

2. Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology. Oxford University Press: New York, NY. Purchase

1. Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. Purchase

Book chapters

13. Welling, L.L.M. (2024). What's in a face? Sources of variation in human facial attractiveness. In R. Seth & P.D. Knott (Eds.) Gender affirming surgery of the face and neck. Nature Springer: New York, NY. PDF 

12. Welling, L.L.M., Mitchell, V.E., Lunge, J.M., & Hughes, M. (2024). More than PMS: The influence of hormones on emotion. In L. Al-Shawaf & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evolution and the Emotions (pp.861-884). Oxford University Press: New York, NY. PDF 

11. Mitchell, V.E., Lunge, J.M., Orille, A., Hughes, M., & Welling, L.L.M. (2022). Infidelity across the ovulatory cycle. In T. DeLecce & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Infidelity (pp. 288-314). Oxford University Press: New York, NY. PDF

10. Welling, L.L.M., Mitchell, V.E., Lunge, J.M., & Orille, A. (2022). The adaptive value of women’s orgasm. In T. K. Shackelford (Ed.) The Cambridge Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Sexual Psychology, vol. 3: Female Sexual Adaptations (pp. 290-318). Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, MA. PDF 

9. Mogilski, J.K., Wysocki, A., Reeve, S.D., Mitchell, V., Lunge, J., & Welling, L.L.M. (2019). Stress hormones, physiology, and behavior. In L.L.M. Welling & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology (pp. 351-365). Oxford Publishing: Oxford, UK. PDF

8. Welling, L.L.M., & Burriss, R.P. (2019). Investigating the ovulatory cycle: An overview of research and methods. In L.L.M. Welling & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology (pp. 108-123). Oxford Publishing: Oxford, UK. PDF

7. Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2019). Integrating mechanisms and functions to understand behavior. In L.L.M. Welling & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology (pp. 1-9). Oxford Publishing: Oxford, UK. PDF

6. Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2019). Future directions in human behavioral endocrinology. In L.L.M. Welling & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology and Behavioral Endocrinology (pp. 433-441). Oxford Publishing: Oxford, UK. PDF

5. Nicolas, S.C.A., & Welling, L.L.M. (2015). The Darwinian mystique? Synthesizing evolutionary psychology and feminism. In V. Zeigler-Hill, L.L.M. Welling, & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology (pp. 203-212). Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

4. Welling, L.L.M., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Integrating evolutionary psychology and social psychology: Reflections and future directions. In V. Zeigler-Hill, L.L.M. Welling, & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology (pp. 493-500). Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

3. Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). How can an understanding of evolutionary psychology contribute to social psychology? In V. Zeigler-Hill, L.L.M. Welling, & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology (pp. 3-11). Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

2. Welling, L.L.M. (2014). Female Orgasm. In V.A. Weekes-Shackelford & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Sexual Psychology and Behavior (pp. 223-242). Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

1. Welling, L.L.M., & Puts, D.A. (2014). Female adaptations to ovulation. In V.A. Weekes-Shackelford & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Sexual Psychology and Behavior (pp. 243-260). Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

Journal Articles & Editorials

91. DeLecce, T., Vance, G., Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L. L. M., & Shackelford, T. K. (in press). Ejaculate adjustment in response to sperm competition risk in humans. Archives of Sexual Behavior.

90. Welling, L.L.M., & Shephard, K. (in press). Because no one wants to die alone: Relationship initiation and dissolution behaviors associated with the fear of being single. International Journal of Personality Psychology.

