About Me

Hello! I am Wei Wei, an assistant professor in the Decision Sciences Department at Peter T. Paul College of Business and Economics in the University of New Hampshire.

I am interested in the domains of sustainable operations management and nonprofit operations. Currently, most of my research efforts are within the stream of social sustainability. My research helps government agencies and nonprofit organizations (nonprofits) improve their operational decisions under socially responsible goals (e.g., United Nations Sustainable Development Goals). I am also looking at mechanism designs that allow for-profit entities to be socially responsible while pursuing their other missions.

I have been working on projects involving subsidy welfare programs (e.g., housing rental programs and child care subsidy programs), which are motivated by my interactions with practitioners, including Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care and New England Farm Workers' Council. My papers have been published by journals Manufacturing & Service Operations Management and Production and Operations Management.

See more information below. 

Curriculum Vitae | SSRN | Official Website | Google Scholar | Email: wei.wei@unh.edu