

NSF EPSCoR Research Infrastructure Improvement Program: Track-2 Focused EPSCoR Collaboration: Using biophysical protein models to map genetic variation to phenotypes. August 1, 2017 – July 31, 2021. $6,000,000 total D⁣ $1,396109 D&IC to Brown University. Weinreich co-PI.

NSF Division of Environmental Biology, Evolutionary Genetics Cluster DEB-1556300 award. Collaborative Proposal: Risk and reward of high mutation rate: why large populations favor mutators while small populations inhibit them. Mar 1, 2016 – Feb 28, 2020. Weinreich PI $771,000 D&IC to Brown University. Includes $21,000 Research Experience for Teachers supplement awarded Feb 1, 2017.NIH RO1-GM095728. Developing and Testing a Novel Geometric Model of Protein Evolution. Sept 1, 2011 – Aug 31, 2018. Sole PI: DMW. $1,414,522.  

NSF Emerging Frontiers Award 1038657.  Inferring Biological Mechanism from Mutational Interactions.  Sept 15, 2010 – Aug 31, 2014. Sole PI: DMW. $259,079.

NIH RO1 GM079536. The Evolution of Malarial Antifolate Resistance. Mar 1, 2007 – Feb 29, 2012. Author and co-investigator: DMW. PI: Dr. Daniel L. Hartl. $1,600,000.

NSF Population Biology DEB Award 0343598. Molecular evolvability in theory and in a bacterial drug-resistance gene.  Feb 1, 2004 – Jan 31, 2007. Author and Co-investigator: DMW PI: Dr. Daniel L. Hartl.  $236,000.

NIH National Research Service Award F32 GM20736. Molecular evolution in the bacteriophage ф6 Aug 1, 2000 – Jul 31, 2003. Sole PI: DMW. $109,164

NSF Population Biology DEB Award 9981497. Recombination, dominance, and selection on amino acid mutations.  Mar 1, 2000 – Feb 28, 2002. Co-author and co-investigator: DMW PI: Dr. David Rand.  $172,367

NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant Award DEB-97000982. Oct 1, 1997 – June 1, 1998. Sole PI: DMW. $7,940.