89. Edge, J., Vonk, J., & Welling, L. L. M. (2023). Asexual individuals report high preferences for femininity in male and female faces. Psychology and Sexuality. PDF

88. Young, J. L., Powell, R. N., Zabel, C., Saal, J., Welling, L. L. M., Fortain, J., & Ceresnie, A. (2023). Development and validation of the ADHD Symptom and Side Effect Tracking - Baseline Scale (ASSET-BS): A novel short screening measure for ADHD in clinical populations. BMC Psychiatry, 23, 806-818. PDF

87. Welling, L.L.M., & Orille, A. (2023). A preliminary investigation into individual differences that predict men’s preferences for cues to fertility in women’s faces. Adaptive Human Behavior & Physiology, 9, 284-307. Data PDF

86. McDonald, M.M., & Welling, L.L.M. (2023). Sex differences in the perceived advantage of coalitions of kin versus non-kin. Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences. PDF

85. Welling, L.L.M., Wysocki, A., Orille, A.C., & Mitchell, V.E. (2022). Development and initial assessment of the Partner Exploitation Inventory. Current Research in Behavioral Sciences, 3, 100074. Supplementary Materials PDF

84. Nicolas, S.C.A., & Welling, L.L.M. (2022). A preliminary investigation into women's sexual risk-taking that could lead to an unintended pregnancy. Evolutionary Psychological Science. PDF 

83. Scott-Sheldon, L.A.J., Mark, K.P., Balzarini, R.N., & Welling, L.L.M. (2022). Editorial: Guest Editors' introduction to the Special Section on the Impact of COVID-19 on Sexual Health and Behaviors. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 51, 101-103. PDF 

82. Shirazi, T.N., Self, H., Rosenfield, K.A., Dawood, K., Welling, L.L.M., Cárdenas, R., Bailey, J.M., Balasubramanian, R., Delaney, A., Breedlove, S.M., & Puts, D.A. (2022). Low perinatal androgens predict recalled childhood gender nonconformity in men. Psychological Science, 33(3), 343-353. PDF 

81. Edge, J., Vonk, J., & Welling, L.L.M. (2022). Asexuality and relationship investment: Visible differences in relationship investment for an invisible minority. Psychology and Sexuality, 13, 1256-1269. PDF 

80. Shirazi, T.N., Self, H., Dawood, K., Welling, L.L.M., Cárdenas, R., Rosenfield, K.A., Bailey, J.M., Balasubramanian, R., Delaney, A., Breedlove, S.M., & Puts, D.A. (2021). Evidence that perinatal ovarian hormones promote women's sexual attraction to men. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 134, 105431. PDF 

79. Delecce, T., Lopes, G.S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Welling, L.L.M., Shackelford, T.K., & Abed, M.G. (2020). A preliminary but methodologically improved investigation of the relationship between major personality dimensions and human ejaculate quality. Personality and Individual Differences, 153(15), 109614. PDF 

78. Shirazi, T.N., Self, H., Dawood, K., Cárdenas, R., Welling, L.L.M., Rosenfield, K.A., Ortiz, T.L., Carré, J.M., Balasubramanian, R., Delaney, A., Crowley, W.F., Breedlove, S.M., & Puts, D.A. (2020). Pubertal timing predicts adult psychosexuality: Evidence from typically developing adults and adults with isolated GnRH deficiency. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 119, 104733. PDF

77. Sulikowski, D., Tan, K.W., Jones, A.L., Welling, L.L.M., & Stephen, I.D. (2020). Editorial: Perceptions of People: Cues to Underlying Physiology and Psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 643. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00643. PDF

​76. Mitchell, V.E., Mogilski, J.K., Donaldson, S.H., Nicolas, S.C.A., & Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Sexual motivation and satisfaction among consensually non-monogamous and monogamous individuals. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 17(6), 1072-1085. PDF

75. Mitchell, V.E., & Welling, L.L.M. (2020). All progestins are not created equal: Considering progestin type in psychobehavioral research. Adaptive Human Behavior & Physiology, 6, 381-412 PDF

74. Mogilski, J.K., Mitchell, V.E., Reeve, S.D., Donaldson, S.H., Nicolas, S.C.A., & Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Life history and multi-partner mating: A novel explanation for moral stigma against consensual nonmonogamy. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 3033. PDF 

