Mauro Gacci, MD, PhD

Mauro Gacci, MD, PhD

Director, Department Urology

University of Florence, Italy

Mauro Gacci is Medical Director at the Unit of robotic surgery, minimally invasive surgery and kidney transplantation at the University Hospital Careggi, Florence, Italy. He qualified in medicine in 1997, became an accredited urologist in 2002, and he has been a staff member of University Hospitals Careggi since 2004.

He is a member of the European Association of Urology (EAU) Guidelines working group on non-neurogenic male LUTS, including benign prostatic obstruction. He has authored the International Consultation of Urologic Disease (ICUD) Guideline on Male Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction. He is a member of the committee on LUTS of the Societè Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) Academy.

He is an active member of many international and national scientific societies, including EAU, SIU, SIUD. Professor Mauro Gacci’s research interests include: preclinical, medical and surgical studies on LUTS due to BPH, prostate cancer and radical prostatectomy, robotic surgery, quality of life after oncologic surgery, comprising post-prostatectomy erectile dysfunction and incontinence.

He has authored 290 indexed publications, including text-books of urologic surgery and international guidelines, with an H-Index of 36. He is a reviewer for several urologic and non-urologic journals including European Urology, Journal of Urology, Urology, The Prostate, Prostate cancer and prostatic disease, British Journal of urology, World Journal of Urology, Urologia Internationalis, Journal of sexual medicine, Asian Journal of Andrology.