Best (FREE) Web Development Courses for Beginners

Best (FREE) Web Development Courses for Beginners

Are you ready to go aboard on an exciting learning spree of web development? Whether you want to start a career in web development or plainly learn and increase your skills, the resources are limitless. Through this blog, I'm sharing some of the best courses and training material to get you started on the long and adventurous web development path. These resources will provide the rock-solid foundation to build your web development skyscraper. So, let's dive in and kickstart your web development journey!

Codecademy: Learning by Doing

Codecademy has earned its reputation as one of the most beginner-friendly platforms for learning web development. What sets Codecademy apart is its hands-on approach to teaching. Instead of bombarding you with theory, you'll immediately dive into coding exercises and real projects. The platform offers courses in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. You'll build your web projects from scratch while gaining valuable experience.

One standout feature of Codecademy is its interactive coding console. As you learn, you can practice coding directly in your browser, receiving instant feedback on your work. This helps reinforce your understanding and corrects mistakes in real time. Codecademy offers a free plan, but you can opt for a pro membership for more in-depth content and guidance. 


Codecademy Logo
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: A World of Knowledge

Khan Academy is renowned for its wide range of educational resources, and web development is no exception. Khan Academy offers courses in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. What sets Khan Academy apart is its approachable video tutorials and interactive exercises. The bite-sized video lessons make it easy to grasp new concepts, while the hands-on coding challenges help reinforce your skills.

Khan Academy's courses are self-paced. Khan Academy offers something for everyone, whether you are new to web development or looking to polish your skills. Plus, it's entirely free, making quality education accessible to all. Khan Academy's commitment to providing a world-class education aligns perfectly with its mission to empower learners worldwide.


Coursera: Top-Tier Courses for Free

Coursera is a well-known platform for online learning, and while many of its courses are paid, it also offers free options. Top universities and institutions provide Coursera's web development courses. One standout offering is the "Web Design for Everybody" specialization by the University of Michigan. This comprehensive program covers HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, making it an excellent choice for beginners. 

While Coursera offers free access to course materials, you can opt for a paid certificate to demonstrate your skills to potential employers. With Coursera, you get the best of both worlds: top-tier education and flexibility.

Course Link:

Coursera Logo
Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Logo

Mozilla Developer Network: The Web Developer's Bible

The Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) is a goldmine of information for web developers. While it's not a traditional course platform, MDN offers extensive documentation and tutorials on web technologies.

MDN is an invaluable resource for learners who enjoy digging deep into documentation. It covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and much more, providing clear explanations and examples. Whether you're trying to understand a specific CSS property or need guidance on JavaScript functions, MDN has you covered. And the best part? It's entirely free and always up-to-date.


Google's Learn with the Pros is Google's initiative to help developers build modern, high-performance websites. It offers a wealth of resources for web developers, and they're all free.

One of the standout features of is its detailed, interactive guides on web fundamentals. From responsive design to accessibility, these guides cover essential topics with clarity and depth. You'll also find hands-on labs and tutorials that allow you to apply what you've learned.'s resources are designed to help you create websites that are highly functional and optimized for performance—a valuable skill in today's web development landscape.


Google's Web.Dev Logo
Udemy Logo

Udemy: Affordable Learning with Free Options

Udemy is well-known for its wide range of online courses. Though many are paid, numerous free web development courses are available to strengthen your web development game. So, head to the Udemy website and search for web development. Filter out the results for free. You are now golden.


W3Schools: Learning at Your Own Pace

W3Schools is a beloved resource among web developers. It's not a traditional course platform but an online tutorial library. What makes W3Schools so popular is its simplicity and practicality.

W3Schools offers a wide range of tutorials on web development technologies. Some notable technologies include HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. Each tutorial includes clear explanations and interactive code examples. It's an ideal resource for those who prefer learning at their own pace and want quick answers to specific questions. W3Schools' "Try It Yourself" feature allows you to experiment with code in real-time, making it easier to understand how things work.


W3Schools Logo

With these top-notch (and free) web development courses, you're well on your way to mastering the art of building websites and web applications. Whether you're interested in front-end development, back-end programming, or becoming a full-stack developer, these resources offer a solid foundation. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your favorite code editor, and let the learning begin!