73. Mitchell, V.E., Mogilski, J.K., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Welling, L.L.M. (2019). Mate poaching strategies are differentially associated with pathological personality traits and risk-taking in men and women. Personality and Individual Differences, 142, 110-115. PDF

​72. Mogilski, J.K., Reeve, S.D., Nicolas, S.C.A., Donaldson, S.H., Mitchell, V.E., & Welling, L.L.M. (2019). Jealousy, consent, and compersion within monogamous and consensually non-monogamous romantic relationships. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48, 1811-1828. PDF 

71. Mogilski, J.K., Vrabel, J., Mitchell, V.E., & Welling, L.L.M. (2019). The primacy of trust within romantic relationships: Evidence from conjoint analysis of HEXACO-derived personality profiles. Evolution and Human Behavior, 40(2019), 365-374. PDF

70. Reeve, S.D., Mogilski, J.K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2019). Environmental safety threat alters mate choice processes in humans: Further evidence for the environmental security hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 5(2), 186-198.  PDF

69. Brindley, S., McDonald, M.M., Welling, L.L.M., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2018). An evolutionary perspective on intergroup dating bias. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 3(1), 28-55. PDF

68. Holden, C.J., Zeigler-Hill, V., Shackelford, T.K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2018). The impact of relationship-contingent self-esteem on mate retention and reactions to threat. Personal Relationships, 25(4), 611-630. PDF

67. Mogilski, J.K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2018). The relative contribution of jawbone and cheekbone prominence, eyebrow thickness, eye size, and face length to evaluations of facial masculinity and attractiveness: A conjoint data-driven approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2428. PDF

66. Pham, M.N., Barbaro, N., Holub, A.M., Holden, C.J., Mogilski, J.K., Lopes, G.S., Nicolas, S.C.A., Sela, Y., Shackelford, T.K., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Welling, L.L.M. (2018). Do men produce higher-quality ejaculates when primed with thoughts of partner infidelity? Evolutionary Psychology, 16(1), 1-7. PDF

65. Donaldson, S.H., Welling, L.L.M., & Reeve, S.D. (2017). The influence of hormone replacement therapy on mating psychology among post-menopausal women. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 13-18. PDF

64. Hill, A.K., Cárdenas, R.A., Wheatley, J.R., Welling, L.L.M., Burriss, R.P., Claes, P., Apicella, C.L., McDaniel, M.A., Little, A.C., Shriver, M.D., & Puts, D.A. (2017). Are there vocal cues to human developmental stability? Relationships between facial fluctuating asymmetry and voice attractiveness. Evolution and Human Behavior, 38(2), 249-258. PDF

​63. Mogilski, J.K., Memering, S., Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2017). Monogamy versus consensual non-monogamy: Alternative approaches to pursuing a strategically pluralistic mating strategy. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 407-417. PDF

62. Mogilski, J.K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2017). The relative importance of sexual dimorphism, fluctuating asymmetry, and color cues to health during evaluation of potential partners' facial photographs: A conjoint analysis study. Human Nature, 28, 53-75. PDF

61. Mogilski, J.K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2017). Staying friends with an ex: Sex and dark personality traits predict motivations for post-relationship friendship. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 114-119. PDF

60. Nicolas, S.C.A., & Welling, L.L.M. (2017). Women's acceptance of cosmetic surgery across the menstrual cycle. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 99-102. PDF

59. Reeve, S.D., Kelly, K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2017). The effect of mate value feedback on women's mating aspirations and mate preference. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 77-82. PDF

58. Welling, L.L.M., Allan, K., Bestelmeyer, P.E.G., Jones, B.C., & DeBruine, L.M. (2017). Effects of sexually dimorphic shape cues on neurophysiological correlates of women's face processing. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 3(4), 337-350. PDF

