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We deal with n-dimensional spacelike submanifolds immersed with parallel mean curvature vector h in a pseudo-Riemannian space form  𝐿_𝑞^{𝑛+𝑝}(𝑐) of index 1 ≤ qp and constant sectional curvature c ∈{− 1,0,1}. Considering the cases when h is either spacelike or timelike, we are able to prove that such a spacelike submanifold is either totally umbilical or it holds a lower estimate for the supremum of the norm of its traceless second fundamental form, occurring equality if the spacelike submanifold is pseudo-umbilical and its principal curvatures are constant. In our approach, we use three main core concepts: Stochastic completeness, parabolicity and L1-Liouville property. 

2. Barboza, Weiller F. C., de Lima H.F. and Velásquez M.A.L., Spacelike submanifold with parallel mean curvature vector in the Sitter space: Characterizations and gaps, Recondiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 64 (2024).

Our purpose is to establish new gap type and characterization results concerning n-dimensional spacelike submanifolds immersed with parallel mean curvature vector in the (𝑛+𝑝)-dimensional de Sitter space 

𝑆_𝑞^{𝑛+𝑝} of index q (1≤𝑞≤𝑝). Initially, by applying a weak form of the Omori–Yau maximum principle, we obtain sufficient conditions which guarantee that a stochastically complete spacelike submanifold 

𝑀^𝑛 immersed in 𝑆_𝑞^{𝑛+𝑝} is either totally umbilical or isometric to a maximal isoparametric spacelike submanifold. Furthermore, by assuming that either the Hilbert–Schmidt norm of the traceless second fundamental form of 𝑀^𝑛 converges to zero at infinity or that 𝑀^𝑛 has polynomial volume growth, we provide a set of geometric hypotheses which guarantee the umbilicity of 𝑀^𝑛.

3. Barboza, Weiller F. C. and de Lima H.F., On the rigidity of spacelike submanifolds with Gaussian mean curvature vector, Acta Mathematica Hungarica, 170, (2023), 323--329.

Under the hypothesis that the second fundamental form has finite 𝐶1 norm, we show that the n-dimensional spacelike hyperplanes of the (𝑛+𝑝)-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean space 𝑅_𝑝^𝑛+𝑝 of index p are the only complete spacelike submanifolds 𝑋:𝑀𝑛↬𝑅_𝑝^𝑛+𝑝 having polynomial f-volume growth, for 𝑓=|𝑋|^2/4, and parallel Gaussian mean curvature vector 𝜉, with|𝜉|^2 ≤ 2𝑝. When 𝑋:𝑀^𝑛 ↬ 𝑅_𝑝^𝑛+𝑝 is complete noncompact, supposing that the norm of the second fundamental form converges to zero at infinity, we also conclude that it must be an n-dimensional spacelike hyperplane of 𝑅_𝑝^𝑛+𝑝.

4. Barboza, Weiller F. C., de Lima H.F. and Velásquez M.A.L., Uniqueness and nullity of complete spacelike hypersurfaces immersed in the anti-De Sitter space, Annali Dell'Universittà Di Ferrara. Sezione 7: Scienze Matematiche. 69, (2023), 95--109.

Our aim in this paper is to study the uniqueness of complete spacelike hypersurfaces immersed in the anti-de Sitter space 

𝐻_1^{𝑛+1}, through the behavior of their higher order mean curvatures. This is done by applying a suitable maximum principle concerning smooth vector fields whose norm is Lebesgue integrable on a complete Riemannian manifold. We also infer the nullity of complete r-maximal spacelike hypersurfaces and, in particular, we establish a nonexistence result concerning complete 1-maximal spacelike hypersurfaces in 𝐻_1^{𝑛+1}. 

5. Barboza, Weiller F. C., de Lima H.F. and Velásquez M.A.L., Revisiting linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds immersed in a locally symmetric semi-Riemannian spaces, Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae. 64, (2023), p. 3961.

In this paper, we deal with $n$-dimensional complete linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds immersed with parallel normalized mean curvature vector field and flat normal bundle in a locally symmetric semi-Riemannian space $L_{p}^{n+p}$ of index $p>1$, which obeys some curvature constraints (such an ambient space can be regarded as an extension of a semi-Riemannian space form). Under appropriate hypothesis, we are able to prove that such a spacelike submanifold is either totally umbilical or isometric to an isoparametric submanifold of the ambient space. For this, we use three main core analytical tools: a suitable version of the Omori--Yau maximum principle, parabolicity with respect to a modified Cheng--Yau operator and a certain integrability property. 

