Wellness Matters
Meadow Hall Elementary Professional School Counseling website
Welcome to Wellness
Meet The Counselor, Ms.Smith
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year Meadow Hall Fam! My name is Ms.Smith and I serve as the Professional School Counselor at Meadow Hall Elementary School. I hail from Brooklyn, New York but have been in the DMV area for about 9 years now.
I am excited to begin my fourth year as a School Counselor; navigating through this interesting, challenging, and confusing time with you all. I support students through collaboration with teachers, staff, parents/guardians, and the outside community. My goal is to empower students and enable them to maximize their fullest potential. I want students to be even the slightest bit prepared with the knowledge, skills, and resilience needed to function in an ever-changing society.
I created this webpage for resources to assist you in all your wellness needs and a direct way to get in contact with me. This is a source to heal and grow our Mind, Body, and Spirit moving forward.
Be safe, Be well. See you on the internet somewhere!!
Love, Ms. Smith