校 長 的 話

Principal's Words

現任校長  陳雅萍校長

(一) 學習優先 / Learning Before Everything


 School is the most important learning environment in a person's life, so creating a good learning atmosphere to provide students with a conducive learning environment is always the top priority of the school. Cultivating a strong foundation, whether it's in the subject-specific skills required during high school or in self-directed learning, service, or extracurricular activities, is a significant responsibility of the school. The principal is committed to creating a favorable learning environment where teachers can teach with peace of mind, and students can learn with confidence.

(二) 營造溫暖包容的校園 / Fostering a Warm and Inclusive Campus


  The principal leads by example, promoting a perspective of kindness and positivity, guiding students to strive for excellence and goodness. Through inclusive education during their school years, students learn to understand and empathize with others, shaping their lifelong values and bringing about lasting positive impacts.

(三) 相信教育帶來改變 / Believing in Education as a Catalyst for Change


  Maintaining the belief in "learning from the best" and having faith in each student's potential for self-improvement. The school must provide ample opportunities, set the best examples, allocate sufficient resources, and continually strive for better teaching to ensure that every student has a stage to showcase their talents.

(四) 誠懇聆聽與耐心溝通 / Sincere Listening and Patient Communication


  The school is an organic collective formed by students, teachers, and all stakeholders. The principal sincerely listens and seeks to understand the thoughts of all parties with goodwill, actively seeking common ground. Through effective communication, understanding is promoted, differences are resolved, and a strong teacher-student relationship is established, contributing to the achievement of the school's educational goals.