趙偉崙    Wei-Lun (Harry) Chao's Website

   About Me

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the Ohio State University (OSU). My research interests are in machine learning and its applications to computer vision, autonomous driving, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, health care, etc. I am also the advisor of the OSU AI Club and the Buckeye AutoDrive Team for the SAE AutoDrive Challenge II.

Prior to joining OSU, I was a Postdoctoral Associate in Computer Science at Cornell University, working with Kilian Weinberger and Mark Campbell. Before that, I did my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Southern California (USC). My adviser was Fei Sha, and I had a great time working with many excellent people in the TEDS lab. Earlier, I obtained an MS degree in Communication Engineering from National Taiwan University and a BS degree in Communication Engineering from National Chiao Tung University

For more resources and information, please visit my GitHub and my former homepage.

You can also find my CV here.

Contact Information

 Google scholar page

Email: chao.209@osu.edu

Office: 587 Dreese Laboratories

What's New?

01/2025 - 4 ICLR papers are accepted
11/2024 - Tai-Yu (Daniel) Pan (https://tydpan.github.io/) successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and graduated! Congratulations! Our fourth OSU-MLB alumnus! 

09/2024 - 5 NeurIPS papers (including dataset & benchmark tracks) are accepted

07/2024 - Jihyung Kil (https://heendung.github.io/) successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and graduated! Congratulations! Our third OSU-MLB alumnus! 

07/2024 - 1 ECCV paper is accepted

06/2024 - BioCLIP (https://imageomics.github.io/bioclip/) won the best student paper award at CVPR 2024 (https://cvpr.thecvf.com/Conferences/2024/News/Awards)!

04/2024 - received OSU CSE 2024 Faculty Teaching Award.

02/2024 - 2 CVPR papers are accepted

01/2024 - 1 ICRA paper is accepted

01/2024 - 2 ICLR papers are accepted

11/2023 - Hong-You Chen (https://sites.google.com/view/hongyouc/about-me) successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and graduated! Congratulations! Our second OSU-MLB alumnus!

11/2023 - 2 papers are accepted to the NeurIPS workshop

09/2023 - 1  NeurIPS paper is accepted

08/2023 - our ONR STTR grant (Phase-2) is funded! Thank you, ONR!

07/2023 - 3 ICCV papers are accepted

04/2023 - our NIH R01 grant (led by Dr. Somashekar Krishna) is funded! Thank you, NIH and OSUMC!

03/2023 - Receive the OSU Lumley Research Award

02/2023 - 3 CVPR papers are accepted

01/2023 - 1 ICLR paper is accepted

01/2023 - 2 ICRA papers are accepted

12/2022 - 2 arXiv pre-prints are accessible: Visual query tuning and Pre-training for scene-text understanding

11/2022 - 1 paper accepted to AAAI 2023 (my first AAAI paper!)

10/2022 -  Check out the linear algebra slides for computer science:  link

10/2022 - Check out the OSU CSE foundation AI seminar for excellent talks: https://sites.google.com/view/osu-cse-ai-seminar/home 

09/2022 - 1 paper accepted to NeurIPS 2022

08/2022 - Cheng Zhang (https://czhang0528.github.io/) successfully defended his Ph.D. dissertation and graduated! Congratulations! Our first OSU-MLB alumnus!

07/2022 - 1 paper accepted to ECCV 2022

06/2022 - our ONR STTR grant is funded! Thank you, ONR!

04/2022 - we receive research funding from Cisco (sole-PI)! Thank you, Cisco!

03/2022 - 1 paper accepted by TPAMI

03/2022 - 3 papers accepted to CVPR 2022

01/2022 - 2 papers accepted to ICRA 2022

01/2022 - 3 papers accepted to ICLR 2022

09/2021 - excited to be part of two NSF-funded institutes: Imageomics and ICICLE

09/2021 - 2 papers accepted to NeurIPS 2021

08/2021 - 1 paper accepted to EMNLP 2021

07/2021 - our NSF CISE core program proposal is funded (site-PI)! Thank you, NSF!

