School Board Policies

The Win-E-Mac Official Policy Manual is provided here in an effort to allow easy access to all the policies that have been adopted by the Win-E-Mac School Board. Simply scroll down to find the policy that you would like to reference and click on either view or download.

A policy manual is recognized as the primary and most efficient way for the school board to provide administrators, employees, students, parents, taxpayers and members of the entire school district community notice of the school board's beliefs and goals and methods of achieving those beliefs and goals. School board policy allows the school board to exert its influence, exercise its authority and create the educational programs needed and desired.

A number of school board policies are mandatory and are necessary to meet the requirements of state or federal law. State and federal agencies look for the mandatory school board policies during accreditation visits, financial audits, investigations and as contingencies prior to the release of funds.

Goals of School Board Policy

School board policy is written to accomplish the following goals:

  • To provide guidance, continuity and consistency in the decision-making process by the school board and administration;

  • To state "why" a school board wants a certain action to occur and state "what" the school board wants to accomplish through that action;

  • To give enough guidance to the administration to implement school board policy, yet enough flexibility to allow the administration to carry out the policy on a daily basis;

  • To provide boundaries within which the educational program can operate;

  • To achieve efficiency by not repeatedly discussing the same issues;

  • To reflect formally the school board's authority to make rules and regulations, which have the force and effect of law; and

  • To provide a framework for the operation of the school district consistent with state and federal law.