6. Barboza, Weiller F. C., De Lima, Eudes L., H.F. de Lima and M.A.L. Velásquez, On the umbilicity of Linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds immersed in the de Sitter space, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 10, (2022), 1--12.

We investigate the umbilicity of n-dimensional complete linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds immersed with parallel normalized mean curvature vector field in the de Sitter space Sn p+p of index p > 1. We recall that a spacelike submanifold is said to be linear Weingarten when its mean curvature function H and its normalized scalar curvature R satisfy a linear relation of the type R = aH +b, for some constants a, b ∈ R. Under suitable constraints on the values of a and b, we apply a generalized maximum principle for a modified Cheng–Yau operator L in order to show that such a spacelike submanifold must be either totally umbilical or isometric to a product M1×M2×· · ·×Mk, where the factors Mi are totally umbilical submanifolds of Sn p+p which are mutually perpendicular along their intersections. Moreover, we also study the case in which these spacelike submanifolds are L-parabolic.

7. Barboza, Weiller F. C., de Lima H.F., Oliveira, A.M.S and Velásquez M.A.L., Complete spacelike hypersurfaces in the anti-De Sitter space: rigidity, nonexistence and curvature estimates, Colloquium Mathematicum 170, (2022), 253--273.

Our purpose is to investigate the geometry of complete spacelike hypersurfaces immersed in the anti-de Sitter space H^n+1_1. We start by proving rigidity results for such hypersurfaces under suitable constraints on their higher order mean curvatures. We also obtain a lower estimate for the index of minimum relative nullity for r-maximal spacelike hypersurfaces and a nonexistence result for 1-maximal spacelike hypersurfaces of H^n+1_1. Finally, we employ a technique due to Aledo and Alías (2000) to prove some curvature estimates for complete spacelike hypersurface of H^n+1_1; as a consequence, we get further nonexistence results. In particular, we show the nonexistence of complete maximal spacelike hypersurfaces in certain open regions of H^n+1_1. Our approach is mainly based on a suitable extension of the generalized maximum principle of Omori and Yau due to Alías, Impera and Rigoli (2012). 

8. Barboza, Weiller F. C., de Lima H.F. and Velásquez M.A.L., Gap type results for spacelike submanifolds with parallel mean curvature vector, Mathematica Scandinavica 128 (2022), 1--16.

We deal with 𝑛-dimensional spacelike submanifolds immersed with parallel mean curvature vector (which is supposed to be either spacelike or timelike) in a pseudo-Riemannian space form 𝐿_𝑞^{𝑛+𝑝}(𝑐) of index 1≤𝑞≤𝑝 and constant sectional curvature 

𝑐∈{−1,0,1}. Under suitable constraints on the traceless second fundamental form, we adapt the technique developed by Yang and Li (Math. Notes 100 (2016) 298–308) to prove that such a spacelike submanifold must be totally umbilical. For this, we apply a maximum principle for complete noncompact Riemannian manifolds having polynomial volume growth, recently established by Alías, Caminha and Nascimento.

9. Araújo, Jogli G, Barboza, Weiller F. C., H.F. de Lima and M.A.L. Velásquez, On the linear Weingarten spacelike submanifolds immersed in a locally symmetric semi-Riemannian space, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry/Beitrage Zur Algebra und Geome. 61, (2020), 267-282.

Let Mn be an n-dimensional complete linear Weingarten spacelike submanifold immersed with parallel normalized mean  curvature vector field and flat normal bundle in a locally symmetric semi-Riemannian space L_p^{n+p} of index p, which obeys standard curvature constraints (such an ambient space can be regarded as an extension of a semi-Riemannian space form). In this setting, our purpose is to establish sufficient conditions guaranteeing that such a spacelike submanifold Mn be either totally umbilical or isometric to an isoparametric hypersurface of a totally geodesic submanifold L_1^{n+1} → L_p^{n+p}, with two distinct principal curvatures, one of which is simple. Our approach is based on a suitable Simons type formula jointly with a version of the Omori–Yau’s generalized maximum principle for a Cheng–Yau’s modified operator.

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