Cláudia Vieira, PhD

Vladimiro Silva, PharmD

CEO e Diretor Laboratorial IVF


Name: Vladimiro Jorge da Cruz Rodrigues da Silva

DOB: October 10th, 1975

Nationality: Portuguese

Languages spoken: Portuguese (mother language); fluent in English, French and Spanish; basic knowledge of Italian and German.

Graduated studies:

  • Doctor of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Coimbra, Portugal (1993-1999)

Post-graduated studies:

  • Post-graduated in Clinical Analysis, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto (1999-2001)

  • Post-graduated in Health Services Management and Administration, Porto Business School, Faculty of Economics, University of Porto (2005-2006);

  • Master in Health Economics and Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (2002-2006).

Positions in Scientific Societies:

  • Member of the Direction of the Coimbra Section of the Portuguese Pharmacists Association (2007-2012)

  • Vice-president and founding member of the Portuguese Society of Clinical Pharmacy and Farmacotherapy (2011)

Positions in State Institutions:

  • Ministry of Health: consultant for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (2007-2008)

  • General-directorate of Health: consultant for the National Program for Reproductive Health (since 2008)

Professional activity:

  • Community pharmacy manager between 1999 and 2008 at Farmácia Campos

  • CEO and IVF Lab Director at Ferticentro (since 2003)

  • Member of the Health Technology Assessment Unit at AIBILI – Association for Innovation and Biomedical Research on Light and Image (2008 to 2012)

  • CEO and founder of Procriar (since 2018).

Scientific activity:

  • Author or co-author of several scientific articles, conferences and oral communications.