Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Upcoming MBSR Class Information

Location: Firefly Farm at Burke Hollow 

Day and Time: TBD

Orientation: TBD

Classes: TBD

All Day Retreat: TBD

The course is open to everyone; no experience is necessary. Class size is limited.

Stay tuned.  Hope that I can offer a class this summer 2023


How big are the classes?

There are typically 10-15 participants in each MBSR class.

Do I need to have any experience with meditating to sign up?

No. Participants do not need to know anything about mindfulness when they begin the course. Please note that the course is also open to individuals with prior experience.

What should I wear?

If possible, dress in loose layers. You do not need to wear yoga or exercise clothes. The mindful movement is very gentle and can be done in regular clothing. If you come directly from work, school, or another setting, it is fine to wear any type of clothing. Please avoid wearing perfume, cologne, or other strong fragrances.

Are there breaks in the classes?

There are no formal class breaks. However, all participants are encouraged to stand up, walk around, use the bathroom, or take a break whenever needed.

Do I need to read anything to prepare?

No. Reading about mindfulness can cause learners to intellectualize the practice and prevent them from fully immersing in the experience. At the end of the course, you may request a list of recommended reading materials and other resources.

What is the cost?

The suggested cost for this class is $250. Please consider paying as much as you are willing but not more than able. If paying more than this cost is within your means, your generosity will allow us to offer needed scholarships for this course.

About MBSR

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an educational program developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Its eight-week curriculum is designed to help participants cultivate mindfulness through direct practice in meditation, mindful movement, instruction, and conversation. Since its initial development, MBSR has been studied for a range of medical and psychological conditions such as chronic pain, anxiety, diabetes, depression, cancer, heart disease, and stress. It is now offered in medical, occupational, military and educational settings around the world. MBSR is taught in 2.5-hour, weekly group classes and one six-hour weekend retreat. Participants are also encouraged to complete approximately 45 minutes of home practice per day.

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an evidenced based approach with deep historical roots to help navigate the ever changing landscape of our lives. Because this course can have such beneficial effects on wellness, we hope that this class is affordable to anyone who may feel that this teaching could benefit their life. Therefore, we do not want to limit anyone's access to the class for financial reasons.

The suggested cost for this class is $250. Please consider paying as much of this as you are willing, but not more than able. If paying more than this cost is within your means, this generosity will allow us to continue to offer this sliding scale and, if needed, scholarships for this course.

Although things do happen, it is important to try to make all the classes. Each class builds upon the previous for the complete experience. Please feel free to contact me for any questions. bensimpleliving@gmail.com