57. Bird, B.M., Welling, L.L.M., Ortiz, T.L., Moreau, B.J.P., Hansen, S., Emond, M., Goldfarb, B., Bonin, P.L., & Carré, J.M. (2016). Effects of exogenous testosterone and mating context on men's preferences for female facial femininity. Hormones and Behavior, 85, 76-85. PDF

56. Gangestad, S.W., Haselton, M.G., Welling, L.L.M., Gildersleeve, K., Pillsworth, E.G., Burriss, R.P., Larson, C.M., & Puts, D.A. (2016). How valid are assessments of conception probability in ovulatory cycle research? Evaluations, recommendations, and theoretical implications. Evolution and Human Behavior, 37(2), 85-96. Supplementary Material  PDF

55. Puts, D.A., Hill, A.K., Bailey, D., Walker, R., Rendall, D., Wheatley, J.R., Welling, L.L.M., Dawood, K., Cárdenas, R.A., Burriss, R.P., Jablonski, N., Shriver, M., Weiss, D., Lameira, A., Apicella, C., Owren, M.J., Barelli, C., Glenn, M., & Ramos-Fernandez, G. (2016). Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London - Series B, 283(1829), 20152830. PDF

54. Reeve, S.D., Kelly, K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2016). Transitory environmental threat alters sexually dimorphic mate preferences and sexual strategy. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2, 101-113. PDF

53. Welling, L.L.M. (2016). Synthetic hormone dose in hormonal contraceptives predicts individual differences in personality. Social Behavior Research and Practice, 1(1), 13-16. PDF

52. Welling, L.L.M., Moreau, B.J.P., Bird, B.M., Hansen, S., & Carré, J.M. (2016). Exogenous testosterone increases men's perceptions of their own physical dominance. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 64, 136-142. PDF

51. Gonzalez-Santoyo, I., Wheatley, J.R., Welling, L.L.M., Cárdenas, R.A., Jimenez-Trejo, F., Dawood, K., & Puts, D.A. (2015). The face of female dominance: Women with dominant faces have lower cortisol. Hormones and Behavior, 71, 16-21. PDF

50. McCoy, M.G., Welling, L.L.M., & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Development and initial psychometric assessment of the Reasons for Pretending Orgasm Inventory. Evolutionary Psychology,13(1), 89-101. PDF

49. McGuire, M.C., Williams, K.L., Welling, L.L.M., & Vonk, J. (2015). Cognitive bias in rats is not influenced by oxytocin. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1306-1331. PDF

48. Puts, D.A., Pope, L.E., Hill, A.K., Cárdenas, R.A., Welling, L.L.M., Wheatley, J.R., & Breedlove, S.M. (2015). Fulfilling desire: Evidence for negative feedback between men's testosterone, sociosexual psychology, and sexual partner number. Hormones & Behavior, 70, 14-21. PDF

47. Doll, L.M., Hill, A.K., Cárdenas, R.A., Welling, L.L.M., Wheatley, J.R., & Puts, D.A. (2014). How well do men’s faces and voices index mate quality and dominance? Human Nature, 25, 200-212. PDF

46. Li, Y., Bailey, D.H., Winegard, B., Puts, D.A., Welling, L.L.M., & Geary, D.C. (2014). Women's preference for masculine traits is disrupted by images of male-on-female aggression. PLoS One, 9(10), e110497. PDF

45. Mogilski, J.K., Wade, T.J., & Welling, L.L.M. (2014). Prioritization of potential mates' history of sexual fidelity during a conjoint ranking task. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 40(7), 884-889. PDF

44. Wheatley, J.R., Apicella, C.L., Burriss, R.P., Cárdenas, R.A., Bailey, D., Welling, L.L.M., & Puts, D.A. (2014). Women's faces and voices are cues to reproductive potential in industrial and forager societies. Evolution and Human Behavior, 35, 264-271. PDF

43. Hill, A.K., Hunt, J., Welling, L.L.M., Cárdenas, R.A., Rotella, M.A., Wheatley, J.R., Dawood, K., Shriver, M.D., & Puts, D.A. (2013). Quantifying the strength and form of sexual selection on men’s traits. Evolution and Human Behavior, 34(5), 334-341. PDF

