11 July, 2022

Privacy is not an Island - Workshop on Evolving Privacy Challenges and Technological Solutions (WEPCTS)

About the Workshop

Privacy is one element which needs to be considered when exploring issues associated with appropriate use of data, whether for personal, commercial or government use. This workshop will explore elements of current and evolving privacy challenges in an increasingly digital and connected world. Following an expert panel discussion, there will be an opportunity to explore technology solutions which are currently under development from Government, industry and the innovation sector. The workshop will end with a "what now?" discussion which will explore those larger issues which remain to be addressed.

Early Bird Registration: AU $92 (11 June)

Standard Registration: AU $106 (from 12 June)

Choose Workshops only or full PETS Symposium with workshops

Please contact workshop organisers for any questions:

Ian Oppermann: ian.oppermann@customerservice.nsw.gov.au

Hassan Asghar: hassan.asghar@mq.edu.au

Panel Members

NSW Privacy Commissioner

Principal, Data Synergies Pty Limited

Director at Allens Hub for Technology, Law and Innovation

Director, Privacy Enhancing Technology, Deloitte, Australia

Industry Professor, Responsible Technology, UTS

Professor of Law, Sydney University

Director, Data & Analytics, Ashurst

CEO, Ambiata

Speakers (Tech Demos)

Microsoft Australia

Research Scientist, Data61, CSIRO

Google Australia

AWS Australia

Workshop Organisers

NSW Government Chief Data Scientist

Senior Lecturer of Cyber Security at Macquarie University



Building 8, 14/28 Ultimo Rd, Ultimo NSW 2007

The workshop will take place in Room CB08.03.005, Level 3, Building 8, UTS

Click here to see transport options to get here.


  • 8.30 a.m.–9 a.m.: Registration

  • 9.00 a.m.–9.10 a.m.: Acknowledgement of Country & Welcome

  • 9.10 a.m.-9.20 a.m.: Opening Statements

  • 9.20 a.m.–10 a.m.: Panel Discussion 1

  • 10 a.m.–10.50 a.m.: Tech Demos

  • 10.50 a.m.–11.05 a.m.: Break

  • 11.05 a.m.–12.20 p.m.: Tech Demos

  • 12.20 p.m.–12.55 p.m.: Panel Discussion 2

  • 12.55 p.m.–1 p.m.: Concluding remarks

  • 1 p.m.: Lunch

Click here for full program.