Wellness Matters

              Meadow Hall Elementary Professional School Counseling website

Welcome to Wellness

Meet The Counselor, Ms.Smith

Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year Meadow Hall Fam! My name is Ms.Smith and I serve as the Professional School Counselor at Meadow Hall Elementary School. I hail from Brooklyn, New York but have been in the DMV area for about 9 years now.

  I am excited to begin my fourth year as a School Counselor; navigating through this interesting, challenging, and confusing time with you all. I support students through collaboration with teachers, staff, parents/guardians, and the outside community. My goal is to empower students and enable them to maximize their fullest potential. I want students to be even the slightest bit prepared with the knowledge, skills, and resilience needed to function in an ever-changing society. 

     I created this webpage for resources to assist you in all your wellness needs and a direct way to get in contact with me. This is a source to heal and grow our Mind, Body, and Spirit moving forward. 

Be safe, Be well. See you on the internet somewhere!!

                                                            Love, Ms. Smith


Role of School Counselors 

It is  very unclear for many people what Professional School Counselors are supposed to do. With a career that is always changing, I find it difficult to keep track too!

Here is a Snippet to get a get a better understanding. (Click picture above)

Here is a Quote to keep you going and a wellness tip to keep help keep your mind, body and spirt in good health