
I'm involved in many areas of service to my community, my university, and the research community at large.

In 2013 I founded the Topeka Science Cafe - a casual public forum for people of any age and background to learn about local scientists and their work. If you'd like to keep up with our events, join our group on Facebook.

I actively involve students in research projects.

I'm active in public outreach in physics and astronomy. Frequent presenter for school, community and religious groups in Topeka, Lawrence, Kansas City and elsewhere.

I'm a member of organizing committees for Washburn’s annual student research forum, the Apeiron, as well as for the annual Mid-American Regional Astrophysics Conference.

I'm a frequent reviewer for articles submitted to professional journals including Astrobiology, Annales Geophysicae, and the International Journal of Astrobiology. For more details, see my profile on Publons.