42. Jones, B.C., Fincher, C.L., Welling, L.L.M., Little, A.C., Feinberg, D.R., Watkins, C.D., Al-Dujaili, E.A.S., & DeBruine, L.M. (2013). Salivary cortisol and pathogen disgust predict men's preferences for feminine shape cues in women's faces. Biological Psychology, 92, 233-240. PDF

41. Pham, M.N., Shackelford, T.K., Sela, Y., & Welling, L.L.M. (2013). Is cunnilingus-assisted orgasm a male sperm-retention strategy? Evolutionary Psychology, 11(2), 405-414. PDF

40. Pham, M.N., Shackelford, T.K., Welling, L.L.M., Ehrke, A.D., Sela, Y., & Goetz, A.T. (2013). Oral sex, semen displacement, and sexual arousal: Testing the ejaculate adjustment hypothesis. Evolutionary Psychology,11(5), 1130-1139. PDF

39. Puts, D.A., Bailey, D.H., Cárdenas, R.A., Burriss, R.P., Welling, L.L.M., Wheatley, J.R., & Dawood, K. (2013). Women's attractiveness changes with estradiol and progesterone across the ovulatory cycle. Hormones and Behavior, 63, 13-19. PDF

38. Tinlin, R.M., Watkins, C.D., Welling, L.L.M., DeBruine, L.M., Al-Dujaili, E.A., & Jones, B.C. (2013). Perceived facial adiposity conveys information about women’s health. British Journal of Psychology, 104, 235-248. PDF

37. Welling, L.L.M. (2013). Psychobehavioral effects of hormonal contraceptive use. Evolutionary Psychology, 11(3), 718-742. PDF

36. Welling, L.L.M., Persola, L., Wheatley, J.R., Cárdenas, R.A., & Puts, D.A. (2013). Competition and men’s face preferences. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 414-419. PDF

35. Welling, L.L.M., Singh, K., Puts, D.A., Jones, B.C., & Burriss, R.P. (2013). Self-reported sexual desire in homosexual men and women predicts preferences for sexually dimorphic facial cues. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 42(5), 785-791. PDF

34. Puts, D.A., Dawood, K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2012). Why women have orgasms: An evolutionary analysis. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 41, 1127-1143. PDF

33. Puts, D.A., Welling, L.L.M., Burriss, R.P., & Dawood, K. (2012). Men's masculinity and attractiveness predict their female partners' reported orgasm frequency and timing. Evolution and Human Behavior, 33(1), 1-9. PDF

32. Welling, L.L.M., Puts, D.A., Roberts, S.C., Little, A.C., & Burriss, R.P. (2012). Hormonal contraceptive use and mate retention behavior in women and their male partners. Hormones and Behavior, 61, 114-120. PDF

31. Burriss, R.P., Roberts, S.C., Welling, L.L.M., Puts, D.A., & Little, A.C. (2011). Heterosexual romantic couples mate assortatively for facial symmetry, but not masculinity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 37, 601-613. PDF 

30. Burriss, R.P., Welling, L.L.M., & Puts, D.A. (2011). Mate-preference drives mate-choice: Men's self-rated masculinity predicts their female partner's preference for masculinity. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 1023-1027. PDF

29. Burriss, R.P., Welling, L.L.M., & Puts, D.A. (2011). Men’s attractiveness predicts their preference for female facial femininity when judging for short-term, but not long-term, partners. Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 542-546. PDF 

28. DeBruine, L.M., Jones, B.C., Little, A.C., Crawford, J.R., & Welling, L.L.M. (2011). Further evidence for regional variation in women's masculinity preferences. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 278, 813-814. PDF

