Data Protection/ GDPR
Client information and personal data is only to be used on lawful grounds with 'legitimate interest', essential in carrying out the normal architectural service (such as for Planning & Building Control submissions and liaison with potential builders by prior agreement)
It is naturally assumed that individual(s) by commissioning a project will agree to their data being processed sufficient to deliver that project, comprising their name, home/site address, telephone number and email address only. No other identifiable personal data is recorded, stored or shared.
The basic client information is held securely in an off-line data archive for the duration of the Professional Indemnity period, being 6 years beyond the date of completion.
Personal e-mails are only used for routine communication associated with the project and will not be used for unsolicited marketing.
The information is never sold to third parties or otherwise intentionally circulated for commercial gain by others.
Images and photographs of completed projects may be used for marketing purposes (such as this website), but no personal data will be divulged.
The above statement of intent is not intended to replace any additional Statutory rights under the data protection laws.