Weight Loss Zone

Weight loss is the process of reduction in the total body mass by loss of fluid, body fat or lean mass. Weight loss can occur naturally due to balanced diet, exercises or physical work, or unintentionally due to malnourishment or diseases, or intentionally through changes in lifestyle or intake of supplements. Intentional weight loss is commonly referred to as slimming.

Causes of weight gain

There are many causes of weight gain and it varies from person to person. The following are the common causes of weight gain:

  • Overeating

  • Smoking & Drinking

  • Diseases

  • Reduced physical activity

  • Stress and Depression

Advantages of weight loss

Weight loss can have many advantages due to improved health condition and fitness. The following are some of the common benefits of weight loss:

  • Positive changes in appearance through slimming

  • Prevents progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes

  • Reduction in hypertension and health risks (like heart attacks)

  • Increase in fitness and physical activity

Popular weight loss techniques

There are many ways to achieve weight loss. The following are some of the most popular techniques to lose weight quickly:

  • A combination of balanced diet & exercises

  • A reduction of processed foods high in saturated fats, sugar and salt.

  • Low-carb diets (ketogenic diet, LCHF - low-carb high-fat diet, Low-carb Paleo diet, The Atkins diet, Eco-Atkins, Zero-carb, and Low-carb Mediterranian diet)

  • Surgery (Bariatric surgery, Lypo-suction surgery etc.)

  • Weight loss supplements

Weight loss industry

It is a known fact that weight loss takes a lot of time & efforts, which is a hassle for most of us. Every problem is an opportunity for an industry and weight loss is not an exception. These products claim to make weight loss quicker, easier, cheaper and less painful. The weight loss products include DVDs, CDs, Pills, Syrups, Body wraps, Powders, Cremes, Lotions, Body belts, books, courses, tutorials etc. There is also an enormous business of fitness centers, clinics and personal coaches, weight loss groups and food products. Most of these products claim to help you quickly lose weight without much efforts but it's better to use them along with diet and exercises. If you want to lose permanently and manage your weight for the rest of your life, then you should seriously consider a healthy lifestyle with balanced diet and exercises.

Fat burning zone

Fat burning zone is the MHR (maximum heart rate) of 50%-70% during exercising, which is considered optimal for losing weight. There is no scientific evidence suggesting the same. The fat burning zone is a myth and you should rather follow the proven methods like cardio for weight loss.

Fat burning zone calculator

You can calculate fat burning zone by using the following formula:

Fat burning zone = (220 - age) * 0.6

Fat burning zone differs from person to person. So, you need to calculate it for your age. For example, if your age is 30, then your fat burning zone is (220-30)*0.6 = 190*0.6 = 114. So, 114 is your optimal heart rate for weight loss.

Fat burning zone vs cardio zone

The maximum heart rate (MHR) differs between fat burning zone and cardio. While fat burning zone maintains the MHR below 65%, Cardio zone goes as high as 85% MHR.

Frequently asked questions

How to calculate maximum heart rate (MHR)?

MHR (maximum heart rate) = 220 - age

For example, if your age is 26, then your MHR is 220 - 26 = 194.

What is my fat burning zone?

Your fat burning zone is at around 60% of your MHR (maximum heart rate). First, you need to calculate MHR by using the formula 220-age, and then multiply it by 0.6 to get your fat burning zone.

Does higher heart rate burn more calories?

Yes. At higher heart rates, the body burns higher fat compared to other calorie sources such as carbohydrates.

What is the difference between cardio and fat burn?

The difference between cardio and fat burn is the intensity of workout. Fat burn mode maintains MHR below 65% while cardio mode lets us go as high as 85%.

Which heart rate zone burns the most calories?

The fat burning zone is at around 60% of your MHR. So, you can maintain your MHR between 50%-70% to burn most calories.

Is burning calories the same as burning fat?

No. You need to lose fat to get slimmer. Burning calories doesn't equate to burning fat.

How long to stay in fat-burning zone?

You should follow an interval of high-intensity and low-intensity exercises. If you're a beginner, stay in fat-burning zone for 15-20 minutes, and ideally 35-40 minutes. You should switch to low-intensity exercise for a short interval until your body relaxes, and then start high-intensity exercise in fat-burning zone again.

How do you know you are burning fat?

You will identify the zones of fat loss if you regularly inspect your body in the mirror. You'll find less fat stored around the stomach, hips, shoulders, and thighs.