27. Jones, B.C., Little, A.C., Watkins, C.D., Welling, L.L.M., & DeBruine, L.M. (2011). Reported sexual desire predicts men’s preferences for sexually dimorphic cues in women’s faces. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40(6), 1281-1285. PDF 

26. Puts, D.A., Barndt, J.L., Welling, L.L.M., Dawood, K., & Burriss, R.P. (2011). Intrasexual competition among women: Vocal femininity affects perceptions of attractiveness and flirtatiousness. Personality and Individual Differences, 50(1), 111-115. PDF

25. Vukovic, J., Jones, B.C., Feinberg, D.R., DeBruine, L.M., Smith, F.G., Welling, L.L.M., & Little, A.C. (2011). Variation in perceptions of physical dominance and trustworthiness predicts individual differences in the effect of relationship context on women's preferences for masculine pitch in men's voices. British Journal of Psychology, 102, 37-48. PDF 

24. Welling, L.L.M., Burriss, R.P., & Puts, D.A. (2011). Mate retention behavior modulates men’s preferences for self-resemblance in infant faces. Evolution and Human Behavior, 32(2), 118-126. PDF

23. Bestelmeyer, P.E.G., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., Schneider, A., Welling, L.L.M., & Conway, C.A. (2010). Face aftereffects suggest interdependent processing of expression and sex and expression and race. Visual Cognition, 18, 255-274. PDF

22. DeBruine, L.M., Jones, B.C., Crawford, J.R., Welling, L.L.M., & Little, A.C. (2010). The health of a nation predicts their mate preferences: Cross-cultural variation in women's preferences for masculinized male faces. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277(1692), 2405-2410. PDF

21. DeBruine, L.M., Welling, L.L.M., Jones, B.C., & Little, A.C. (2010). Opposite effects of visual versus imagined presentation of faces on subsequent sex perception. Visual Cognition, 18, 816-828. PDF

20. Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Main, J.C., Little, A.C., Welling, L.L.M., Feinberg, D.R., & Tiddeman, B.P. (2010). Facial cues of dominance modulate the short-term gaze-cuing effect in human observers. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 277, 617-624. PDF 

19. Jones, B.C., Main, J.C., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., & Welling, L.L.M. (2010). Reading the look of love: Sexually dimorphic cues in opposite-sex faces influence gaze-categorization. Psychological Science, 21, 796-798. PDF 

18. Vukovic, J., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Feinberg, D.R., Smith, F.G., Little, A.C., Welling, L.L.M., & Main, J.C. (2010). Women’s own voice pitch predicts their preferences for masculinity in men’s voices. Behavioral Ecology, 21, 767-772. PDF

17. Smith, F.G., DeBruine, L.M., Jones, B.C., Krupp, D.B., Welling, L.L.M., & Conway, C.A. (2009). Attractiveness qualifies the effect of observation on trusting behavior in an economic game. Evolution and Human Behavior, 30, 393-397. PDF

16. Smith, F.G., Jones, B.C., Little, A.C., DeBruine, L.M., Welling, L.L.M., Vukovic, J., & Conway, C.A. (2009). Hormonal contraceptive use and perceptions of trust modulate the effect of relationship context on women's preferences for sexual dimorphism in male face shape. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 7, 195-210. PDF 

15. Smith, F.G., Jones, B.C., Welling, L.L.M., Little, A.C., Vukovic, J., Main, J.C., & DeBruine, L.M. (2009). Waist-hip ratio predicts women's preferences for masculine male faces, but not perceptions of men's trustworthiness. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 476-480. PDF

14. Vukovic, J., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., Feinberg, D.R., & Welling, L.L.M. (2009). Circum-menopausal effects on women's judgements of facial attractiveness. Biology Letters, 5, 62-64. PDF

13. Welling, L.L.M., Bestelmeyer, P.E.G., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., Conway, C.A., & Jones, B.C. (2009). View-contingent aftereffects suggest joint coding of face shape and view. Perception, 38, 133-141. PDF

