

Brandeis group: Various movies of pattern formation in reaction-diffusion systems.


Some good introductory articles are: 

Classic articles: 

Chemical Kinetics with R

R is not only a powerful environment for statistical analysis and graphing data, it also provides a high-level programming language for scientific computing. R is an excellent tool for solving kinetic rate equations and for modeling nonlinear chemical systems. R is open source and is available free-of-charge for all three major platforms: Macintosh, Windows, and Linux.


1. Download and install the appropriate R binary from The Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN).

2. Download and install the free and open-source front end RStudio, a powerful editor and superb integrated development environment for R.

3. The R binary installs only the base system. To solve kinetic rate equations and to model nonlinear phenomena in chemistry, biology, ecology, etc., you need to install additional packages using the R application. Go to the menu item "Packages," and click "Install package(s)." The wording of the menu items may differ slightly, depending on the platform and version. Make sure that "Install dependencies" is checked. You can also use RStudio to install packages. Do not download package binaries directly from CRAN using the package URL provided below.

Useful Packages for Chemical Kinetics and Nonlinear Dynamics:

Many additional packages for a variety of tasks are available at CRAN and at Bioconductor

Literature for Scientific Computing and Mathematical Modeling with R: