
About Me

Hello! I'm Wenqi Zeng, a linguistics doctoral student at the University of Iowa

My research focuses on the cognitive processes involved in speech perception and comprehension of bilingual listeners. In my studies, I try to answer questions such as how bilinguals perceive and discriminate similar sounds across languages when receiving an auditory input, how they distinguish languages and comprehend speech in a fast-paced manner, and how they switch between languages seamlessly in everyday conversation.  

People's Park, Chengdu, China, in July, 2022, by H. Zeng

Born and raised in Chengdu, China, I grew up speaking two Mandarin dialects, which brought me special interests in the bidialectal population and tonal languages. I anticipate that studying these two areas can complement our understanding of the brain construction of people with various linguistic systems as well as the mechanisms underlying their language processes. 

My current research projects include:

Here is my complete CV.

Contact Information

 Linguistics Department, University of Iowa

314 Phillips Hall, Iowa City, Iowa, 52242

Email: wenqi-zeng@uiowa.edu