12. Welling, L.L.M., Jones, B.C., & DeBruine, L.M. (2009). Extraversion predicts individual differences in women’s face preferences. Personality and Individual Differences, 47, 996-998. PDF

11. Bestelmeyer, P.E.G., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., Perrett, D.I., Schneider, A., Welling, L.L.M., & Conway, C.A. (2008). Sex-contingent face aftereffects depend on perceptual category rather than structural encoding. Cognition, 107, 353-365. PDF

10. Conway, C.A., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., Hay, J., Welling, L.L.M., Perrett, D.I., & Feinberg, D.R. (2008). Integrating physical and social cues when forming face preferences: Differences among low and high anxiety individuals. Social Neuroscience, 3, 89-95. PDF

9. Vukovic, J., Feinberg, D.R., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Welling, L.L.M., Little, A.C., & Smith, F.G. (2008). Self-rated attractiveness predicts individual differences in women's preferences for masculine men's voices. Personality and Individual Differences, 45, 451-456. PDF

8. Welling, L.L.M., Jones, B.C., & DeBruine, L.M. (2008). Sex drive is positively associated with women's preferences for sexual dimorphism in men's and women's faces. Personality and Individual Differences, 44, 161-170. PDF

7. Welling, L.L.M., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., & Smith, F.G. (2008). Exposure to sexually attractive men decreases women’s preferences for feminine faces. Journal of Evolutionary Psychology, 6, 219-230. PDF

6. Welling, L.L.M., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Smith, F.G., Feinberg, D.R., Little, A.C., & Al-Dujaili, E.A.S. (2008). Men report stronger attraction to femininity in women’s faces when their testosterone levels are high. Hormones and Behavior, 54, 703-708. PDF

5. Conway, C.A., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Welling, L.L.M., Law Smith, M.J., Perrett, D.I., Sharpe, M., & Al-Dujalli, E.A. (2007). Salience of emotional displays of danger and contagion in faces is enhanced when progesterone levels are raised. Hormones and Behavior, 51, 202-206. PDF

4. Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., Conway, C.A., Welling, L.L.M., & Smith, F.G. (2007). Sensation seeking and men's face preferences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 439-446. PDF

3. Welling, L.L.M., Jones, B.C., DeBruine, L.M., Conway, C.A., Law Smith, M.J., Little, A.C., Feinberg, D.R., Sharp, M.A., & Al-Dujaili, E.A. (2007). Raised salivary testosterone in women is associated with increased attraction to masculine faces. Hormones and Behavior, 52, 156-161. PDF

2. Welling, L.L.M., Conway, C.A., DeBruine, L.M., & Jones, B.C. (2007). Perceived vulnerability to disease is positively related to the strength of preferences for apparent health in faces. Journal of Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology, 5, 131-139. PDF

1. Buckingham, G., DeBruine, L.M., Little, A.C., Welling, L.L.M., Conway, C.A., Tiddeman, B.P., & Jones, B.C. (2006). Visual adaptation to masculine and feminine faces influences generalized preferences and perceptions of trustworthiness. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27, 381-389. PDF

Other Publications

10. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). David Wasserman. In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

9. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Hormone assays. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

8. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Judith Jarvis Thomson. In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

7. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Ovulation. In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

6. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Philippa Foot. In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

5. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Psychology. In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

4. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). Robert Axelrod. In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

3. Welling, L.L.M. (2020). The Risk of a Lifetime. In T. K. Shackelford & V. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. Springer Publishing: New York, NY. PDF

2. Mogilski, J.K., & Welling, L.L.M. (2016). Honest signaling: A Review of Tucker Max & Geoffrey Miller, Mate. Evolutionary Psychological Science, 2(4), 374. PDF

1. Welling, L.L.M. (Dec. 2007). Time for T and masculine men? Testosterone levels linked to women’s preferences for masculine men. American Sexuality Magazine.​ National Sexuality Resource Center:  San Francisco, CA.