07/2021 - 3 papers accepted to ICCV 2021

03/2021 - 1 paper accepted to NAACL 2021

01/2021 - 1 paper accepted to ICLR 2021

09/2020 - 1 paper accepted to NeurIPS 2020

08/2020 - Organize ECCV Workshop on Perception for Autonomous Driving [Link

07/2020 -  Organize ICML Workshop on AI for Autonomous Driving [Link]

03/2020 - 2 papers accepted to CVPR 2020

02/2020 - 1 arXiv paper on meta-learning

02/2020 - 1 DDW abstract accepted for lecture presentation

01/2020 - 1 paper, "Interactive Natural Language-based Person Search, " accepted by IEEE RAL and ICRA, 2020

01/2020 - 1 arXiv paper on imbalanced deep learning

12/2019 - 1 paper, "Pseudo-LiDAR++: Accurate Depth for 3D Object Detection in Autonomous Driving," accepted by ICLR 2020

12/2019 - I was selected as an outstanding reviewer in NeurIPS 2019 and I attended the conference for one poster presentation.

12/2019 - 1 paper, "Visual Question Answering on 360 Images," accepted by WACV 2020

09/2019 - 1 paper, "A New Defense Against Adversarial Images: Turning a Weakness into a Strength," accepted by NeurIPS 2019

08/2019 - Joining the Ohio State University as an Assistant Professor

07/2019 - 1 paper accepted by IJCV and 1 paper accepted by BMVC

06/2019 - Attending CVPR for a poster presentation [Link]

06/2019 - Organizing ICML Workshop on AI for Autonomous Driving [Link]

06/2019 - 1 paper accepted by IROS & IEEE RA-L

04/2019 - Media coverage of our paper "Pseudo-LiDAR from Visual Depth Estimation: Bridging the Gap in 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving" by Cornell Chronicle and NSF

03/2019 - 1 paper accepted by CVPR

12/2018 - 2 arXiv preprint papers, one on autonomous driving and the other on unified zero-shot learning

10/2018 - A new GitHub repository of our zero-shot learning algorithms (including SynC, EXEM, and the AUSUC metric) is released. [Link]

08/2018 - Start my postdoc at Cornell University

07/2018 - Invited talk at USC ISI on "Visual Question Answering--the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" [Slides]

06/2018 - Successfully defended my thesis on "Transfer Learning for Intelligent Systems in the Wild" [Slides]

06/2018 - Attending CVPR for two poster presentation and doctoral consortium

02-04/2018 - Invited talks at NVIDIA, ASU, OSU, Cornell, TTIC, U of Arizona, and Facebook AI on "Transfer Learning towards Intelligent Systems in the Wild" [Slides]

03/2018 - Invited talk at Google on "Zero-shot Learning for Visual Recognition in the Wild" [Slides]

02/2018 - 2 papers accepted by CVPR 2018, and 1 paper accepted by NAACL 2018

01/2018 - Become a Ph.D. candidate

07/2017 - 1 paper accepted by ICCV 2017

05/2017 - Summer intern in Microsoft Research Redmond

04/2017 - 1 arXiv preprint paper

04/2017 - Codes for our ECCV 2016 paper on LSTM-based video summarization are available now

01/2017 - Invited talks at NCTU, NTHU, and Academia Sinica on learning to share and zero-shot learning

10/2016 - Attending ECCV for a spotlight and poster presentation

08/2016 - Codes and data of our zero-shot learning paper in CVPR 2016 are released.

08/2016 - I will attend deep learning summer school in Montreal, CA.

07/2016 - 2 papers accepted by ECCV 2016

07/2016 - Attending CVPR for an oral and poster presentation

06/2016 - 3 arXiv preprint papers

04/2016 - 2 papers accepted by CVPR 2016