Luitgard Soni
Dr Luitgard Soni
born Scharfetter, in Innsbruck, Austria.
Pronouns: her, hers, sheE-Mail:
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1964: Matura, Innsbruck.
1967: Diploma in Medical-Technical Assistance, University-Hospital Innsbruck.
1970: Doctorate (Dr. Phil.), University Salzburg. Philosophy, Psychology. Title of the Dissertation: “Bemerkungen über das ‘Unaussprechliche’ in der Philosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins.” (“Remarks on the “Inexpressible” in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein.”)
1972: Diploma in Logopaedics (Speech-Therapy), University-Hospital Innsbruck.
1977: Diploma in Yoga, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
1978: Diploma in Hindi, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
1995: Speech-Science (DGSS), Universität Marburg.
2003: Diploma in Dyslexia-Therapy, Klagenfurt, Germany.
Languages: German (mother tongue), French, English, Hindi, Sanskrit/Prakrit
Professional Activities
In the field of Speech Science: Speech therapy in private praxis. Lecturer in the Institute of German Linguistics, Speech Science, University of Marburg, Germany.
In the field of Indian Studies: De Nobili Research Library, Department of Indology, University of Vienna, Austria. Part-time lecturer in the Department of Indology and Tibetology, University of Marburg, Germany.
Active participation in conferences internationally.
Edited books
2015: edited with Jayandra Soni: Sanmati. Essays in Honour of Professor Hampa Nagarajaiah. Bengaluru Sapna Book House.
1999: Charlotte Krause, Life and Literature, Varanasi: Parsvanatha Vidhyapith, (together with H. Banthia) .
1996: Alice Boner on Kathakali, Mumbai:Vakils and Sons (together with G. Boner and J. Soni).
1993: Alice Boner, Diaries India 1934–1967, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass (together with G. Boner, J. Soni).
1989: Diana Eck, Banaras, Stadt des Lichts, Inselverlag (together with B. Bäumer).
1989: Alice Boner, Artist and Scholar, Varanasi (together with J. Soni). Edited by Geogette Boner and Eberhard Discher. German title: Alice Boner und die Kunst Indiens. Varanasi: Bharat Kala Bhavan.
2006: Die Heiligenhetäre. Eine Yoga-Komödie, München: P. Kirchheim Vlg. (together with U. Roesler, J. Soni, R. Steiner, M. Straube).
2022: “The Lightness of the Jīva: Omniscience, Liberation and Bliss in a Jaina Text on ‘Ultimate Dying’” in: Mahinda Deegalle (ed.) Dharmayātrā. A Felicitation Volume in Honour of Venerable Tampalawela Dhammaratana. Paris: Nuvis éditions, 381–389.
2021a: Together with Jayandra Soni, “Der Kailash/Kailāsa im Kaleidoskop kultureller Betrachtung”. In: Thomas Steppan und Monika Fink (Hg.) Heilige Berge — Berge und das Heilige, Regensburg: Verlag Schnell & Steiner, pp. 119–133.
2021b: “Jaina Modes of Dying in Ārādhanā Texts” in International Journal of Jaina Studies, Volume 10–13, 2014–2017, pp. 33–46.
2020: Buchbesprechung (Book Review in German). Sugathakumari: Was habt ihr meiner Welt angetan? Ausgewählte Gedichte. Aus dem Malayalam übersetzt von Annakutty Valiamangalam K.-Findeis. Draupadi Verlag, Heidelberg 2020 in: Südasien 40. Jahrgang, Nr. 3/2020, S. 112.
2019a: together with Haiyan Hu-von Hinüber: "Reality and Factuality of Classical Indian Narratives" in Monika Fludernik and Marie-Laure Ryan (ed): Narrative Factuality: A Handbook. Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, pp. 677–690.
2019b: “The Section on Vijahaṇā (Disposal of a Corpse) in the Mūlārādhanā”. In Hampa Nagarajaiah and Jayandra Soni (eds), चारुश्री Cāruśrī Essays in Honour of Svasti Śrī Cārukīrti Bhaṭṭāraka Paṭṭācārya, Bengaluru: Supna Book House, 2019, pp. 223–227.
2018a: "Dying and Death in Jainism. Philosophical Anthropology of Samyaktva,". In Samani Chaitanya Prajna et al. (eds): A Scientific Approach to Reality. Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Jaina Philosophy held at … Mumbai. Ladnun: Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, pp. 261–272.
2018b: "International Prakrit Conference on Prakrit Literature and Culture". In: Jaina Studies Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, SOAS, March 2018, Issue 13, pp. 17–19. Available Online here:
2015a: “Narratives on World Tour”. In: Journal of International Philosophy, Tokyo: Toyo University , No. 4, pp. 261–265.
2015b: “Remarks on Jaina ‘Acts of Truth’”. In Luitgard Soni and Jayandra Soni (eds): Sanmati. Essays in Honour of Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah. Bengaluru, Sapna Book House pp. 383–390.
2014 a: “Jaina Modes of Dying in Ārādhanā Texts”. In: International Journal of Jaina Studies (Online), Vol. 10, No 2, pp. 1–14. Search here:, avKCyBXR-MA
2014 b: with Jayandra Soni: “Right Belief: The Jaina View”. In: He Is not Far From Any of Us: Festschrift für Hans-Jürgen Findeis. Ed. by: Annakutty Valiamangalam K. Findeis, et al. Bonn: Bier pp. 631–636.
2013: “The Buddhist and Jaina Studies Conference in Lumbini, Nepal”. In: Jaina Studies Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies (SOAS), Issue 8, pp. 21–23.
2012a: together with Jayandra Soni, “Sanskrit Studies in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. 1950-2010”. In: ॥षष्यब्दसंस्कृतम्॥ Sixty Years of Sanskrit Studies (1950–2010). Delhi: Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan/DK Printworld.
2012b: “Jaina Studies Section of the 15th World Sanskrit Conference”. In: Jaina Studies. Newsletter of the Centre of Jaina Studies, SOAS London, March 2012, Issue 7, pp. 2–23. Available online here:
2012c: Review of Mallinson, Sir James (ed., tr.): The Emperor of the Sorcerers by Budhasvāmin. In: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, Bd. 162, pp. 247–250.
2011: “Jaina Studies Panel at the 31st Deutsche Orientalistentag (DOT)". In: Jaina Studies. Newsletter of the Centre of Jain Jaina Studies, SOAS London, March 2011, Issue 6, pp. 20-21. Available online here:
2009: “Biogramme und Werkbeschreibungen von Jaina-Texten”. In: Kindlers Literatur Lexikon, 3., völlig neu bearbeitete Auflage. Hrsg. von Heinz Ludwig Arnold. Stuttgart/Weimar: Verlag J. B. Metzler.
2004: “She of whom one speaks in Jaina Exemplary Literature”. In: Aspects of the Female in Indian Culture. Indica et Tibetica, Marburg, pp. 67–77.
2003: “Concealing and Protecting. Stories on Upagūhana”. In: Piotr Balcerowicz (ed.): Essays in Jaina Philosophy and Religion. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, pp. 227–236.
2002: “Bemerkungen zum ‘Akt der Wahrheit’”. In: Dragomir Dimitrov et al. (eds): Śikhisamuccayaḥ, Indian and Tibetan Studies, Wien: Arbeitskreis für tibetische und buddhistische Studien Universität Wien, pp. 193–202. In the series: Wiener Studien zur Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde, 53.
1997: “Charlotte Krause (1895–1980) Indologist and Jaina Scholar”. In: Bulletin d'études indiennes, 15, pp. 299–310.
1986: “Toward an Appreciation of H.W. Schomerus”. In: Śaiva Siddhānta Perumaṇṛam: Muttu-Vilā Malar (80th Anniversary Volume). Ed. P. Thirugnanasambandhan. Madras: Śaiva Siddhānta Perumaṇṛam, 1986.